Link to MFP

rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
I have Endo linked and in the past information from my workouts has transferred over, but today it isn't anyone else have that problem?


  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    I did yesterday... I synced from my MFP app and all is well again.... I am thinking it's
    because of the update that Endo just had...

    Good luck
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    It worked today.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Mine hasn't been posting the 1st workout - if I do many, the first one has been missing (listed on site & history, but not auto-posting to MFP).

    I've uninstalled both programs, unlinked and will reinstall/link everything and see if this helps. I think something got messed up in the last update between one or the other?

    Anybody else getting similar issues?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    That was my experience today. My first workout didn't sync to MFP, but my second one did.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    Again, my first workout has not synced. I am thinking the work around for this would be run endo for a single one minute workout at the beginning of the day. After that, do your real workouts.
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    Mine hasn't been posting the 1st workout - if I do many, the first one has been missing (listed on site & history, but not auto-posting to MFP).

    I've uninstalled both programs, unlinked and will reinstall/link everything and see if this helps. I think something got messed up in the last update between one or the other?

    Anybody else getting similar issues?

    I did the same thing, uninstall and re-install... No difference. I agree with you that something got messed up during the last update.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    Mine posted my second workout today as well. I have no idea what is up with it. I will probably be going for a walk before bed, so I will see if that posts.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    My third workout synced just fine as well. This is the first time in a couple of weeks that all my workouts have gone through.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    Mine synced again this morning with my first workout. A very cold bike ride. So far, in the last day or so it has worked again for me.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    Today I went tobogganing, and since there is not a category for it, and the HRM is used for the calorie calculations, I used the "other" category. It didn't sync to MFP. Not sure if that is an issue with the category or the inconsistent syncing we have seen in the last several weeks.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    I've done 8 workouts in the last 4 days, none have synced. Going to try runtastic or whatever it is tomorrow, maybe it will work
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    According to Steven (staff here) they have this fixed.

    I know all my workouts have synced today.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    3 workouts for me yesterday after he made that post, and one this morning. Still nothing.

    I guess it could be user error (I.E. me screwing something up). All I've done is 'link' the accounts, and both endomondo and mfp show them as being linked when I check. Other than that I just use the app. The workouts are all posted to endomondo but not MFP. Is there something I'm supposed to do to push them from endomondo to MFP?

    I tried to ask in the post you linked, but the thread is locked.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    ah. maybe i'm supposed to check the 'auto post to myfitnesspal' toggle =P
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Nope, that wasnt it. Of course, I cant get runtastic to sync it's got to be user error but I'll be damned if I can figure out what it is.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    Three of my 4 synced today. The one that didn't was likely because I stopped at a location that while my phone connected to the wifi, it required logging in to be able to use it. Once I logged in it posted (actually double posted) to endomondo, but did not seem to come through to MFP. So far, baring that one instance, it seems to have worked since the fix.

    Have you unlinked you account and then linked it again? You may want to try that one more time. If runtastic is not working either, it would seem to indicate the problem is not the app directly, but something specific to your individual setup. Maybe PM the staff here.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    Yeah I'm thinking it's me, too.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    I did a workout using the "Other" category today (my rehab exercises for my knee surgery) and it did not sync to MFP. I will be doing some other stuff in a little bit, and will see what happens. I can't think of an instance when the "Other" category has posted through to MFP.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I did a workout using the "Other" category today (my rehab exercises for my knee surgery) and it did not sync to MFP. I will be doing some other stuff in a little bit, and will see what happens. I can't think of an instance when the "Other" category has posted through to MFP.

    I remember reading a post somewhere, that the workouts using 'Other' will not post to MFP because MFP does not have a matching criteria.

    As for the intermittent issues with Endomondo posting to MFP it's an ongoing thing and I've given up reporting it to MFP support. I end up manually adding the exercise along with the cals burnt.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    It has worked fine for me since the fix was announced a while back. I did not know that about the "Other" category until I read it on the Endo support forum. At this point the suggestion for those who are not having it work is unlink and then re-link.

    This is what I received from the thread dealing with this this AM:
    Eva, an employee of Endomondo, replied to MyFitnessPal integration - how does it work, a question about Endomondo.
    Hi all,
    We have seen several syncing issues between MyFitnessPal (MFP) and us over the last months, but MFP and we have just implemented some changes that should fix the syncing issues.
    You might need to go to Settings > Connect at and unlink and reconnect your Endomondo and MFP account again.
    Unfortunately we cannot sync workouts prior to this fix, but hopefully it should be working now.
    If you experience more syncing issues please report it here:
    Thanks, Eva