Merry Christmas!

cbellanger Posts: 25 Member
Well, the 30 days are up! How did you all do? I was wanting to be 230, but ended up at 235 after losing 3 lbs instead of 8. I am still proud though, because most years I would have gained 3 lbs with all the mindless holiday eating. Thanks for putting this together, it was fun :)


  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Well, I shot for 8 lbs gone and ended up with 4.5 lbs gone instead. I didn't log yesterday, and ate like a big on Monday night, so I wasn't surprised to see this morning's weight up a few lbs. I'm just about back on track with my eating today, and have plans to get back to exercising tomorrow. Thank you for starting this group! It helps me stay motivated when I have a challenge and people to report to about my progress, or explain my lack of it. :-)
  • Well, as of today, I'm down 1.4. It's not the 5 lbs I would have liked, but it's not UP, so I'm pretty happy. I'm "practicing" for my new year's diet (LOL), which will be basically a Paleo-based deal. I have been finding that I feel horrible after eating a mix of starches and proteins with sugar thrown in. I know I'll feel much better cutting the junk out, especially sugar (even though I LOVE sweets.) Just need to get through the first few days, and I'll be fine. 2013 is going to be slimmer and more toned for me...woohoo.
  • Like most I seem to have lost a little but not as much as I had wanted but it helped this helped enormously so I'm starting a blog thread lets all do it for new year thread come and join me. If it's rubbish we can stop if it helps us then hey ho. Karen