Looking for GF Friends

Hi there. I'm not new to MFP. But, I am new to actually using it regularly! ha! :laugh:
I'm looking for gluten free friends to connect with for accountability. This is the first time I've ventured into the community and I'm finding that the community is really what this is all about. Would love to connect with others who are also looking to remain accountable - especially through the holidays.

Blessings and Peace.


  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    You're welcome to friend me. I started out on MFP almost a year ago with a lot of symptoms, so I stopped eating gluten and felt much better. Then I got tested, and found I have celiac. Over Thanksgiving, we visited friends who tried very hard to serve me a gluten free version of the meal -- but I got incredibly sick afterwards. Maybe it was the bread she was making in the kitchen? I don't know. What I do know is that I'm more than motivated to be even more careful from now on.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am olo looking for GF friends too. I been a member of Mfp for 4 years. But have not stuck to a program. i have been playing around with this way of life. i found out something wonderful today. I have Kidney disease and have been told by my Kidney doctor to go light on protein Well i have been going gluten free for two months now and my kidney number improve so wll my doctor told me to stay on thi gluten free way of lie. But now I have a problem My portion control is way off.i need help.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm Celiac, myself, and have embraced Primal living as my choice of lifestyle rather than buying all that GF crap-tasting food... Though I do love baking my own recipes.
    Be nice to have some more friends on here; look forward to sharing new ideas with you.
  • lzygrl
    lzygrl Posts: 43 Member
    Feel free to add me. My 10 year old daughter and I are newly diagnosed Coeliac's. Still working through what works for us and what doesn't. We feel best when we follow an all-grain free diet and stay away from *most* GF modified products (like GF breads, GF flours and pre-mixes).

    I have been on MFP for over a year but have only just started interacting in the forums and have found it is invaluable for motivation and accountability. Best of luck!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been with Mfp for 4 years. up to now I have mostly used it for Chic chat. i belong to the Senior oolden Sneakers group and love all the nice ladies there. I hae been playin around wit this GF diet for s couple of months now And just found out yeateday thru my blood work That it has imporve my Kidney counts For that I am greatful I have been treated for Kidney failure for over 4 years now and this has been the greatest improvement ever, my Docteer told me to stay on this eating plan, So you'al will be hearing frome me quite often.
    Thanks for starting this group
  • Hello! I sent everyone a request. I have been GF for 3 months now due to just finding out I have Celiac. Right now I am in that phase when all I eat is junk food. Hopefully that will be over soon and I can continue on having a healthy gluten free life. I look forward to seeing what all you guys eat and hopefully can figure out some good items besides, Reese’s and Toblerones.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Feel free to add!
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    Hi my name is Leanne I found out 7 years ago I had Celiac any feel free to add.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    Hello Whitney. I am gluten free, and you can feel free to friend me if you would like. :) Like you I've had this app on my phone for ever, but I have only recently started using the web site, and logging daily. :)
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    Hello, I just joined you group today....I have had allergy issues since I got a single cortisone shot when I was 16, I am now almost 62...over the years I became sensitive/allergic to soaps, hair producs, lotions, dyes, perfumes, chemicals, etc, etc, etc....about 12-15 years ago I started having bowel issues, started out diarhea, then became more of a fecal incontenance issue....I self medicated with Imodium, sometimes having to take 12-20 tabs twice a week.....this went on for years....had a colonoscy years ago, they did find some things, and said, "oh this is causing your issues, take a replacemnt fiber...that should help you" well it didn't help....fast forward to 3 1/2 years ao, I suddenly got dry, cracked, peeling lips...I did everything I could to moisturize them, but this continues even now....about a year ago, I started reacting to my medications,so I made some adjustments...some with my DR's input and some without...I started listening to my body...if I got a bad reaction, I stopped taking it.or eating it..beginning this last year or so, I have had all the prvious reported symptoms ([osted by you awesome folks)...including, gastric issues, reflux, nausea with anything, even water...ecxema on my elbow that won't go away..(almost 12 months now)...fatigue, foggy brain, loss of equilibriam, red bumps that break out on my face and upper thigh...when I eat somehing DENSE in NUTRIENTS, like soup for instance I feel better...I doubled my multivitamn which already has about 500% MDR of B-vits and that made me feel better....I started taking fistfulls of suppliments because I felt I wasn't gettin my nutreints from my food...this has helped me to feel a bit better....the night before Thaksgiving, I had a craving for French bred...I searched Wamart and found ONE, a small one, I hadnt had dinner yet so when I got home, I ate the whole thing....bad idea...when I got up in the morning my lips were all red and swollen, I had big red zits on my face, andI felt really week and basically awfull...I went to the family dinner, but left early and when I got home, I spent the rest of the weekend in bed...I still was not rested when I returned to work....the following Wednesday I had a blood test for Celiac....that came back negative, but obviously I was having an issue, so my DR ordered the rest of the tests...I have not had them yet....I feel that if I do have Ceiac, I want to know, so I know how long I have to deal with this,as well as whether I need to alert my family....if I eat something with even a little cross contamination, I feel it the next mornng...

    I was required to attend a training out of town which started today and was for 3 days...halfway there, I ran off the road...I was havg difficuly keeping my eyes open, brain fading out like I was going to sleep...I was already fatigued and stopped to take a caffiene tablet with an Ensure High Protein (soy based) about 30 minutes before this caffiene did not help, and my fog gott worse...maybe now it is the SOY also....anyway, this was going on and I opened my eyes to see I was heading for a road sign, turned the steering wheel and overcorrected...sliding sideways across the roadway, into the ditch........oh I did not have my seatbelt on, either....
    ...there was heavy oncoming traffic so it was a miracle I didn't hit anything...I was checked out at a small local hosp, but they didn't do any xrays..gave me a shot/RX for the pain and sent me home....refered me to FU with my DR within a few days...to check me out further..I am VERY sore today, lucjkily I have arranged for a month vacation so I can just rest

    ..I feel this condition that was effecting me while I was driving was a part of the allergy issue I have been dealing with recently....
    so be caeful if you have these allergy issues...it could also effect your driving...

    I'll check back in here after I have the other tests......anyone of you can friend me....I think we need each other while we sort out these issues....