The challenge starts today!

jennrs000 Posts: 23 Member
Hi ladies!! So the TTC weight loss challenge starts today.. I'm ready!

I was going to say lets start with a weigh in today, but, I should have written a message yesterday to say this. OK, and I had a big dinner last night, I"ll be honest!! And I slept terribly.. But I'm already starting the new year out right with a smoothie this morning =)

So.. does everyone want to weigh in tomorrow (weds) morning? And then maybe from there move back to weigh ins on tuesdays?

Happy New Year!!



  • Kristinhawthorne1
    Happy New Year. I'm happy to weigh in tomorrow. Good job on starting with a smoothie this morning. That is what I had for breakfast as well. I am super excited about this challenge and about being a thinner me in 2013. :smile:
  • arcticflower
    arcticflower Posts: 32 Member
    Happy New Year to you too ladies!

    I'll weigh in with you tomorrow AM for sure. New Years' Eve was a night of indulgence for me (both food and wine) so I'm afraid to see what the scales say, haha.

    Is anyone else going to be measuring inches as well? I'm measuring neck, waist, hips, thigh, upper arm, bust and ribcage (under bust). I want to lose the 12 lbs, but I also want to have a nicer shape which is dictated more by inches rather than pounds. Of course, my main goal is to have a lower BMI and overall healthier body for a pregnancy, but it sure won't hurt to look better too! :)
  • jennrs000
    jennrs000 Posts: 23 Member
    I could do measurements too.. I need to find a tape measure though lol.. I'll try and get a hold of one today and do that as well.

    Yeah, NYE was waaaay over my calorie budget.. but I did track it all just so I had to see how much I did eat.. ugh! I did way better yesterday though. I didnt do any formal exercise, but I was cleaning all day and taking down christmas decorations etc.. so I was up and down steps all morning, and def broke out into a sweat!!!