Home Birth

Is anyone else planning a home birth and or had one previously? If so, how are you preparing both mentally and physically? This is my 4th baby, but it will be my first home birth. My husband wasn't into the idea before, and now he is far more open minded. He is actually re- doing one of our bathrooms with a bigger tub for the water birth. I am also watching my iron intake (my midwives won't do a home birth if you are anemic) and taking a home birth class to prepare you for everything. How are the other home birth mamas getting ready?


  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am getting ready for my third home birth (a water birth) in the next 2-3 weeks.
    My previous two pregnancies were filled with anxiety, and I knew that I needed to relax for things to go smoothly. For me personally, that meant *not* reading or thinking about BIRTH (my body obviously knows what to do when it's time!) For my last birth, instead of planning for birth, I planned for a party to welcome my new little person into the world. My preparations were focused on preparing my labor playlist, preparing my atmosphere (candles, scents, visual objects that would bring me comfort), planning for a photographer (a close friend), and planning what food we would eat.
    Clearing my mind of things that would cause anxiety and focusing instead on things that would bring joy worked out very well for me last time--my last birth was a very peaceful, joyful experience. In the birthing pool, surrounded by things that would bring me comfort, I was SO relaxed that I did not even realize I was in transition! It caught me by surprise when I felt the urge to push. My midwife laughed that it was the first time she almost missed a birth while she was in the same house.
    This time, being so close to Christmas, I am focused on the beauty of Christmas and the richness of welcoming a new Baby in this atmosphere. I think I'm going to set up my birthing pool by the Christmas tree!

    If you would like to see the slideshow from my last waterbirth, it is here...http://youtu.be/0TEE5LZVRZ4
    My photographer friend has moved off, and with Christmas and unexpected medical bills over the last year, I won't be able to afford to hire another photographer this time around. :-(

    Oh, yeah, physical preparations--
    At 38 weeks, I am still practicing martial arts. At this point, it's mainly just working through my katas very slowly (which also helps me to clear my mind, breathe properly, and relax.)
    I've monitored my sodium intake this time around, which has helped a great deal with swelling. I can still wear my shoes and wedding band comfortably, and I don't hate the way my face looks in pictures this time around!
    I'm hoping that by keeping my sugar and carbs in check that I'll have a more normal-sized baby. My first baby birthed at home was 9lb 6oz. This last one was 8lb 6oz, which was much easier to push out. :wink: If I could get one between 7 and 8 lbs, that would be just great!
    Lots of pelvic rocks and sitting on the birthing ball, hoping to prevent a posterior baby.
    Helpful herbs--valerian root, oatstraw, and chamomile when I start to feel anxiety building up or to help me sleep. Red raspberry leaf as a uterine tonic. Stinging nettle leaf to boost my iron.
    Sleeping naked. Being skin-to-skin with the hubby also decreases my anxiety and helps me sleep better. It also makes for a happier, more relaxed, and more helpful hubby. :tongue:
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Thank you so much for the info! I know that I will have some anxiety with it being my first home birth, butt I have also already started my birth playlist, and I am thinking how how I am going to be remodeling my bedroom to make it a perfect place for me! I can't wait to see your birth slideshow! When I have some downtime later I will check it out! Thanks!
  • aprilkida
    aprilkida Posts: 117 Member
    Beautiful slideshow! Thanks for sharing!
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    My home birth is in March, and I have no idea what I'm doing. The only thing I've worked out so far is: Clean everything and practice lots of squats. Beyond that, I had to buy a bunch of supplies recommended by my midwife. I also have a class coming up in January. I'd love to see some more people comment on this so I can get some useful information too :p
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Okay... so my insurance changed as of the first of the year, and now I am currently trying to get an "out of network exception" approval for my home birth and midwife to be covered! My other insurance covered out of network benefits (all New Jersey home birth midwives are out of network). I am praying that my new insurance company approves mt out of network benefit, so my home birth will be paid!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I was considering it, but it'd be completely out of pocket for me as my insurance won't cover it since I live within 50 miles of a hospital. I think I'm just going to stick with the hospital I am expected to deliver at (I'm military) as they allow everything I want for a natural birth and I'll be attended my a certified nurse midwife, not an OB. I've also got a doula and plan to labor at home as long as possible until she suggests it's time to go to the hospital. As long as everything goes well, it will save me money and I can try the home birth for my next child as we'll be somewhere else and our insurance may cover it there.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    When insurances say they don't cover a midwife/homebirth, they sometimes wind up giving in if you are aggressive and keep after them about it. We usually have to pay out of pocket, but after hearing a couple folks successfully getting my insurance company to cover, I am planning on being much more aggressive this time around. I'll let y'all know if I get anywhere.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    When insurances say they don't cover a midwife/homebirth, they sometimes wind up giving in if you are aggressive and keep after them about it. We usually have to pay out of pocket, but after hearing a couple folks successfully getting my insurance company to cover, I am planning on being much more aggressive this time around. I'll let y'all know if I get anywhere.

