new to the group

I'm new to the group and Im excited about what God is about to do in my life. I have two daughters ages 20 and 21. I'm married and just celebrated 21 years with my beloved spouse. i have a lot oF WEIGHT TO LOSE, but I look forward to meeting each of and receiving and giving the support and encoragement needed to succeed.


  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    Hi there, I just joined this group. I am a mother of 2 beautiful kids, been married for 11 years and am looking for the balance between being a wife and mother and keeping myself healthy to do all the things the Lord has planned for me.

    Looking for encouragement and support from fellow sisters in Christ :)
  • SanctifiedDiva
    SanctifiedDiva Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Ladies I agree with you both but I think In God we can rock this thing out Stay encouraged
  • katys_workinforit
    katys_workinforit Posts: 30 Member
    I hope everyone is doing great!
  • Hello! I'm new to this group and just wanted to stop by and say hey! I am so thankful and belssed with a 5 month old baby girl named Annabelle. I thank God every day for providing fo me and my family every single day. i am also excited to get in the best shape possible, and to be able to prosper. He is my Rock:heart:
  • GREAT JOB!! kepp at it :drinker:
  • 52in13
    52in13 Posts: 38 Member
    I just joined. I have two daughters, 11 and 7 and have been married for 3 years. Excited for this year because this is the year the weight is coming off!
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    I'm new to the group as well! I've got two beautiful daughters (2.5 and 9 months) and it's time to lose the baby weight (and then some) from my recent pregnancy. So happy to have found a Christian group of mother's in the same boat as me!
  • Catwoman1037
    Catwoman1037 Posts: 102 Member
    I am new here. I have a wonderful husband and three great children - ages 16, 11 & 7. Above all else, I strive to put God 1st. I am so happy to find this group!!!!!!!!