
What plan ideas does anyone have for losing the 100 pounds? Any particular diet or method? I need to lose exactly 100 pounds to be at a good weight, I would end up right in the middle of my "ideal" weight for my height. I have tried and tried to get there many times but end up giving up short, part of it I know is lack of support so I am hoping to find that here.


  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Im going higher protien than mfp recommends. I have some issues with eating alot of wheat, my tummy doesnt like it. And protien keeps me full longer than carbs do ive found. I love the south beach diet, but cant always afford to feed my family like that all the time, so i use a lot of the recipies in my monthly meal planning and try to keep it on the high protien side.

    And move my butt. the more i move, the more i lose. especially if i life weights/resistance training with it.
  • My goal is to count calories. I have issues with my pancreas (after having my daughter in 2011) So now I have a whole list of things to avoid. So its been hard and challenging to say the least. I joined a new gym in November and all the members have access to the staff personal trainer for help I am going this week to setup a fitness plan. That's all I have on my list so far. :-)
  • So after the Christmas binge, I'm looking to cut down on the weight too. I bought The Diet Solution by Isabel De Los Rios before Christmas, (as I knew this day would be coming!!)

    Here's to your success over the coming weeks!! :-)
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    Counting calories, moving my butt, and participating in the Biggest Loser competition at work.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all!

    My main focus for the next year - portion control! I've also started following a slightly modified version of the Paleo Diet (luckily my husband loves lean proteins and veggies). :) I've also got to stop focusing on how huge (literally) this journey will be and instead start taking each day at a time by celebrating the little victories.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you this next year.
  • I plan to reduce my soda,sugars and increase veggies,fruits and proteins, while excersing daily at least Mon-Sat for 4hrs daily, (2hrs in the am, and 2hrs in the pm).
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I wont be following any particular diet, I dont agree with counting points, or only eating certain types of food/not eating certain types, because I know I personally couldnt keep it up...
    So i will just be trying to eat more fruit and veg and proper home cooked food ...

    I will however be trying (again....) to cut out any unnecessary sugar, fizzy drinks only allowed as mixers, and no sweeties! though occasional piece of dark chocolate is allowed... smallest piece and can still feel chocolatey satisfied :D - though reasoning for the no sugar is less weightloss more health, i hadnt been to the dentists in about 12 years, this year i had 3 fillings, 2 teeth removed, and 1 root canal, I never want to have to go through that pain again, and my dentist said it wasnt through the lack of looking after my teeth it was because of too much sugar....

  • scpeach04
    scpeach04 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! My name is Molly. I am 31 yrs old and have over 100# to lose. I live with my partner and 5 cats in New England. More than anything I want to lose weight to have ENERGY again and fit into the clothes that sit unused in my closet!

    I have been doing Herbalife and following a high protein diet since 10/9/12. Between 10/9/12 and 12/17, I have lost 17.1. I also push to reach a total of 50% of my body weight in water/decaf fluids every day... this is a minimum! I do group exercise such as Zumba and try to attend at least 3 classes as week and then add in my own activity during the week as well. My goals are as follows for the coming year:

    10/9/12-01/8/13 25 # total

    3/26/13 40# total (I am having jaw surgery on 3/27/12 and will be on soft food diet and no exercise for several weeks)

    5/19/13 50# total (I am making assumption of weight loss based on soft diet as above)

    10/9/13 (one year total time on new health plan) 100# lost

    GOAL is 150# total weight loss would be 94.6 pounds lost by 1/1/14

    If I go with the goal of 100# lost in 2013, then I would weight 144.6 pounds as we ring in 2014, this being said I would have a total overall weight loss October 2009 to 1/1/14 117.1

    I look forward to getting to know everyone this year!

