Friday 11/23/12 Weigh In

Opening Thread For everyone to post as Friday rolls around. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and is able to spend and enjoy time with their family and friends.

Please remember to offer support, encouragement, and suggestions to any or all members, we are here for each other to succeed!

Make the group even better by spreading the word and getting other active members to Join Us! The direct link to the group can be posted in your newsfeed, blogs, or any message board you post on. Here is the group link:

Have A Great Day! :bigsmile:


  • lhs1965
    lhs1965 Posts: 99 Member
    Had a great Thanksgiving as I hope all of you did too. My goal for December is to get under 200 lbs and keep my holiday grazing under control.

    Highest Weight (HW) : 237 Lbs ( April 2012)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 232.76 Lbs (8 August 2012)
    Last Week Nov 16 (LW) : 205.8 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 205 Lbs
    Change +/- : -0.8 Lbs
    Goal Weight : 155
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    Missed last week because I was on vacation, but walked over 20 miles in 3 days.

    Today was 116.6. Finally seeing some positive movement!
  • Well it is Friday here it goes 156.8 I don't count ounces but I really didn't want to think that I didn't gain anything because I ate everything in site yesterday. So I am up 0.8 I hope everybody had a happy TD. Weigh in next week. Good luck
  • LoriA6724
    LoriA6724 Posts: 99 Member
    Happy Friday! I made it through the Thanksgiving dinner and did a much better job than I thought I would. I was really dreading this weigh in today.

    SW: 161.6
    11/2/12: 154.6
    11/9/12: 155.3 up .7 lbs
    11/16/12 153.3 down 2 lbs
    11/23/12 153.3
    GW: 120

    I didn't lose this week, but I didn't gain. I'll take that!
  • Highest Weight (HW) : 388 Lbs (20 August 2012)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 382 Lbs (11 September 2012)
    Last Week (LW): 334.8 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 326.2 Lbs
    Change +/- :-8.6 Lbs
    Goal Weight : < 200 Lbs (I Will Know When I Get There :happy: )

    Starting BMI 51.8 - Morbid Obesity************************Current BMI 44.21 Morbid Obesity
    Starting RMR 3071****************************************Current RMR 2724
    Starting BMR 3074 *************************************** Current BMR 2726
    Starting TDEE 3688 **************************************Current TDEE 3271
    Starting DCC 4022 ***************************************Current DCC 3505
    Starting LBM 184 Lbs ************************************Current LBM 182 Lbs
    Starting BF 198 Lbs **************************************Current BF 144 Lbs

    All stats obtained from:
    {Body Mass Index (BMI): Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): Daily Caloric Consumption (DCC): Lean Body Mass (LBM): Body Fat (BF)}


    Do Something and Enjoy it Tomorrow, Do Nothing and Regret it Tomorrow. Your Future is up to You!
  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great TG. We do not celebrate ours until tomorrow when all the hunters come back.
    I am not logging again until next Monday when I get back on track.
    I haven't gained but haven't lost either.:frown: These odd holiday weeks have me all out of sinc. I am not over eating but not really paying too much attenion.
    John, your success is such an inspiration to me! Keep on truckin' my friend.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend & upcoming week.

    :) Lauren:drinker:
  • Start weight: 218 (24th Oct)
    Goal weight: 168
    Current weight: 211

    So got to 211 on 2nd November - then went up to 213 on 19th November then back down to 211 as of yesterday; don't quite know what's going on but I'm just grateful it wasn't by much.

    Well done to everyone else though! Good job guys.
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    1.6 lbs down this week!!! :bigsmile:

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/05 - 206.5
    10/12 - 205.0
    10/19 - 203.2
    10/26 - 203.9
    11/02 - 202.5.
    11/09 - 201.0
    11/16 - 199.6
    11/23 - 198.0
  • oops i totally forgot to log my kg. so here i go..

    Start weight: 53
    Goal weight: 48
    Current weight: 49.7

    now im more thinking about loosing the inches, not the kgs, cuz no matter how hard i try, its hard to move the scale. So i got a question: how many inches is healthy/safe to lose in a week?
    Thankss :)
    Hope everyone had an awesome thanksgiving and have a great weekend!!!
  • Shadesofjade
    Shadesofjade Posts: 15 Member
    Sw 142
    Lw 127
    Lost 1.6
    Cw 125.4
    gw 120
  • SW: 230
    LW: 209.8
    CW: 208.6

    Lost 1.2 pounds since the 11/16/12 weigh in for a total of 21.4 pounds lost overall since 9/11/12.
  • @Katy, That is not a question that can be answered. The inches change based on toning up, and no one knows how many inches they will lose.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Ugh! I'm up almost 2lbs. Dangit!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hi Everyone! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I missed last week because I was having internet trouble. I could log in on my phone but couldn't get to groups. Gained .5 lb but will keep working at it.

    SW: 172
    LW: 167.7
    CW: 166.5
    GW: 147
  • jenn11411
    jenn11411 Posts: 45 Member
    somehow i stayed the same again this week. thankful for this since i thought i surely gained!
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    SW; 203
    GW: 148

    So did have a loss of 0.4 Well the line is still going down that is a plus.

    I Could some off you active and nice people add me as a friend? I'm starting logging again today and i really need active friends to get a bit off motivation back. I find logging very hard because i don't know how to log some food.

    I will make a grosery list for next week planning my meals maybe that will help. I want to lose more weight. I Will get my HRM Next week i'm really exited about that i know that will motivate me to run more often and my hubby will help me with weightlifting so i think i have a plan that may work but we will have to see!
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Hope you people had a nice thanksgiving! We have nog thanksgiving in the Netherlands But we do have to many holidays with a lot of nice foods that are really bad for you hihi.

    I saw that some people did REALY well!! Good job and keep it up ik hope to be one of you next week.

    For all the people that gained, Keep going we will see some loss next week!
  • @Tisch, from 170.2 to 168.2 is a loss of 1.4. So see, that is better than you thought, good job!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I forgot to weigh on Friday so my weight this week is from Saturday and it was pretty good expecially considering not logging and eating more than I should have on Thursday.

    10/05 - 171.2 ......starting weight
    10/12 - 168.8 ......down 2.4 this week. Thats probably just normal fluctuation though.
    10/19 - ..................very sick, didnt get on scale :-(
    10/26 - 167 ..........Great weigh in!!
    11/02 - 173 ..........Terrible weigh in after a full week of eating bad and not exercising :-(
    11/09 - 171.8 .......Another bad week
    11/16 - 174.4 .......This is getting depressing, lol
    11/24 - 172.0........down 2.4!!! I need more weeks like this!
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