Daily Encouragement

Ladies, this is your opportunity to pat yourself on the back and allow others to congratulate you for a job well-done. Doesn't have to be some grand feat, it can be as small as, I completed my workout today or I was finally able to get all of my fruits and veggies in. Starting and keeping good habits can be difficult, let us spur you on to greatness!

This post is for Nov 26-Dec 1


  • Orchidbea
    Orchidbea Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you, I needed that and your challenge. I earned 4 points today and I am happy with my accomplishment today!
  • Great job! I got my 4 points too!
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    this is such a great community! I earned 4 points yesterday and I am off to a good start today!!! love that I can be held accountable to others, even if I never meet them! thanks all!
  • Faith175
    Faith175 Posts: 7 Member
    Got my 4 points yesterday! I'm working on my 4 points today, although I am feeling tired, gotta get up and MOVE!
  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    I joined late in the day yesterday and had a busy evening with church and baby so only got in 3 due to not getting in excersize but i will be all over it today. Already have 2 of the 4 for today! :)
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I did get my 4 pts in yesterday too! But today might not be as good. My head feels like it's going to explode with my sinuses and I am seriously dragging. :frown:
  • I totally understand. Try using a Netty Pot. My mom told me about it when I got sick over Thanksgiving and now I can breathe, though I'm still a little congested. I'm going to miss my class tonight, but am going to walk for 20 minutes on the treadmill. I hope you feel better.
  • That's wonderful! Looks like you have your hands full. If at all possible, it may work out to your benefit to get your 20 minutes in first thing in the morning before the baby wakes up and life is a little less predictable. Let me know how it works out for you. @jainmesoo

    I am so encouraged to see you all put points on the board! Sick or not, I'm going to get my 4 points today :-)
  • i only got three points yesterday didnt eat enough veggies gonna try to get all four today continue being AWESOME everyone!!!!
  • Yay so glad it is a daily check in. I missed that somehow. Will we have a new daily thread?

    I only ended up with 2 points yesterday. I guess I assumed I would get to 4 with no problem. Today I will pay more attention. I also printed off the rules. One for work and one for home this will help me keep focus. :)

    Super excited that there are so many of us joining along.
  • @lessismore Great suggestion. I will try to start one once a week because I hope to be on here daily, but honestly, it may not happen. You are right. Easy to get side tracked. I had a tangerine for dessert because I needed one more fruit or veggie last night.
  • EconMama
    EconMama Posts: 10 Member
    I got my four points yesterday and today. I'm really happy to have a place to check in daily and find encouragement to stick with the plan!
  • zenyacleveland
    zenyacleveland Posts: 45 Member
    11/26/12 - 3 points
    11/27/12 - 4 points

    This challenge is just what I needed.
    have a good week everyone.
  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    Got in my 4 points yesterday! I had a GREAT workout at the gym last night. I am on daycare duty today so I am hoping to get in some kettlebell at home this evening before the hubby gets home. :D WOOP WOOP!! THIS IS FUN!!
  • Great job Ladies!

    I got too busy to eat my afternoon snack and I'm not hungry now, so I will have to settle for 3 points today. I only had 4/5 servings of fruits &/or veggies. The competitive nature in me wants me to go eat a tangerine or something. The other side of me says, "let it go." Hey, I worked out twice today, so I couldn't be more proud of myself :-)
  • EconMama
    EconMama Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all-- I got my 4 out of 4 today: a hard workout, veg soup and salad for lunch + fruit for snack + veggies at dinner, water & tracking! Woohoo!

    I have to say, after three hard workouts in three days and really eating clean, I'm feeling tired. I need an easier day at the gym tomorrow. And maybe a teeny piece of chocolate after dinner.
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    I got my four points each day so far, working out and all the busyness has left me feeling so tired...going to have an extra dose of vitamin c and keep kicking it though!
  • zenyacleveland
    zenyacleveland Posts: 45 Member
    11/28 - 4 points
    11/29 - 2 points

    Its my Birthday!..I will try my best to stay on track........
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    happy birthday!
  • Orchidbea
    Orchidbea Posts: 9 Member
    Happy Birthday Zenya, 2 @ out of four is better than zero so good for you. I only got three pts yesterday but I'm working towards 4. It's that exercise thing! I'm working toward 4 pts today so lets see what happens. The night is young. I'm keeping track of my pts on MFP in my notes so I can turn them in on Sunday. I have a work Christmas party tomorrow so wish me luck. I know I can do it and your encouragement helps! Have a good one and keep up the great work you've begun.