Just starting...

JudyEF Posts: 5 Member
Just started P90X last night and did chest & back and the ab ripper...OMG diver bomber pushups...will I ever be able to do them? I tried and I think I just went directly to the floor each time. Looking forward to plyometrics tonight...but scarred!


  • hteapot
    hteapot Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Judy! Hope your P90X experience is going well :) Yes, you will be able to do them eventually - just keep at it and try a little harder each time. Good luck!!
  • JudyEF
    JudyEF Posts: 5 Member
    So I am on day 6, so far so good. Funny, I thought I would love the yoga CD, but I think so far that's the one I dread doing again next week...onto Kenpo tonight. It's killing me each night, but I feel empowered at the same time. I'm loving this program overall.
  • dubout
    dubout Posts: 11
    I thought the same thing about the Yoga DVD, but it is the one I feel like I almost sweat the most and dread the most out of the entire workout. It really is challenging, but for the better!
  • JudyEF
    JudyEF Posts: 5 Member
    Week 1 down, lost 1.4 lbs...not as much as I would have thought since I was sweating my butt off on each workout but I'm hoping I gained some muscle. Loved the stretching dvd, may have to do that more than once a week! I just thought the beginning of the yoga workout was too repetative. There is one pose that physically I do not think I am capable of, it was the one where you put one arm under your knee and reach with the other behind your back and grab hands...my arms must be short.
  • Starting today... wish me luck. I will post more later so everyone can see how day 1 went.