
Hi everyone! I am 11 months post op and I am only down 60 lbs. I have stalled the last few months and can't seem to break through. Does anyone have any tips to help break this plateau so I can start losing again? I don't want this surgery to have been for nothing. Thanks!


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Oh boy! I totally understand your concern and frustration, but hang in there. You aren't neccesarily done yet. I did the same thing at 9 months post op! Had the surgery July 2011, stalled April 2012 and didn't lose anything until September. You should be coming up on your 1 year check up. Talk to your dietician then. What mine told me at my one year was that my calories were way too low (800 and less a day on average). That at a certain point after surgery you will no longer just naturally lose and your body will go into starvation mode if you're not getting enough calories. She told me to bump up my calories to 1000 per day, get 70-80 grams of protein, and make sure I got in all my water. So I tried, but the scale didn't budge. MFP tells me I should be eating 1230 calories a day so I bimped it up some more and average between 1000 and 1230. Once I did that, get that 70-80 grams of protein, and make sure to get all the water, the weight started coming off again. At a year out we should be losing 1-2 pounds a week and I am. I do miss the rapid weight loss, but as long as I'm still going down I'm good! I have another 93 pounds to get to my "Ideal" weight, so I'm not ready to be done either. :smile:
  • mjhuddleson
    mjhuddleson Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for that! I am going to start counting my protein again because I know that when I did, I lost the weight faster. I usually get most of my water in but I tend to snack a lot. I have been counting my calories again too so I can keep track. I know what to do, but get discouraged when it doesn't work. I thought about going on a liquid diet again for a few days to restart things. Protein shakes, soups, yogurts, etc.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Thanks for that! I am going to start counting my protein again because I know that when I did, I lost the weight faster. I usually get most of my water in but I tend to snack a lot. I have been counting my calories again too so I can keep track. I know what to do, but get discouraged when it doesn't work. I thought about going on a liquid diet again for a few days to restart things. Protein shakes, soups, yogurts, etc.

    You can do the protein drinks and such for a couple of days, but as far out as you are they probably want you to get most of your protein from food. And yes, if you are not getting enough protein, the weight will slop coming off. But it sounds like you know what to do. Stay in touch if you want, I'm happy to help and encourage. We've got to stick together through this journey, makes it easier. :smile:
  • kjhendrickson90
    Hi mjshough! Sorry to hear about your stall. If you are concerned about cravings/snacking it may help to go back to the regimented diet you were given post op, maybe adding an extra protein shake or two to make your calories. I find that if I do a liquid day, it wipes away all my cravings and i have no desire to sway from my protein, fruit and veg diet.

    Good luck! Keep the faith!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Back to the basics. Measure everything. Look at what a serving size is. Hit protein and calorie goals. Exercise. Make sure you get your water in.

    We all have these moments. What we do with them is what makes us into the people we want to be.
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    You are so right. I have not been doing these basic things and feel discouraged. What I need to do is start again with all the tools I was taught and I am sure I would see more weight loss and not feel hungry.
  • mjhuddleson
    mjhuddleson Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all so much for the encouragement! I have been counting my calories again and I am going to do a liquid diet for a day or two just to restart things. I am sure for a day or two I might be a little hungry until I get used to the smaller portions again. There is always water to fill me up! :)
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    I am only 6 weeks in and already discouraged.
    Month 1 I lost a whopping 30 pounds, this month only 6. Don;t get me wrong, 6 is better than zero. But I was expecting at least 15-20. I struggle to get in all my protein and water because I get full so quick and I don't want to start snacking to get my nutrients!
    Any suggestions about how you handled your new sleeve in the first 30-90 days????
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    My NUT told me that snacking (constantly) was a big no-no. Eating breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner should be good. (My nut said any more than that would be grazing, and that would eventually stretch my pouch back out. :)

