How has your day been?

scrook43 Posts: 78 Member
Hi ladies, well it was back to work for me today after being off 10 days. Those steel toed shoes were so heavy. I did good on my eating today but no exercise for me, it was a rest day. Hope everyones day has been good.

Recipe of the day--
High Energy Protein Balls
16 oz almond or peanut butter
1 cup vanilla flavored protein powder
3/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons chia seeds (optional)

Mix all together and roll into balls. Place in refrigerator to firm up then transfer to a airtight container. Store in freezer or fridge.

Please feel free to give us some of your heathy favorite recipes. I love trying new things.


  • dvm12345
    dvm12345 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Today was my last day of eating with abandoned, from the Holiday season. I plan to start recording my food and exercise tomorrow, and am determined to stick with it. I have to go back to work on Monday and need to spend the next few days getting myself really focused on making a change!! Best of luck to everyone. :smile:
  • Hello ladies,

    I am glad to say I got back on track today. My eating went well and got 2.75 miles on the treadmill done today. It has been a slow road back but I am on my way!!!! I go back to work tomorrow and I am dreading the steel toes also! I know you are going to do great tomorrow DVM!! Good job everyone!
  • Hi ladies-

    Glad to see everyone. On Wednseday I did a 40 minute walk/jog. I am working on getting the running time more and the walking time less. I know if I stay focused I can do it. I was under calorie and pretty good with my eating.

    Great job everyone!
  • scrook43
    scrook43 Posts: 78 Member
    Wow looks like everyone is doing great. It was just floor work for me today. My leg is still flared up alittle and with my big race next week i am coasting along. Did pretty good on my eating, didn't do the best for supper but still stayed within calories. Now if we can just make it thru the weekend we will have a good head start. Keep up the good work ladies.
  • Hi everyone-hope you all are doing well!

    Thursday-40 minute run/walk and also started my weightlifing circuit again.

    Today(Friday)-40 minute run/walk.

    Look forward to see how eveyone's workouts are going. Have a good evening!
  • scrook43
    scrook43 Posts: 78 Member
    wow nicole, great job. Are you doing your run/walks on the treadmill or are you lucky enough to have warm enough weather to run outside. Im ready for some sunshine. I hate the hot and humidity but running in 20 degree weather is rough also. Hope you have a great weekend
  • Thanks. Unfortunately at the moment my workouts are on the treadmill as we have lots of ice and snow on the ground and I don't want to injure myself with a bad fall. When I was younger and in shape I would run through anything but now that I am getting back into shape I want to do all I can to prevent injury.

    It looks like we may warm up to the 40's with sun for a few days and that should melt some of my running routes. I want to get out-the treadmill is so boring.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • Great job Nicole!! Keep it up! I have not run in two days. Knee has flared up on me again. I am doing the exercises the physical therapist gave me and working on abs and upper body. I hope to try to run some tomorrow we will see. Keep the updates coming! Keeps me motivated! Have a great weekend!