How do you stay motivated?

JustiineMR Posts: 38 Member
I try to stay motivated and struggle daily. I keep reminding myself it's not just for looks but health too. I have 3 young daughters and a Fiance who all need me so I use them for my motivations.

Wondering what keeps you going?


  • dave0628
    dave0628 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi, good question! I have found that when I try to change to many things at once, I quickly loose motivation. This time around, I am going to try just focusing on changing one healthy habit at a time. I think I have a better shot at staying motivated to make 1 smaller change. of my big motivations is seeing how poorly my parents have aged. They never ate well or did any kind of exercise, and there health is terrible. My wife’s parents have always been active and careful with what they eat. My wife’s parents are the same age as mine – but seem about 25 years younger!
  • martinssmith1985
    Its different for everyone, i always struggled with weight loss and diets and constantly put weight on daily, i had no motivation, i mean what i do now is tell myself DO I WANNA BE DEAD BY TIME IM 30? and also i tell myself that im better than this and i can do it, since i thought that i have lost 5lbs in 8 days with cutting down on food portions and going to the gym
  • newyorklover91
    newyorklover91 Posts: 77 Member
    Depending on whether I'm having a horrible day or an OK day..

    -I go through MFP and look for success stories with pictures and stories that are inspirational
    -I look at the food before I eat it and ask myself if it will be beneficial or just rubbish... if it's not beneficial then I'll go get a piece of fruit or something healthy
    - I am a big fan of the website 'Pinterest' - I pin inspirational quotes and pictures on there that will motivate me

    Hope this helps :)
  • JustiineMR
    JustiineMR Posts: 38 Member
    My fitness pal is definitely an Awesome support system! Pinterest is something I both love and hate.. I love the quotes and recipes but I hate how bad the recipes are for me!