Friday 12/07/12 Weigh In

Opening Thread For everyone to post as Friday rolls around.

Please remember to offer support, encouragement, and suggestions to any or all members, we are here for each other to succeed!

Make the group even better by spreading the word and getting other active members to Join Us! The direct link to the group can be posted in your newsfeed, blogs, or any message board you post on. Here is the group link:

Have A Great Day! :bigsmile:


  • fattypattybinger
    I am always encouraging MFP members to join. So hopefully more will join
  • lhs1965
    lhs1965 Posts: 99 Member
    Getting closer to one of my December goals of being under 200 pounds. Holiday parties start this Wednesday and will be working on another December goal of not grazing. Have a great week all you fabulous MFP friends.

    Highest Weight (HW) : 237 Lbs ( April 2012)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 232.76 Lbs (8 August 2012)
    Last Week Nov 30 (LW) : 201.5 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 200 Lbs
    Change +/- : -1.5 Lbs
    Goal Weight : 155
  • TracyMessmer
    SW: 230
    LW: 206.6
    CW: 205.8

    Lost 0.8 pounds since the 11/30/12 weigh in for a total of 24.2 pounds lost overall since 9/11/12.

    Expecting the weight loss to slow and stop anytime now as I am 9 1/2 weeks pregnant. I am following my doctor's guidelines for calories (not really MFP's) but still logging everyday. Not trying to actively lose weight because I want this baby to be healthy, but the nausea is unreal... so my calories have come in under goal even when it is breads and crackers. (That help with the nausea.) Not looking forward to watching the baby weight gain and watching all my hard work disappear. Also not looking forward to starting all over once baby arrives in July, but I am sure he/she will be worth it.
  • JohnMessmer
    Highest Weight (HW) : 388 Lbs (20 August 2012)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 382 Lbs (11 September 2012)
    Last Week (LW): 321.6 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 323 Lbs
    Change +/- : +1.4 Lbs
    Goal Weight : < 200 Lbs (I Will Know When I Get There :happy: )

    Starting BMI 51.8 - Morbid Obesity************************Current BMI 43.8 Morbid Obesity
    Starting RMR 3071****************************************Current RMR 2704
    Starting BMR 3074 *************************************** Current BMR 2706
    Starting TDEE 3688 **************************************Current TDEE 3247
    Starting DCC 4022 ***************************************Current DCC 3479
    Starting LBM 184 Lbs ************************************Current LBM 182 Lbs
    Starting BF 198 Lbs **************************************Current BF 141 Lbs

    All stats obtained from:
    {Body Mass Index (BMI): Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): Daily Caloric Consumption (DCC): Lean Body Mass (LBM): Body Fat (BF)}

    Gained 1.4 pounds, although I stayed at a deficit every day and walked 13.95 miles for the week. Did lose a couple of inches from last measurement two weeks ago and I am sure the scale will catch up eventually.


    Do Something and Enjoy it Tomorrow, Do Nothing and Regret it Tomorrow. Your Future is up to You!
  • no1belongs
    no weight for me this week i have been insanely sick this week so anthing that would stay down i ate. ill check back in next week. well wishes to all.

    hold strong on the holiday parties try not to go anywhere near the food even if you brought it. i find if i bring something especially when its not as bad as the other stuff then i almost always over indulge in that which can be just as bad as eating a lil of everything. ^_^
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    HW (10/11): 144.4
    SW (11/26/12): 142
    CW: 139.8
    Goal: 133

    1.6 pounds lost this week. Yeah!
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    Highest Weight (HW) : 168 Lbs (spring time)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 165 Lbs (over the summer)
    Last Week (LW): 158 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 158 Lbs
    Change +/- : 0 Lbs :'(
    Goal Weight : 138 Lbs
  • SW: 185
    CW: 169
    GW: 150

    -1 pound :)
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    Cw: 209.6
    Finally at my pre-thanksgiving weight!
    Total loss: 26.6
  • Shadesofjade
    Shadesofjade Posts: 15 Member
    Sw 142.6
    Lw 122.8
    Cw 122.6
    Lost .2
    Total loss 20 lbs
    Goal 120
  • LoriA6724
    LoriA6724 Posts: 98 Member
    SW: 161.6
    11/2/12: 154.6
    11/9/12: 155.3
    11/16/12 153.3
    11/23/12 153.3
    11/30/12 153
    12/07/12 151
    Change +/-: - 2
    GW: 120

    Finally got under 153!! I had to weigh myself a couple of times this morning to make sure what I was seeing on the scale was real. :noway: That number has been my nemisis for several years. I feel like I'm finally on my way to achieve new goals!
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Up a pound this week

    10/05 - 171.2 ......starting weight
    10/12 - 168.8 ......down 2.4 this week. Thats probably just normal fluctuation though.
    10/19 - ..................very sick, didnt get on scale :-(
    10/26 - 167 ..........Great weigh in!!
    11/02 - 173 ..........Terrible weigh in after a full week of eating bad and not exercising :-(
    11/09 - 171.8 .......Another bad week
    11/16 - 174.4 .......This is getting depressing, lol
    11/24 - 172.0........down 2.4!!! I need more weeks like this!
    12/07 - 173.0........doing well with exercising but still haven't got my eating/dinking under control but at least I'm logging it all
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Wow most people are doing awesome! keep it up!

    SW; 203
    CW: 166.2
    GW: 148

    So i was almost at my first goal weight last week but i gained 0,6 instead of losing 0,6 hihi. But i did lose half an inch of my mummy tummy so that was great. Last week was not an great eating week we had Sinterklaas(Dutch holiday) and me little brother turned 23 so made some bad choices.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    SW: 172
    LW: 166.0
    CW: 165.3
    GW: 147

    Down .7 Going in the right direction
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    OMG! I forgot to log on here and update Friday.

    .07 lbs down!!!

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/05 - 206.5
    10/12 - 205.0
    10/19 - 203.2
    10/26 - 203.9
    11/02 - 202.5.
    11/09 - 201.0
    11/16 - 199.6
    11/23 - 198.0
    11/30 - 197.5
    12/07 - 196.8
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    Forgot to post, but it was 113.4! I'm getting there....
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