
MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
I guess I'll get the ball rolling! Thank you, Huh-Knee Badger for starting this group!!

I'll try and keep it brief....

I skate as Merry Khaos, I've been playing derby for 3.5 years. I skate for the Dutchland Derby Rollers and have just made the all star team. I'm also recovering from an LCL injury. I was back on skates 5 weeks ahead of schedule, but my weight training wasn't as focused as it should have been, so hitting is still not a good idea.

I have gotten to play teams like Houston, Carolina and Providence. I have skated WITH teams like Charm City, Philly, Arizona Roller Derby and Gotham.

I coach on the side and love doing Derbalife Boot Camps! I'm so excited for 2013! I've been a Derbalife coach since Rollercon, and I have not only changed my body, but I've changed my attitude and my perspective. <3 I love talking working out and nutrition anyway, so it was a natural fit. Now I think of myself as an athlete AND i have the nutrition to support it!!

So that's me!


  • Moosearita
    Moosearita Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Huh-Knee Badge and Merry Knaos for starting us off.

    I'm Moose-a-rita with the Peninsula Roller Girls of Redwood City, CA. We are 30 miles south of SF and 30 miles north of SJ, so we sit in the middle of two very established leagues. However, PRG is heading into it's 2nd season and we are stoked for 2013!

    My goals for this year are to work on better eating habits, more cross-training, becoming more lean, and a more versatile skater. Merry Knaos has already turned me onto Derbalife, which is great (thank you!) and I'm hoping to keep making the all-star travel team this year.

    Thank you all for your support and sharing your derby fitness journey with me. Here's to 2013 being awesome for all of us!
    Much derby love and respect,
    -Moose-a-rita #71 PRG
  • Thanks guys, I figured there were RDWC groups elsewhere that we needed one on here too :)

    I joined Perth Roller Derby (Western Australia) when it first formed back in July 2008, we were the first league in the state and we felt very isolated. We had moments of inspiration and intensive learning curves when other seasoned skaters visited us from the east coast, but otherwise we felt our way as best we could. We grew in fits and spurts, both in skills and in league numbers. I was one of the original coaches - for the pleasure of coaching, not because I had quals or knew anything more than the other girls. I moved on to developing our first Fresh Meat intake and being integral in the implementation and coaching of the program. I became heavily involved in the league, holding various positions - vice president, management committee member, coaching committee chair and coach, fresh meat coordinator and coach. I've stepped back to just being a FM coach for the moment.

    I've had 2 bouting seasons, plus one off for injury - bursitis in the shoulder. I played in the first Great Southern Slam in 2010, have played against other local leagues and North Brisbane Rollers. I've been retired from bouting for the last 15 months - focusing on life for a few years. I've gone back to FM coaching to keep me on skates (& because I love coaching them). I'm about to move interstate and will be looking for a new league to help with FM. I'm keen to keep some level of derby fitness and also physique. I tried a pilates membership as I enjoyed it once... didn't work too well this time around - my body and flexibility have changed so that it wasn't enjoyable anymore. So back to derby related fitness for me! :D

    I'm looking forward to this. I signed up for the RDWC last year, but promptly forgot about it. Hopefully with all of this "group" therapy and support I'll stick to it and be better off ;)

    Thanks guys!
    breaks and bruises
    Huh-Knee Badger, #80
  • aishamo
    aishamo Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all! Mohammed I'lleatcha with Hartford Area Roller Derby in Hartford, CT. I started just when my league was beginning last year. Not a lot of people, everyone got on either the A or B team, and it was crazy how quick I got to bout and learn from all that even though I don't think I was necessarily ready. Second season is starting up and a lot has changed. We are working on getting WFTDA certified, the league has grown super quick, we have a legit freshie class, added a C team, and teams got reset to give everyone a fair chance to get on the correct team.

    So I'm kinda dead set on trying to make the A team. Last year was luck and a small league that got me on a team. This year I want to know I got on a team bc I deserve it. That means acting like an athlete. Derby training, proper nutrition, and crosstraining. Big change for someone who never took sports, fitness, or food habits seriously for most of my life. Slug is an appropriate term for my former self. Now I want to keep getting better and better.

    So I am excited for the challenge and anything I can learn fitness, food and derby wise from derby peeps aiming to also get better. :)
  • RDRoxi
    RDRoxi Posts: 2
    Hi My name is Red Death Roxi. I skate with Rainy City Roller Dolls in Centralia, WA. I have been playing derby for two years. I am a former partier with ALOT of bad habits I have been trying to break for the past year and half. Started with Derbalife and now I am into eating clean Non GMO foods.

    My goals for this challenge is to actually stick to it the whole 8 weeks or however long it is! My biggest problem is consistantly tracking my food, cause I cook a lot from scratch so adding recipies is so boring after a while! Also sticking to working out in the AM's cause I like sleep!!! If I don't do it in the AM I generally wont do it at all! So thats me in a nutshell!
  • SchizJophrenic
    SchizJophrenic Posts: 55 Member
    Hi all.

    I am SchizJophrenic. I play for Dead End Derby in Christchurch, New Zealand. This coming season will be my second bouting season, so I am really looking forward to it, to really improve my skills and fitness.

    I am not sticking to the food plan 100%, but am just trying to eat healthier and become fitter, and more agile so I can become a better skater all round,
  • poppa_squat
    poppa_squat Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm Greek and Destroy living in Arcata, CA (5 hours north of San Fran up in the redwoods) for 4.5 years originally from Wisconsin. I've been skating form 2 years, March, but officially made the Humboldt Roller Derby team in October 2012. Some of my gurls are taking this challenge and i thought i would too!

