
botaijm Posts: 43 Member
I did my first day today! It was not as difficult as I remember it. The cardio used to kill me but since I've been doing 2.5 miles a day on the elliptical it is a bit easier. I still struggled don't get me wrong Jillian is evil!!:devil: But I got through it! My arms are shaking still and it's been almost 3 hours but i'm alive :happy:


  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    How can I have gone so backwards in such a short space of time. I was neevr very flexible but my muscles seemed to have tightened a lot in 2 weeks off. However I have done it so it must get better
  • Melissa132129
    Melissa132129 Posts: 205 Member
    I completed L1D1 earlier this morning. It was pretty tough since I've slacked on exercise for awhile but I got through it. I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow though and I hope with all your help I can push myself through it on day 2.
  • monasuli
    I just completed Day 1!! Was tough but still did it!!
  • keepitupnow
    keepitupnow Posts: 3 Member
    Day one complete!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    day 1 done! not as bad as i remembered, but i diod have a 9 month old hanging off my leg and sitting on me while i was doing crunches, so may not have put in maximum effort ;)
  • Stacey_c123
    Stacey_c123 Posts: 78 Member
    :happy: Completed day 2 earlier on today, wasnt as bad as last time.. plus had to take a break yesterday but got right through it this time!!
  • semolinar88
    D1L1 Complete! I'm ready for the soreness tomorrow :wink:
  • kanncm
    kanncm Posts: 139 Member
    1 day down, 29 to go!
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    Day 2 was harder than day 1. Looking forward to day 3 though.
  • princess0jessica
    princess0jessica Posts: 35 Member
    today would of been day7 level 1 for me but i feel horrible so im taking the day off...just remember it always gets easier
  • leeza898
    leeza898 Posts: 7 Member
    Day 2 completed! Felt really good and a lot stronger than yesterday. Probably bec. I've lowered the weights to 2 lbs. I have better form this time and was able to finish the sets. Great job everyone!!!!
  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm so out of shape that I took several breaks to get my heart rate down to a safe zone, but at least Day 1 is done. Hopefully I'll be able to walk up the stairs tomorrow at work!
  • jumperchick
    about to do day 4 L1 ! wish me luck =] day 3 felt much easier than day 1 or 2 !
  • ct52577
    ct52577 Posts: 15 Member
    I did day 1 on Sunday and I did Level 1 twice once in the morning and once in the evening. Then on Monday I did 2.5 mile walk in the morning and Level 1 in the evening. Yesterday New Years I was in agony but went out for a 5k walk in the morning and took a day off from the Shred I hope to get back to it today if I'm not in to much pain.