Gluten Friends: Maltodextrin!!!!

Ok folks... for those of you not on my page....

I had a HUGE setback recently with gluten. I had NO idea - for 7 days straight - why I was sick.

Turned out I was using "blue cheese dressing" (brand I'll leave out) as a "treat" dip for carrots and whatever for about 7 days straight.

I was sick as all get out, I have a fear the cilia in my stomach may never forgive me for my trespass... but four days after I RAN OUT of aforementioned "blue cheese dressing"... guess what?

I feel WAY better.

Can't be a coincidence. Wow.

So tonight I went grocery shopping... I had installed a new program on my phone that helped me identify gluten foods.... holy wow... seriously... 14 items that would have normally gone in my cart, I put back on the shelf.... as we all should do, I did my best to "shop the perimeter".... but ventured in a few places and found a few treats that were clearly labeled gluten free... and satisfy my "crunch" and "sweet" needs....

Anyway, I just wanted to post because I hadn't been on here in a while... primarily because to be honest, I was quite sick for awhile there. One day - no joke - I was sick 17 times. Again, that is why my food diary is private - I log that stuff! The whole time I was eating healthy, and couldn't figure it out - that the stupid salad dressing was the culprit! I had been doing well and dang it, that stupid dressing set me back BIG TIME. It's unreal. I lost 9lbs and suddenly gained FIVE... for no reason! I had been complaining to a friend of mine that was a nurse... she couldn't figure out what was triggering my episode... and turned out it was just ONE ingredient.

Four days into "recovery" and I'm feeling better. The swelling of my stomach has gone down. Big good sign. Also, I don't feel like I have the "flu" like I did for a week. Today's nausea was minimal. I hope to have none tomorrow....

Every day is better. It's unreal how the swelling really POOCHES out your stomach from something like that.... poor belly was pissed!!!


  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    wow i just had the same thing happen to me just this week but mine wasn't dressing it was mashed potatoes. I was so sick, and I couldn't figure out what I had eaten that would do this and the potatoes. Yes just one little ingredient. Starting to feel somewhat better, don't have much of an appetite but i will get there again. The thing about it is I try really hard to watch that but I missed it.
    So now I have seen they have Idahoan mashed potatoes GF. So gonna try those.
    Hope you are feeling better!!
  • irenec8
    irenec8 Posts: 13 Member
    What's the name of the app you use?
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    The subject of your post was maltodextrin, but you are posting about blue cheese dressing, so I'm a bit confused. Maltodextrin in the US is usually corn or tapioca, the label will have to say "contains wheat" if it is from wheat. I avoid it anyway since I can't have corn either. But isn't blue cheese itself a danger? I don't do dairy myself, but I understood that blue is is (usually/often) gluten contaminated?
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Yes, Please! What is the name of the Ap you use? I'm NEW to all of this, and could use ALL the help I can get.
    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    I'd also like to know the name of the app you're using.

    On the topic of maltodextrin, I avoid it as it is a migraine trigger for me---along with bleu cheese, nitrates, smoke flavorings, red wine, all aged cheeses................etc., etc., etc.

    (I am celiac as well by the way.)
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Sorry guys, I hadn't checked back in this thread as no one responded right away, figured it was going to fall by the wayside.

    Yes maltodextrin is the culprit. It is not regulated. From

    "Based on the Food and Drug Administration’s Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), maltodextrin is made from corn starch, rice starch, or potato starch. Because of this, it has been widely believed that if maltodextrin is made from wheat starch the maltodextrin must be labeled as “wheat maltodextrin.” Unfortunately, based on conversations and email exchanges I had recently with a consumer safety officer at FDA and a labeling and consumer staff member at USDA this is not the case."

    So if it is derived from wheat, the label doesn't have to indicate it is!!!

    Interestingly, I've NEVER felt good after drinking beer - so have always avoided it. What is beer made from? Barley. Nearly all beer includes barley malt as the majority of the starch. And even as a 21-something, I hated the way it made me feel.

    Now it makes sense. I feel just like beer used to make me feel but about 20 times worse and sicker!

    I was under the impression all cheeses were ok. Apparently blue cheese is the biggest felon in that category.... as indicated by the phone app which y'all asked about...

    It's called "find me gluten free"... you can use the scanner to UPC codes and if they have it in their database, it will tell you whether it is safe or not. Some products aren't in there, clearly they are still building their database but it has helped as I mentioned above. Also, they provide links to restaurants that have gluten-free menus and the menus themselves which is nice.

    My cousin has been gluten-free over a year after 8 years of suffering. I am SO glad she mentioned her symptoms to me because I had no idea I was going through the same thing. I just thought I was "stressed" out and my belly was just reacting. So I'm learning more each day. Eating clean definitely helps..... it's just still very, VERY new to me.....
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Hate to say it, but being that the government does their best to make it so we really don't know where the gluten in our food is, and is doing very little about it, and that our government pretty much lies to us about everything else, anything they post on their website to me is propaganda to keep the pharmaceutical companies going, the grocery chains happy, etc.

