Exercise anxiety...

Hi folks! My name is Danie, and I'm new to the group.

I've set the intention to complete a 20 minute walk at home work out tomorrow, and I'm experiencing anxiety about how it will go. :frown: I've gained 110 pounds over the last three years (medication, bad nutrition and lack of exercise), and when I try to do cardio workouts I get tired very easily, and often end up giving up. I've already decided that my goal with tomorrow's work out is to "just keep moving", even if it means slowing down and going at my own pace. I'm in no shape to keep up with Leslie Sansone just yet.

Can anyone share their experience with the walk at home dvd's, and offer tips on how to keep moving even when the going gets tough? Your feedback would be very much appreciated! Thanks!


  • daneegurl75
    I did it! :bigsmile:
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I just saw this and I'm sorry I'm late but yay!!! YOU DID IT :flowerforyou:

    So proud of you. And I agree with ur plan just keep moving even if u slow down its okay don't give up!!

    Have a fantastic day!!!
  • zoeysmom08
    zoeysmom08 Posts: 117 Member
    I started doing Leslie walkouts when I bega my weigh loss journey. I bought one of her dvd's and I actually just played it and set and watched it twice because like you, I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to do it. When I did decide to get up and do it, I was only able to do a few minutes at a time. My hips were so tender and my calves just screamed in pain! But I kept at it a few minutes at a time until it wasn't long before I was able to do the whole segment at one time! Now, I am absolutely hooked on Leslie and have a vast collection of her DVD's. She helped me lose over 100 pounds a few years back. I have gained about 40 of those pounds back but am starting back fresh! Good luck and you can do this! The awesome thing about Leslie's walkouts is that she tells you to follow along at your OWN pace!
  • zoeysmom08
    zoeysmom08 Posts: 117 Member
    Somehow I missed this! Congratulations on getting thru it!
  • chefsusan
    chefsusan Posts: 101 Member
    Congrats on doing your first work out. Like the others said, do it at your own pace. You will get better with time. When I started, my leg kicks or knee lifts were barely off the floor, now, as my core gets stronger, so does everything else. But just listen to Leslie and do what you can at you own pace until you start feeling stronger.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Congrat's to you Danie!

    Can't add anything more to the good advice already here.

    You are on your way to good health.

    There's a monthly challenge thread on this board you might want to join. It's strictly up to you how many miles you'd like to do. You just state your goal and do your 1/2 mile, mile, whatever and check in when you can. No pressure.

    Hope you'll join us, :smile:
  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    Good for you for making it. When I first started I too struggled through the 1 mile walk. Keep going it gets easier and so worth it.
  • Siavain
    Siavain Posts: 14 Member
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Good for you - way to go!
  • daneegurl75
    I started doing Leslie walkouts when I bega my weigh loss journey. I bought one of her dvd's and I actually just played it and set and watched it twice because like you, I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to do it. When I did decide to get up and do it, I was only able to do a few minutes at a time. My hips were so tender and my calves just screamed in pain! But I kept at it a few minutes at a time until it wasn't long before I was able to do the whole segment at one time! Now, I am absolutely hooked on Leslie and have a vast collection of her DVD's. She helped me lose over 100 pounds a few years back. I have gained about 40 of those pounds back but am starting back fresh! Good luck and you can do this! The awesome thing about Leslie's walkouts is that she tells you to follow along at your OWN pace!
  • daneegurl75
    Oops...still learning how to use the forums. :tongue:

    Thank you everyone for your encouragement! Its great to be a member of such a supportive group of people. :smile: It feels good to have a place to come to where I can be open and honest about my fears. I'll stick to my goal of continuing to move throughout the duration of the work out until I feel more confident about doing some of the more intense arm movements, and I'll definitely keep coming back here! We rock!
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Congrats everyone for sticking with it!! Have a wonderful day and keep walking!!
  • zoeysmom08
    zoeysmom08 Posts: 117 Member
    Good thinking Daneegurl! Just take it as slow and easy as you need to! I didn't start out with all the arm movements at first either. Just like the walking, it is something that you need to ease into. When I did feel comfortable enough to start with the arms, I only did half moves, like instead of reaching and stretching all the way, I only went half way, then built on it until I felt strong enough to power it up!

    Before you know it, you will be doing the full workouts and maybe as hooked as I am on Leslie's dvd's!
  • JoanneC_Walks
    JoanneC_Walks Posts: 71 Member
    Congratulations to Daneegurl and everyone else who started Walk at Home.

    What I love about Walk at Home is that YOU can do whatever YOU feel comfortable starting out with. Even if you just watch the video and walk in place without doing any of the other moves. Keep adding moves as you feel comfortable to build up your workout.

    Remember whatever you can do is better than not doing anything.
  • lolomama_
    lolomama_ Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations Daneegurl! I too started out slow and thought I would pass out after the first 15 minute workout! But, I kept at it and slowly started to feel more comfortable which built up my confidence to move to the next workout and then keep going. It does get easier and you'll feel fantastic.