20 pound goal for May 4th wedding!

Hey Guys!

I am sort of new to MFP. I have made a new commitment to myself this past month when I realized I have only 5 months and a few days until my wedding. I am sure you know that feeling, when I got engaged in April this year, I thought "oh I have a year to lose 20 lbs" and now 7 months later, I weigh the same.

A little background of me. I am a dancer, I went to college for dance and when I graduated I weighed 123lbs. (I am 5'3 so that was healthy for me and not to stick thin). Now I weigh 144. At one point I was up to 155. When I graduated college I ended a horrible relationship with a guy that made me feel like I was fat (at 123) and now that I met my FH, and he accepted me no matter what, I got lazy with a desk job and the pounds crept up. I am glad that since we got engaged I haven't gained weight, but I did the INSANITY workout and went down to 137, and now I am back to 144. My goal would be to be between 125 and 130. I want to be toned and healthy, so my main goal is to cut my body fat. Even if I gain weight but I lose a size I would be happy if that makes sense. The last month I have been working hard, and even cut out alcohol having only 3 glasses of wine in the last month...but I am stuck. Are any of you fairly close to your goals? Have you had the same challenges? How do you break a plateau? I need some help and encouragement. Thanks loves!


  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Good for you for managing to cut out alcohol for the most part - that is my biggest downfall because I enjoy it too much for a social thing. I've heard time and time again weight loss is 80% food and 20% exercise. SO I say focus hard on what you eat, make healthy choices and if you can add in exercise do it to earn more cals :)

    I am close to my goal... currently 132 wanting to be 120-125 for my wedding next Sept. I am just working really hard at exercising and hopefully slow and steadily I will loose the weight.
  • andonsmama
    welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
    my wedding date is 4/5/13.
    i am down 15lbs and still have about 25 lbs to go. i gained 52lbs during pregnancy and fluctuated for 2 yrs. now i am determined to get 40 lbs off and be back to pre prego weight.
    i have good days and bad days, but i think that is ok. i have tried many strict diets in the past just to binge and then give up. at least MFP is more forgiving and a lifestyle change :smile:
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I'm on the last 7/8 pounds and 5'5" wedding in March feel free to add! my method is trying to eat (gross not net) 1400 a day during the week then I spike during the weekends at usually 2000+ (please ignore my diary for last weekend had a bit of a blow out with old Uni friends may have gained/at best maintained this week so not a good example) on top of this I "try" to do 2 zumba classes a week, plus some other bits of cardio at home + some weights/core stuff. Excluding this week I've been averaging a pound a week for the past few weeks, hoping to hit ultimate goal by the end of Jan early Feb to give me some breathing room. :)

    Yes well done on cutting the booze though that's probably the one thing I've barely changed at all and has been a bit of a weight loss hinderance (hence 6months plus to lose 14 pounds so far :P)

    Good luck and congrats!!!!!!