    (just my opinion, folks....)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Well, we each have to figure out what works for us, right? If you find a particular product or ingredient that is causing you problems, then you need to stay away from it, whether it is because it contains undeclared wheat/gluten, or something in the processing, or cross-contamination, or what. There are people/companies out there who are ignorant or dishonest and will harm you, if you let them.

    Since you're a newbie, you probably didn't hear about the guy a couple of years ago who was actually repackaging wheat bread and selling it as gluten-free. Even with a blatant case like that, it took months to get the guy off the market.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Read the process of how blue cheese is made, maltodextrin or not - blue cheese is not and has never been a gluten free food on any list I've ever read. The correct way to make blue cheese is wrapping the cheese in wheat, or injecting the cheese with bread to create the mold spores. it's never been a gluten free food in the gluten free resources I originally was schooled on 12 years ago. The process in mass production is probably different now then the historical way of making blue cheese, but we don't take our chances.

    My kids use "is it gluten free" on their ipads for when they are with friends if a question raises. And I would agree with the other poster, know your product sources.

    If you are using processed foods, and gluten free IMO, it's not ever a safe bet, make your own, it's cheaper and less issues. Shopping the outside aisles of the store is funny to me on a diet and fitness webpage, we should "all" be shopping this way, gluten free or not.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Read the process of how blue cheese is made, maltodextrin or not - blue cheese is not and has never been a gluten free food on any list I've ever read. The correct way to make blue cheese is wrapping the cheese in wheat, or injecting the cheese with bread to create the mold spores.

    If you are using processed foods, and gluten free IMO, it's not ever a safe bet, make your own, it's cheaper and less issues. Shopping the outside aisles of the store is funny to me on a diet and fitness webpage, we should "all" be shopping this way, gluten free or not.

    Wow, that is just downright gross.... (the way blue cheese is made)... that explains a lot of my reaction right there. Eww.

    As far as "we should all be shopping this way".... I TOTALLY agree!!! I'm trying. I'm learning it's a transition.... long overdue, apparently... :)
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Since you're a newbie, you probably didn't hear about the guy a couple of years ago who was actually repackaging wheat bread and selling it as gluten-free. Even with a blatant case like that, it took months to get the guy off the market.

    Wow, that is awful. Where was that? There's a gluten free bread store here.... now I'm second guessing my visit there I had planned tomorrow! LOL!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    The guy who sold the fake gluten free bread was put in prison..........he was from Durham NC
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    I have a pretty severe gluten intolerance and diagnosed Celiac Disease. Maltodextrin is fine... so is MOST blue cheese. And blue cheese dressing is gluten free in 99% of the time. In fact my favorite treat is traditional wings at Buffalo Wild Wings and blue cheese dressing. I have never had a problem....

    But there are probably other issues. You could personally have a severe intolerance to maltodextrin.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I personally am not just gluten free, but grain free. I have problems with other grains, such as corn and rice, as well. So I don't do anything with maltodextrin unless it specifically says "tapioca maltodextrin", and that's not very often, because the next question is "why are you thinking of eating something with processed junk in it?" LOL. But sometimes I want a treat, and if it is "safe" I'll go for it.

    I don't know much about blue cheese, other than it is a potential problem, because I don't do dairy at all.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I have a pretty severe gluten intolerance and diagnosed Celiac Disease. Maltodextrin is fine... so is MOST blue cheese. And blue cheese dressing is gluten free in 99% of the time. In fact my favorite treat is traditional wings at Buffalo Wild Wings and blue cheese dressing. I have never had a problem....

    But there are probably other issues. You could personally have a severe intolerance to maltodextrin.

    Oh wow... oh I shall live vicariously through your buffalo wing and blue cheese indulgence!!! LOL! Lucky you!

    Yeah, every day since that setback I have felt better. I guess it's going to be a trial and error kind of thing. At least I know I'm making better choices for ME, anyway - and every day my stomach feels better.

    I think part of my issue is my stomach is still very much in the "healing phase"... I'm still only 70-ish days into this and I know I've discovered foods I thought were gluten free - were not. So I have slowly taken them out. Day by day. Today was a pretty good day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better, too! :)
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    The only problem, that is pretty much the only restaurant I feel safe to go to. We were regulars before, and once I was diagnosed, the manager made it clear what I could and could not have (to avoid cross contamination). The traditional wings are made in it's own fryer. At least at my BWW.

    Also... about two months ago they put Angry Orchard on tap for me! They had a choice of a few different beers, but they chose the cider, and told me that it is selling great. So hopefully it will stay!
  • Bolthouse has gluten free blue cheese dressing.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Bolthouse has gluten free blue cheese dressing.

    Shut the door, really?????????
  • Yes, it is tasty. It says in right on the bottle. It’s always over by the lettuce.