  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I just wanted to wish you all the best! I'm doing a midwife drug-free birth at a birthing center. I'm definitely not brave enough for a home birth for my first and admire you both for doing this!

    *hugs* and best to you!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    When insurances say they don't cover a midwife/homebirth, they sometimes wind up giving in if you are aggressive and keep after them about it. We usually have to pay out of pocket, but after hearing a couple folks successfully getting my insurance company to cover, I am planning on being much more aggressive this time around. I'll let y'all know if I get anywhere.
    Especially if you can show that them paying for a home birth is cheaper than a hospital birth (which in my case it is) :wink:
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    The birth center was a very nice environment for my first, BUT I decided to go with a home birth this time around because I remember how anxious I felt to have to get out of my comfortable bed where I'd been so focused on relaxing and deep breathing just to move to another location. And having contractions the whole way! After that I just could NOT get comfortable anywhere and get back in the zone, and I wish I'd just been able to stay put. I'm a big believer in the Bradley Method, and for my home birth I'm re-reading my "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" book and plan on starting much earlier with all the relaxation exercises. I know that if I can train my body to relax quickly it will be so much better this time around. Mentally I'm focusing on a positive and healthy birth, and preparing physically helps so much with this, because it takes out some of the worry that I might not be ready when the time comes =) I've also kept up my workout routines and am tracking my food - I'm so much more in control this time (gained 50 lbs the last pregnancy) and THAT feels good. Good luck to all you home birth mamas!!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    My insurance company denied my first out of network exemption request, now I have to write an appeal letter. This insurance stuff is getting really old really fast... especially since my insurance company that I had until December 31st, had already approved my home birth, and now I have to fight with my new insurance company. Has anyone else had trouble with this? My new insurance company wants me to change practitioners and deliver in a hospital. Unless I have complications, hospital will not happen.
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    Is anyone else planning a home birth and or had one previously? If so, how are you preparing both mentally and physically? This is my 4th baby, but it will be my first home birth. My husband wasn't into the idea before, and now he is far more open minded. He is actually re- doing one of our bathrooms with a bigger tub for the water birth. I am also watching my iron intake (my midwives won't do a home birth if you are anemic) and taking a home birth class to prepare you for everything. How are the other home birth mamas getting ready?

    I wanted to do a home birth; however, now that I have found out that I am having a boy...I don't want to have to make another trip to get him circumsized. I would rather him just come on out, and get his surgery so we can go home, rest, and not be bothered with anyone poking and proding us. Now we are doing a natural/VBAC either in the birthing center or a hospital.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I am planning on starting to gather my supplies this week! I am buying a big rubbermaid container and filling it with supplies as I go. My midwives have a custom home birth order kit on http://www.perciousarrows.com I am also collecting odds and ends that we will need. Has anyone else begun to collect supplies? Anything special that isn't on the checklists?