Exercising through fatigue

longbird Posts: 48 Member
Is anyone here having to deal with post-treatment fatigue? How do you work through it to make sure your getting at least a little exercise?

I've got it bad at the moment. Before all the cancer crap I used to go to Curves two or three times a week and walked a couple miles a day, and I'm really missing being that active. Earlier in the year, when I was about 6 months post-treatment, I felt like my energy was coming back and got stuck right into my Wii Fit and resistance band routines, and even tried a bit of Zumba though didn't have the stamina for a full class. A few months later I'm knackered again. Late-developing side-effects have probably got a lot to do with that (IBS-like bowel problems, something for another thread!) but I probably didn't help myself by overdoing it. So how can I take it easier but still make sure I'm keeping moving?


  • lingenft
    lingenft Posts: 6 Member
    Just found your question. I've had similar issues with fatigue. I go to the gym everyday except the days I have treatments. I have great support there, so I go and just do what I can for the day. If I'm especially tired, I walk about 20 minutes and then do stretches or lift light weights. I don't overdo it, but I just move. Having people to cheer me on at the gym is a plus!
  • longbird
    longbird Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for your reply Lingenft. I'm jealous of your gym, sounds great.

    I've being keeping up with the resistance bands and trying out yoga - so far so good!