What healthy changes RU making?

I'm so sick of dieting. In the spirit of creating a "healthy lifestyle" vs. diet, these are some of my changes:

1) No FORBIDDEN foods just smaller portions or healthy alternatives.
2) I need to MOVE MORE! As a former runner/weight lifter, I'm really OUR OF SHAPE! I've started walking and plan to start adding in weights and 1 minute jogging intervals tomorrow.
3). Just log EVERYTHING I EAT ON MFP, and I mean EVERYTHING! The good, the bad, the ugly days even!
4). Wear my Fitbit EVERYDAY to get an estimate on calories burned during normal activity.
5). Eat fewer calories than I burn.
6) Eat less processed foods.
7). Eat out less.
8) Meal plan more including planning healthy treats for myself and family.
9) Take time for myself to unwind and reduce stress.

It all seems so simple but hopefully when it's all said and I done, I'll lose my 1 pound a week and be at my goal weight on 12-31-13!!!! What a celebration I'll have next New Years if I reach my GOAL WEIGHT!!!!

What healthy lifestyle changes are YOU making?


  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    can I just take yours? lol

    I am going to stop going to Dunkin Donuts every morning.

    I am going to start packing my lunches.

    I am going to try and move more. I don't want to go all gung ho on exercise right away .. I seem to try and do too much at once and I get burned out quickly. So, I am going to focus on food for a bit.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I will be swapping my tea and coffee for herbal teas and water to break thr association between hot milk drinks and cookies.

    I will split my bodyweight exercise routine into three so I can practise yoga every evening and hopefully see better strength gains

    I will be swimming twice a week as soon as the baths open and in open water as soon as the sun comes out!

    I will drop one stone of fat by end of March and hopefully a further 8 pounds by end of May when I go on my Yoga workshop week. Imagine what it will be like doing those yoga workshops over 20 pounds lighter and loads stronger!

    Keep that image!
  • dellmech
    dellmech Posts: 113
    No soda other than a "1/2 can" Dr.Pepper 1 or 2 times a week. Otherwise I go crazy if I go cold turkey on soda.

    Make sure I eat breakfast to avoid the feeling of starvation later in the day and trying to deal with those feeding frenzies.

    Eat slowly

    Keep busy (those days where you have projects or lots of work...there is no time to think about eating)

    Run on the treadmill daily, if body isn't aching

    Walk the dog every morning when temperatures are above 32 degrees

    STICK WITH IT! - Hope this group helps!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My New Year's resolution is to stop all emotional eating. I resolve to no longer push my feelings down. When I am stressed, I will walk away from the situation, and take a deep breath. When I am angry, I am going to speak up. When I need a hug because someone took credit for something I did, I am going to hug myself and look in the mirror and tell myself that I am valuable. When I am sad or depressed, I will be calling a friend or getting out of the house for some fresh air. I am no longer going to use food as a crutch. I am going to have healthy food choices available at all times. I am still going to allow myself celebratory food with family and friends.
  • karebear22776
    karebear22776 Posts: 92 Member
    What is a Fitbit?
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    My plan for 2013, thanks to this pound a week group is to NOT get so caught up in "wt loss" but to focus more on living healthy: move more, cut out the eating out, drastically limit soda and alcohol intake, let go of the things I can't change, and the rest will come as the year unfolds :wink:
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 149 Member
    I am going to move more. Some days cardio, others maybe not but some type of purposeful exercise. I have to cut out candy completely because I get really out of control with it. I am going to do my best to make healthy choices everyday, while accepting that not all my choices will be perfect.
  • lodeannalo
    lodeannalo Posts: 26 Member
    Stop eating out for breakfast
    Eat lunch daily
    Eat healthy snacks
    Eat less processed foods
    Get off my butt and get moving!
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I'm not trying to pat myself on the back (this time-lol), but I think I made all the changes that I want to make in 2012. I just need to continue making them!

    I choose fat free or low fat instead of full fat foods.
    I very rarely eat fast food (once in last 4 months).
    I rarely go out to eat, but when I do I go to a place that has an online nutritional guide so I know what I'm getting when I walk in.
    I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables - I could literally go weeks before without consuming anything other than protein, fat and bread.
    I limit my alcohol to two nights a week (which is big for me, but I'm not ready to give it up completely).
    I try to get at least an hour of cardio in a day.
    I am starting to lift weights.
    I almost always plan and log the next day's menu before I go to bed at night.

    Of course, I don't always follow this to a "T" or I wouldn't still have more weight to lose, but I stay on track more than I go off nowadays. I just hope to continue doing it. If I were to go back to what I was doing before, I would be right back where I was and I don't want that. So, here's to a healthier and happier New Year!
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    What is a Fitbit?

