Introduce Yourself



  • Hi! I'm Rebecca and I am new to MFP and the boards here. I actually just made the switch from Loseit! to MFP and already I like the features here better. I am 33 and have been with my wife for 10 years. We have 2 boys (5 and 1), and we live in New York. I have always struggled with my weight and am currently at 238 pounds at 5'10". My goal is to get under 200 lbs. I like the idea of having a supportive community here, and I'm hoping it will help keep me accountable.

    Jo -- your transformation is amazing and very inspirational! I am going to look up your FB group you mention.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    Hi. I am Holly. I am 28 from Diberville Ms...I have a wonderful partner with whom I've been with for about 13 years...We have an 8yo son and plan to have another baby in about 2 years...I have about 200lbs to lose..I actually have to lose her whole body weight plus 50lbs lol..WOW! Feel free to add me; i always love support and inspiration...
  • Hi, I am Lissie, 26 from Bristol UK.

    I am here because like everyone else I want to lose some weight for my health and quality of life to improve. I have a girlfriend who I have been with for just over 3 years. She is my biggest inspiration after losing over 5 stone on her own, before we met. She looks amazing for it and I now I want to start my own journey. I have attempted several diets or plans with varying degrees of success.

    Now I plan on following slimming world extra easy in the hope of losing maybe 2 stone before xmas :)

    Feel free to add me!

    Liss x
  • fruity2
    fruity2 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there all the way from New Zealand. I'm 43 and currently weigh 75kgs/165lbs which for my height 5'3'' is a lot. Am looking to lose 10kgs (a smaller version of me wants to attend a Pride picnic in 9 weeks time) - I will try my best even though I know it will be a struggle.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I just wanted to say welcome to Holly, Lissie and fruity2! I love how international this group is. Holly, I love your "lips" ticker! And wow, you are only 28 and have been with your partner for 13 years!? That's amazing!

    Anyone doing anything fun for fitness this weekend? I went to my first overeaters anonymous meeting last night; I'm not sure if it is right for me or not. But it did inspire me to renew my motivation. I got up early to do a "Fit walk" class this morning and had a very healthy breakfast (eggs and sauteed swiss chard)! Today's food challenges will be a birthday party with our kids at the zoo (the invitation mentioned to "bring an appetite," and I have a definite weakness for birthday cake!). And tonight, my wife and I are going out on a date (a rare treat for us!). We're going to a pub that is supposed to have the best burgers in our area and then to a haunted house (it's almost Halloween!).

    I'm going to try to allow myself to enjoy small amounts of the good food while still keeping my calories relatively in check, and NOT allow these indulgences to turn into a weekend (or longer) full of bingeing.
  • Hi.. im Arcy 31yrs, totally new in the counting calories theory, so im just adjusting my self to it! so far so good... So when i found out about this page i got totally fascinated by all the people choosing this method as their lifestile, im so happy with this place, way more happy cuz just found this Lez spot, and now im just totally inluv!!
  • Hi, i'm kashii, 24, started at 230 lbs 48 in waist (im 5'3") currently at 195 and 40.5 my goal is 123 (lolz 123) and 28 in been with my partner for 6 almost 7 years and have a boy and an girl. I want to lose weight to show them healthy lifestyle habits
  • Hey, I'm Mandi. I'm about 230 lbs right now, but my highest was 240. I think in this picture, I'm about 235. I gained about 50 lbs through a course of about 6 months when I just felt like eating out all the time. In addition to being apparently really unhealthy, it was also really expensive. My ideal weight would be about 150, because I'm about 5'9. My girlfriend can run marathons, and eventually, I'd like to be able to as well.
  • Hi ladies,
    I am new to the group. My name is Adrianna, but I often go by Adri. I am 23, turning 24 in january. I want to lose weight and keep it off. I have lost weight in the past, but always seem to gain it back. This time I am going to lose it and keep it off. My heaviest was 190 and currently I am down to 178. I am hoping to get to 145-150 with my mini goals in between of 160 and 155. I look forward to getting to know you all. Feel free to add me :-)
  • Good morning, my name is All and I am here to lose weight and have a beach body by this summer (wait wrong group!) :)
    I really want to get healthier and live another 60 years. Positive thoughts! When I first started I weighed about 160, I've gained instead of losing, now I am grabbing the bull by it's horns. Eating what I should, drop the weight and become more healthy.
    Sooooooooo, here we all go, let's do this. We are all here with basically the same goals to become healthy and lose weight!
  • jmariscal3
    jmariscal3 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello all! I am Jessica and am 29-years-old. I am trying to lose 30 pounds at this time and right now I am one pound down. I exercise 4-5 times a week and am on a new diet that is getting inches off of my body little by little. My goal is to make it a lifestyle change. I am hoping to get motivated and meet people who are just as dedicated. I have a five-year-old son and a partner whom I have been with for almost three years.
  • Violetthefirst
    Violetthefirst Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there, I have just joined up and am motivated to change my relationship to food, moving my body and appreciating my body. I am an Aussie, living in the south of Tasmania with my wonderful partner of almost 22 years. So glad to find some lesbian company on this site and would appreciate some extra motivation, and words of wisdom. I have 100 or so pounds to lose...46 kilos, and my first goal is to go kayaking in the river that runs past our home. That's my reward when I lose 12.5 kilos (10%). Victoria...aka violet
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hey ladies!! Great to meet everyone! I just wanted you all to know there is a group I created on Facebook called LGBT Fitness if you want to join it. You can add me as a friend and I'll add you to the group. Just an FYI. It is a slow group right now but if you are all in it I'm sure we can get it rolling.

