
Please introduce yourself to the group! What your goals are, what weight loss regimens you've tried in the past, and what motivates you to make this change in your life!

And WELCOME :happy:


  • My name is Jamie and I live in Colorado City. I have never been a skinny girl but have really ballooned up over the past 7 or so years, since the birth of my oldest child. I have tried numerous weight loss regimens including dietary supplements, low carb, fat smash diet, etc., with only minimal short-term success.

    The greatest I felt was in January of 2011 when I got on a health kick and started eating right, making healthy substitutions for those not-so-healthy things, and went to the gym regularly. I was jotting down everything I was eating, as well as all the activities I was doing to get fit, and lost 40# in 3 months.... then life got stressful with illnesses, work and juggling everything, and i slowly began to slip back onto the "back burner." I lost my motivation, my will to change and became depressed. I am a compulsive eater, a stress eater and a bored eater--food addict.

    But this year is the year I take back MY life and do what I need to do for ME so that I can properly juggle the home and work life, which can be very stressful when you work at home... lol. But we all need support and that is what I hope this group accomplishes :happy:

    ADDENDUM: Forgot to add my goals... I'm 5'4" and sittin' right about 300# right now and would loved to get down to 160, but would settle for something around the 175-180 range. That is my ultimate.
  • harper5276
    harper5276 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Gari , and I was never a big girl until I got married and started having kids. I did not get this way over night. I made wrong choices and was lazy, content and ignored the truth. I'm not looking to be super skinny again but aim looking to get healthy and lose weight. I am using and extra boost to help me control my appetite and have done well so far. I am adding fitness pall to keep myself honest and share my journey.