    -Shoot for 70-80 grams of protein.
    -LOTS of water
    -I shoot for 1000-1200 calories. Some days I'm good, others I don't eat enough.
    -Limit your sugars (artificial and natural)
    -Limit grains, breads, etc.
    -Are you exercising? That should help too! Even walking 20 minutes a day will help!
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I just saw my dietician for my 6 month post-op visit. She and my doctor discourage any snacking between meals. Their philosophy is that eating that way is what put the weight on. I am getting by on an about 65 grams of protein, but not always feeling satisfied so she recommended to try to increase it. Also, I should limit any starch to one meal. For me, that is the hardest of all. I am going to try to follow this plan closer because I have only been losing about a pound a week for the last 3 months.
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    My NUT told me that snacking (constantly) was a big no-no. Eating breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner should be good. (My nut said any more than that would be grazing, and that would eventually stretch my pouch back out. :)

    -Shoot for 70-80 grams of protein.
    -LOTS of water
    -I shoot for 1000-1200 calories. Some days I'm good, others I don't eat enough.
    -Limit your sugars (artificial and natural)
    -Limit grains, breads, etc.
    -Are you exercising? That should help too! Even walking 20 minutes a day will help!

    No, Im not exercising like Im supposed to. We just moved from Texas to Delaware and I am so cold that I never want to go outside and be active. Im going to find a Leslie S. Walk Away the Pounds DVD right now!!!
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    My bariatric dietician said going back to liquids is the worst thing to do as it messes up your metabolism. She said go back to lean protein and complex carbs, low fat as possible and loads of water. This should kick start things again.

    I have been told eating between meals is fine as long as you eat the right things!! A banana, beef jerky, protein bar etc to up your energy levels maybe what you need.

    It is important to decide what is bad eating lots of the wrong things at any time or eating a banana between lunch and dinner!! Snacking is not bad, what you snack on might be.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    That makes no sense. Our bodies turn all our food I to liquid And then extract the nutrients from them. Protein is protein whether it's liquid or not.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I'm constantly frustrated and discouraged. I had VSG surgery on Oct 17 (4 months ago) and lost some weight really quickly of course...now i'm down about 55-60lbs...but constantly struggle with ups and downs/gains and losses...i stick to around 800 cals, eat very healthfully, but it just seems that the weight is not "falling off" like i hear others say.

    When i eat more, i gain weight. I don't want to miss a window of opportunity with my weight loss and i know that looking at that amount of weight loss in 4 months sounds great, but most of that was in the first two months....I drink water, get my protien in, etc....i see others saying they can only eat a few bites of food, my NUT said i should be eating 2 cups of food by now (i eat about 1 1/2 and feel happy with that)....i find all the information out there to be confusing - everyone has different advice, etc....and I just can't stand that i seem to be behind the pack. I know we are all different and i'll be okay as long as the weight comes off eventually, even if it takes a long time (i.e., part of the fear is the not knowing!!) but i hear people say it's effortless and in 6 months they've lost 100 lbs, etc...and well, it just makes me feel like i must be doing something wrong!

    And i stall for three weeks, then lose a few pounds, stall for weeks, lose a couple pounds....frustrating.

    Don't get me wrong, except for the insane heartburn which i'm trying to figure out, i think the sleeve is great, and do have some faith it will work overall (i'm a worrywart by nature) but i find it hard to deal with and seem to be a slower loser with tons of stalls! I guess those of us that fit that bill just have to work at it and be patient!
  • operator646
    operator646 Posts: 155 Member
    I know what you are talking about. I am7 months out and have come to a stand still. My appetite seems to be increasing and I am afraid that I am going to fall back into old habits. I find myself comparing my weightloss journey to others (especially on MFP). I never started out as others who could only eat a few bites post-op. My nutritionist never says how much to eat, just stop as soon as I begin to feel full.
    I did call bariatric surgeons nurse a few days ago for advice. She basicly went over what I already new: 8 glass of water is a must, get in all my protein & increase excercise. So, I am going to try to be a little more diligent and hope for progress.