    You can add me here
  • Hi, My name is Jen. This is the first time I've ever been on a site like this. I am 34, married to my partner of 4 years and I have a 12 yr old son. I currently weigh 266, I have never weighed this much in my life. I have never been a small girl, nor do I care to be, I just care to be healthy. I have started working out daily again and trying to watch what I eat. I have lost weight before when I wanted to but now seems very hard. I'm pretty positive it has to do with the fact that my wife will tell me "you are beautiful, no matter what." and things as such. Or that our friends will want to go out and I after drinks we then hit Taco Bell or such, then I'm hungover and lazy and such and dont want to do anything but eat some greasy food! So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm not afraid or worried about the hard work I'm going to have to put in to lose this weight as much as the lifestyle change I'm going to have to make.
  • jobrandes
    jobrandes Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there Jen...nice to meet you! Welcome. I used to do the same thing you do back in the day. We used to go out at night at do the Taco Bell runs and that was so normal for me. It was horrible. I used to eat fast food all the time, soda, just all the garbage and I gained some serious weight as you can see by my pic.

    Finally I decided enough was enough and got my eating under control, exercise in full force (I'm addicted to Beachbody workouts) and now I'm good to go and love to motivate and support others. I know it can be done and I know everyone here can achieve ANY goal they want. Yeah, it's tough but YES you can do it. No doubt about it.

    Hit me up here, I'd love to chat.
  • jayrob84
    jayrob84 Posts: 2
    Hey there,

    I'm 28, nearly 29 (ha ha haven't written things like that since I was maybe 10 and a half ), I have about 60lbs to lose to get nicely into my ideal BMI range, it feels like such a long way to go...

    I know what to eat and how much but am struggling with actually doing it. Thing is, I like to feel full & probably think about food way more than is normal.

    My vices are CHEESE, WINE and PIZZA, that and this awful cycle I am in of emotional eating.

    I associate way too much with food, whether it be socialising and eating out, date nights, shopping, I love food!!!

    Wondering if anyone had any tips on how to change my mind set (I am literally drooling over the thought of pizza now I've written it down! - HELP ME!!!) :-)
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Indigo and I'm 27. My girlfriend and I moved to Boston from California this summer so I could pursue my MS in speech language pathology. I've been chubby for most of my life, but the scale has been slowly tipping over the past few years. I'm 5'1 with a small frame and a year ago I got up to the late 140's which is simply too much for my body! I want to be curvy-fit which is new...I've spent most of my life wanting to be straight up skinny.

    I started running about a year and a half ago and could barely run/walk a mile. For my 27th birthday I did my first ever 5 mile run! So maybe I want to be curvy-fit AND fast :)

    Nice to meet you all!
  • dicanrun
    dicanrun Posts: 5
    Hi ladies. I am Diane and I am about to turn 44. I live in the SF Bay Area with my wife of 8 years, and 2 kids. My boy is 20 and my girl is 17. Life is busy getting her ready to go off to college in August. The boy...well he is another story.

    I start my quest to lose weight in 2009 when I topped the scales at 260. I had the idea that I could lose 100lbs (in the middle of my "healthy range) and become a runner.

    I lost 97. But my body was so unhappy. I was boney and tired all the time. Goal abondoned - sadly.

    Let myself go up to 175lbs - which is the high end of my range. It is also the weight of my HS graduation and my first wedding.

    Fast forward and I have put back on 20lbs since last summer. Time to get moving again...

    Nice to meet you all
  • phrancly
    phrancly Posts: 10 Member
    34, trying to stick with this MFP thing.
    I have a 5K in a month, my goal is to be able to run all of it.
    I've never been a runner but can now run over a mile without stopping (and at the start of this year, I could only go about .3 mile before having to stop).
    Not really a weight goal, but I'm at 177 now and would like to be 10 pounds lighter as to no longer be in the "overweight" category.
    I'm up for new friends, feel free to add me.
  • ErinKEbert
    ErinKEbert Posts: 12 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I'm relatively new to MFP! I'm 29, and I live in Austin, Texas! I'm hoping to lose 100lbs in the next year, 125 in the next year and a half. My partner and I moved in together in December, and I've noticed the "fat and happy" syndrome occurring, and I'm putting a stop to it! We've been talking about long-term and marriage...and I definitely want to be a fit bride! I'm also involved with Junior League and we have a black-tie gala in November, so my mini goal is to be down 40-50lbs (I want a dress from anywhere that isn't "plus"...ha!).

    Please feel free to add me; I'm excited for this journey!
