2013 Getting Fit! Introduce yourself.



  • I'm Lyndsey and I've been on MFP since the coupon ladies mentioned it last year. I did WW after first DD was born and lost 50 lbs, got pg and gained it all back plus some. When YDD was 13 mns I started MFP and lost about 50 again. I had gallbladder issues over the summer and stopped MFP. I started grad school this semester and have been eating on the run and doing lots of fast food w/ the kids. I have been avoiding the scale but after popping the underwire in my favorite bra, I made myself weigh. I've gained back all but 7 lbs and am heavier than I have been in a while... I'm back in my fat pants and that just won't do. So here I am and I'm really praying that I'll stick with it this time.
  • That's awesome and perfect motivation!- Oh shoot- I was hoping the reply action would go under the post I was talking about. This was mainly in regards to the post about cycling with her son- but we all have great reasons to start.

    Either way- Yay- I'm glad we have so many! I'm a much better talker about staying on track then doing so if you don't see me on here- come harass me!

    Let's all start some random posts on here to get chatting and get to know and motivate each other!
  • momo_j
    momo_j Posts: 6
    Hello! I'm Moira (momo_j) or Mo. I started MFP last spring, did well, fell off the wagon, Holidays hit... Got worse, and I'm back! I realllly need to loose about 40 lbs because I'm per-diabetic and feeling generally crappy about myself if I'm not taking time for ME. I am starting this week with a cleanse (I know, I know, I know), since I'm feeling so bloated and need a kick in the butt to get going. It is not a crazy one, and was actually recommended to me by many sources, so... Let's do this!
  • AJones1021
    AJones1021 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey Girls!
    I'm Angel (AngelLJ1006) on CDFBH. My "baby" turned 6 in October, so there's no blaming the baby weight here ;)

    I lost almost 30lbs using MFP last year, but fell off the wagon when DH and I went on our anniversary trip to Key West in June :O I think I'm already friends with some of you on here, but if not, feel free to add me!!

    To be a healthy weight, I also have to lose over 100. This year, my goal is to lose 50 and keep it off!

    Ashley - I am also going to be 30 this year, too -and Im feeling the pressure to get fit!!
  • tjwilhelm
    tjwilhelm Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I did MFP last year, then promptly fell off the wagon. I'm back on and making an effort to keep up with it this year. I need to lose about 5 pounds, but really just want to tone up and fit into my clothing better and feel better about myself. I mostly run (I know I should do some strength training too, but I just don't enjoy it. Small steps!). Anyways, hoping the running with help with the overwhelming stress i have going on right now too! Good luck girls!!!!