    I've NEVER done sports in my life, so this is way new territory for me. I work a demanding job but derby is love and sanity for me. My goals as a skater is to finally grasp the game first hand! I hate being the deer-in-head-lights... I've only gotten one scrimmage under my belt. Hoping for 3 more before my first official game 3/30/13. But alas i've been off skates for exactly 1 month with a minor knee injury.

    I don't just want to build strength - i want to build DERBY strength. my coach told me that "You don't play derby to get strong, you get strong to play derby" It clicked. So here i am, trying to absorb fitness routines, and pointers for derby strength. It's not just doing my ab video, cardio, and going to practice - there is SO much more.

    Trying not to feel overwhelmed. Trying to stay positive. Most of all trying to keep motivated (a plan and results help that!)
  • charlottegreen33
    charlottegreen33 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys!

    I am a no name skater. I am going through recruitment right now and will be testing later this month and early feb. I skate with the Orlando Pyscho City Derby Girls. I have been skating since Sept and fell in love. I want to be stronger on and off the track because I want to do everything I can to play the sport as safely as possible. Also, if I tone up and lose weight thats not such a bad thing either;) I love being active with derby it is a great outlet and sweaty, heart pounding fun. And the friends I have made are incredible and I can tell we will be friends for a long time.

    My goal is to make the league, then a team *2 months after we make the league* and to be a damn amazing player. I want to provide the knowledge and support to future Lunachics*recruits* that I have had as a Luna.

    My off skates life I am a nurse *LPN/LVN* going to school for my RN and a beauty consultant with Mary Kay *so if any of you ever need anything=)* I live with my bf who loves derby. We used to live in TX and we always watched austin derby. We have a husky and 2 cats and try to stay active outdoors as well. If anyone I don't already know via my league is in the central florida area stop by and skate with us!
  • Hey girls - I am Punchy LaRue, and I skate with Tall City Roller Betties in Odessa/Midland Texas. After many injuries and the realization that I may be a bit too nervous to bout right now, I am reffing this season. As my confidence and fitness comes up, I may bout later in the season. I looooove derby and am just ready to be involved again. I started with the Battle Born Derby Demons in Reno, NV three years ago.

    I'm 38, married, and have a 4 year old. I am aiming to get back in shape, lose a little weight, and look good naked! I used to skate in booty shorts and no tights, but my legs have undergone a somewhat disturbing change and now resemble a mushy carrot... I don't like it!

    I have had a very rough couple of years, moving to West Texas (hometown) and chainging everything about my life. I've been on an emotional rollercoaster, and I have suffered and been depressed and overwhelmed. I am ready to get back in shape, and be healthy.
  • Wholigan95
    Wholigan95 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all! Wholigan, here. I am one practice away from officially being a member of The Chicago Outfit. Passed all my minimum skills and the written rules test, had my first guided scrimmage yesterday and survived. ;)

    In just the last few weeks, I've gone back and forth, wondering if I'm tough enough and aggressive enough to succeed in this sport. The last time I was on a team was softball when I was 12 and you bet I didn't have to try out. I remember a girl on our team actually sitting down and picking dandelions in the outfield one time. Real high caliber stuff...LOL. That being said, I have always loved rollerblading and two years ago I joined a beginner Derby Lite class ( to get interviews for a story I was writing, and I fell in love with it. Because of grad school, I only got to do one session that year, but when I went on a semester abroad I skated through fresh meat training with the Dublin Roller Girls and had a blast. Back in the states, I took up Derby Lite intermediate. I got my masters degree in journalism. Then the summer hit, and I was searching...and searching...and searching for a job and feeling kind of depressed about that, I slacked off.

    Fortunately for me, things started to come together at the end of last year. I knew some girls from Derby Lite that were on The Outfit and they encouraged me to go to the once a week boot camps leading up to tryouts in December, and the rest is history.

    Now, I'm still applying to jobs, but I've had a few freelance gigs and a blog under my belt so I feel more comfortable working from home. I've been trying to feel comfortable with my body for as long as I can remember. In the past, I've gone really hardcore for two weeks eating super well and working out, and then I quickly burn out and my weight yo-yo's for the thousandth time. I'm hoping that finally this will not be number 1,001. I envision the hardest part of the challenge for me will be keeping up working out 5 times a week and staying on track on weekends. But more pressingly, I'm going on vacation for a week a half, so my more immediate test will be making it through my crucial Week 2 without slacking or fizzling out. Thankfully, my husband has greed to work out with me and supports my efforts at increasing my badassery.

    You're all awesome just for being here! Half the battle is just showing up. Keep it up.
  • Im Hooligal Ive been skating since april 2006. I have skated in alot of leagues and now I am at Montreal Roller Derby.

    I had a bad reality check when I wasn't drafted to a team when I joined the league. I've had some bad knee problems and low endurance.

    So I need to strengthen things to make my knees better and lose some weight to help that as well.

    Uhm, ya. Next draft is march 5th so that is my goal.

    Also eating good makes me feel good mentally.
  • I'm actually not a skater. I love watching Roller Derby and I support my kickass girls from the podium, but I'm too nervous about sustaining injuries to join in the sport.

    However, I have been following the workout challenge since 2011. It is just awesome and it works and I feel stronger, more athletic, and a badass. Maybe when I feel more confident about doing 100 pushups a day, I can step into skates. Until then, I don't think my body is ready to get battered.