Does this ever end?

kellison89 Posts: 33 Member
I was diagnosed with PCOS in March of this year and my obgyn put me on the pill. After the diagnosis I did some (admittedly light) research and everything I was reading said I needed to lose weight to help with my symptoms. That brought me here. My biggest question is:

Have you, or someone you know, lost weight and gotten off the pill and had no symptoms? If I was at the "normal" weight for someone with my height, would I be able to stop with the pill and be fine?


  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I think the degree to which everyone's symptoms persist varies (there are non-overweight women who struggle with PCOS), but in my experience, my symptoms get much better. More regular and normal cycles without the pill, better skin, better blood sugar. So yes, losing weight can make life much better for a PCOS sufferer. The pill masks the period related symptoms more than it treats the disorder.
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 18. I had gone 2 years without a period. I was on the pill from 18-28. In those 10 years my weight fluctuated from 275-360ish. Some of the symptoms of PCOS went away. The dark coloring on my arm pits, thighs, and neck went away. This past June I took myself off of the pill. My husband and I wanted to try to have children, I have had a regular period every month. I haven't talked to my ob/gyn about having children or my PCOS but plan to soon (during my yearly appt, next month). I would say most of the symptoms of PCOS for me are gone. I still do loose a lot of hair, But I am taking Biotin. I never had dark hair on my toes or fingers, I do still have the PCOS belly (but has lessened some since I have lost over 100 pounds).
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    The first time I was trying to get pregnant, I noticed a huge difference with only losing like 10-15 lbs. I got pregnant pretty quickly after that. This time, I've lost over 20 and am on Metformin and I'm starting to see my cycle normalize now. I was having horrible hair loss but that went away as soon as I started Metformin. I am still very apple shaped.
  • morgycg
    morgycg Posts: 38 Member
    I think it depends on what symptoms you currently experience and which ones you are trying to get rid of. I have always been within the normal weight range for my height, yet have always had irregular periods regardless of my weight. When I was younger, I went a long time without a period. Now, I have periods/spotting too frequently. The only thing that has ever given me a consistent cycle is birth control. Through diet and exercise I have been able to maintain normal blood sugar levels. I do notice that when I focus on eating lots of fruits and vegetables, my skin appears healthier, and I obviously have more energy and feel better. So I would say that you can definitely improve some symptoms through weight loss and eating healthy (plant-based) foods, but you may not be able to get rid of all your symptoms and be "cured" unfortunately.