    A fitbit is a pedometer that you wear all day and it syncs with MFP and adjusts your calories on here based on how active you were. Fitbit uses same technology as Wii remote to fairly accurate. If you look at my diary, at the bottom it will say fitbit adjustment so you can get the idea. Works great to track walking or running but not so great tracking calories burned weight lifting or eliptical. I manually log those calories. It resets every midnight. It's REALLY COOL! I LOVE MINE!!!!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    great list of changes everyone seems to be posting :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    im going to eat more veggies , i dont know why i dont eat alot , because i do like most vegetables and get my *kitten* moving when im not at work and ride my bike to work and back.....
    and most of all just have little bites of chocolate

    note to self ... buy mini size bars where possible
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Since joining MFP a little over a year ago, I consider what I'm doing as a lifestyle change; however there are moments when I slip into a " diet" mentality, as if at some point, once i reach my goal weight, I will longer need to keep doing all the things I've been doing to reach my goal! A "dieting" mentality can get set me up for failure because it suggests something that is temporary, suggests that if I deny myself certain things then I will see certain results, but before I see those results, I begin to feel deprived, which ultimately leads me down sabotage's path. That path is what I want to avoid, so every once in awhile I have to stop "dieting" and remind myself the changes I make are for the rest of my life, such as drinking plenty of water, eating smaller portions, EXERCISING, logging foods, encouraging others, asking for help, finding motivation, remembering simple pleasures, laugh more, love myself and my life, pay attention to other people's concerns and love them more, and there is so much more!

    This year I want to change my perspective, be more positive, enjoy life more, view the changes I make as healthy and happy "life-long" changes that make me stronger, healthier, and just plain fabulous! Oh and for goodness sake, I need to get off my butt and move more! As the year goes by I will have more specific goals to reach, I just needed to start the year with a different thought process...goodbye 2012, hello 2013!!! Whoo-hoo!

  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    No soda for 2013 .
  • HippieMamaOf2
    HippieMamaOf2 Posts: 61 Member
    I am planning to make even more lifestyle changes this year. I have some good ones in place that I will be continuing as well. I'm hoping that by being more consistent that I will reall start to see more changes in the coming months. Here are a few of my lifestyle changes:

    - Continue CSA membership. Getting all those fresh veggies each week is really helping me to eat better and try new things.
    - I'm going to log everything here on MFP - the good, the not so good, and the down right bad. I have to come to terms with the fact that there will be days that I make poor choices, but that doesn't mean it is time to continue to make poor choices.
    - Move more!
    - Less eating out and make better choices when I do eat out.
    - Make sure all of my dietary restrictions are closely followed this year.
    - Work on the emotional side of my eating.
    - Celebrate my journey toward health.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Let's see...lifestyle changes.

    1: I am going to be more careful and conscious of what I put in my face. I have a tendency to eat whatever is sitting there or follow other's examples of food. NOT any more. I need to take responsibility for what I eat.

    2: Measure what I'm eating more thoroughly so that I can log it more accurately. And log EVERYTHING.

    3: Make sure to get in at least 30 mins of exercise a day. I will aim for more but I want a MINIMUM of 30 mins.

    4: Stop letting other people and their negative, defeatest attitudes cripple my enthusiasm or my motivation like I've been doing. Even if it's the people closest to me. I need to do this for ME and for my girls. *BLEEP* everyone else *grin*

    5: Try to keep my goal in mind at all times, even when the dark part of my brain is telling me how much that chocolate will taste or how eating that Big Mac "just this once" won't hurt.

    6: Eat more veggies. I LOVE veggies but my family has a tendency to go more towards rice or bread or pasta or potatoes just because half of us aren't really veggie eaters. If necessary I will make a side of veggie just for me and replace at least half the starchy item (or all) with my veggie of choice.

    7: And most important. STAY POSITIVE! I KNOW I can do this and I KNOW I can succeed and be a good role model for my daughters. No one and nothing is going to get in my way this time!
  • melscooby
    -Eat breakfast everyday
    -Eat lunch everyday
    -Less eating out
    -Less coffee, more water

    I'm going to try and keep it simple for now and maybe incorporate more changes throughout the year.
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    I'm trying to reduce the amount of processed foods I eat.
    I'm trying to eat for nutrition rather than for feelings.
    I am trying to move more (30 minutes per day).
    I am doing more healthy things with my family.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    - Eat breakfast! It makes me less hungry the rest f the day and if I start the day right, I'm more inclined to make healthy decisions.
    - No fast food. Or at least, very minimal fast food.
    - Make lunch at home rather than grabbing something out. It keeps the portions down.
    - Drink water!