Hi I'm New :)

welfeln Posts: 58 Member
Hey there! I'm new to this group and to the message boards of MFP. I've been using the MFP app on my phone for roughly a month now and decided to jump on the computer to check out the boards for some extra encouragement. :)

I am a new first time mommy to my son Owen who is 14 weeks tomorrow. I love being a mom! I gained 40 pounds when I was pregnant and was shocked that I lost about 30 of those pounds in the first couple weeks. While that weight flew off, I'm finding it's taking A LOT to loose the remaining 10 (plus a few extra) pounds. I'm excited to have found this board and while I'm super motivated at the moment, I'm hoping that coming here will help keep me motivated for the long haul!

:) Nicole

- I'm looking for friends so if you are too, please add me! :)


  • Chriscadia
    Chriscadia Posts: 21 Member
    I'm new too :)
    I gave birth to my daughter on Nov 5th, I also have a 3yr old son.
    I was able to lose the weight the first time around but gained some when we were trying to conceive our second.
    I gained 45lbs this pregnancy and lost 12 after I got out of the hospital.
    Hopefully we can support each other and get to our goals. I've got quite a bit to lose!
  • kmerfeld
    I am new here also!! I have 3 boys ages 10, 5, and 4 weeks!! I would love to connect with other new moms that are trying to shed the baby weight!! Any tips or advise is welcome!!
  • MsGreenberg32
    Hi I'm new join today long way to go but happy I am not alone in doing this, :) I have 6 kids ages 10 to 1 ready to shed the baby weight. and take care of me now, like to meet new friend and advise are very much welcome :)
  • cygnet246
    Welcome! My daughter, my third child, is 4 mo old. My pants still don't fit although I lost all the weight I gained . I'm finding MFP very helpful in getting enough calories for breastfeeding, but not so many I don't lose anything.

    I hope you guys enjoy it here...and feel free to add me.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I am a new mom... but not new to MFP. I lost a bunch of weight before getting pregnant. I luckily didn't gain all my weight back. I have another 13 lbs to get back to pre-preg weight but still have more to lose afterwards.

    Feel free to add me :)