  • Hi,
    This is day 2 for me. Ate leftovers yesterday that put me way over the top of my recommended daily calories.But today I get to do better. And I got to see ust how just how badly leftover pizza can sabotage my efforts. My goal is to get stronger and healthier so I can continue to enjoy life--get over this constant state of tiredness. In order to do this I need to lose 80-100 pounds. Over the years I would lose some and gain back more. I'm sure many of can relate. My biggest personal challenge will be to incorporate regular exercise into my daily activities. Does anyone have a good way for self-motivation when it comes to getting to the gym? When I can partner with some I'm good. But if they drop out, I lose that motivation. Have a wonderful day:-)
  • Does anyone have a good way for self-motivation when it comes to getting to the gym?

    I am not sure this will work for everyone, but here was my trick...

    I picked a gym I drive by EVERY day. So the guilt of not working out eats at you. But I keep my gym clothes in a bag in my car so I have no excuse why I cant stop by and do at least the 30 minute circuit. and it helps they are open 24 hours. Having a gym partner would be awesome but it doesn't always fit my schedule if you can find people that you see that are there when you are try talking to them see if this is there normal time they come :-)

    Hope that helps :-)
  • Hi guys! Happy New Year...the time is upon us! I am a 35 year old mother of 3 who was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I didn't realize the impact or effects it has on my life until recently. So, I have already begun my journey - mostly having to mentally prepare myself with education - and I will be hitting it hard starting today. Don't want to say it is a New Year's Resolution...just happened to fall at this time of year!

    So, I plan to follow more of a low GI/low carb diet - which is recommended for women with PCOS. I am already a member of a gym and my goal is to get there at least 3 times a week (I enjoy the classes they offer and they have a reason not to go, right!?) I would like to try running. That is one of my bigger goal for the year. I already drink a lot of water at work but need to do that at home as well (not sure why I do it at one place and not the other). I have to watch the carbs - which they are my nemisis!!

    Good luck to everyone! We need to help each other out and keep each other motivated! So, please friend me if you think we can help each other out along this ride! :happy: :happy:
  • Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I am glad to have joined this group. My name is Nicole and up until 2006 I never had a weight problem. I ran cross country and track competitively in hs and college and beyond. The past 6-7 years I have put on over 120 pounds. First I got sick, then I helped care for my dying mother and sister which brought on an ugly cycle of emotional stress eating. and not taking care of myself just taking care of others. I basically ate and ate to comfort myself. I am tired of being out of breath, hating looking in the mirror, wearing ugly clothes while my nice ones are in the closet etc. I am ready to get the old me back.

    My plans are to get my emotional eating under control, lose weight, eat healthy, get back into running and be able to look in the mirror without crying.

    I am hopeful that I can get my life back on track-I have about 120 pounds to lose to get to where I want to be.

    I look forward to offering help and support in any way that I can. Anyone who wants to add me as a friend would be welcome.
  • One friendly reminder do not deprive yourself of certain things, but do not over induldge. If you normally would have 2 slices of pizza and 2 sodas, have one slice of pizza and 16oz of water with either crystal lite flavors or fresh lemons or limes in the water for added flavor and taste! :)
  • We're glad to have you here welcome!
  • New Year check in!

    How did everyone do? Were you bad or good? Over or Under goal?

    I was good, though we had gone to my husbands family for dinner and they made a huge spaghetti dinner. I have only told my Husband and my Mom about the diet plans, So I was getting myself salad while our uncle was trying to dish out pasta! I really dislike when people put food on my plate I think its the lack of control. But I stopped him just in time for a normal size portion.
  • lorifulton89
    lorifulton89 Posts: 15 Member
    I am just counting every calorie that goes into my mouth...the good, the bad, the ugly and trying to stay within 1200 calories per day. In addition, I am adding exercise as I have an extremely sedentary job and haven't done any exercise when I am not working. I am going to start with walking 3 miles a day at least 6 days a week and then move into 5 miles a day.

    Once I get under 200 lbs, I will start changing up my exercise routine to include some Zumba...which I love.

    Once I get under 180 lbs, I will add line dancing...another love of mine and step aerobics.

    At around 150lbs I plan to purchase a mountain bike and start riding to work and back.