Nutrition Support

MerryKhaos Posts: 34 Member
Nutrition nutrition nutrition!

The Roller Derby Workout Challenge does do weekly nutrition plans, but they are very cookie cutter. They tend to be about 1200 calories and incorporate a lot of lunch meat. :-(

If anyone wants or needs nutrition help or support, please do not be afraid to contact me. Every body is different. Every body needs a different number of calories. For what this challenge is, and for what you do as an athlete, you need something different than a basic plan.

I have been a Derbalife coach since July. Any of us Derbalife folks can really help you with your vitamins, water, protein, eating schedule, workout schedule etc etc etc! The idea is to help YOU learn better habits and give you the pieces you need to ROCK OUT YOUR GOALS: be faster, be stronger, be the most awesome you possible.

Love you guys! I'm excited to get rockin' on this challenge with everyone!!



  • Hmmm ... lunch meat!? I'm a gluten free vegetarian/vegan. Sounds like the meal plans will need a bit of tweaking for me :/
    MFP already has me on 1200 cal... I'll see how I go with it. You may just get some questions from me Merry :)
  • Moosearita
    Moosearita Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Khaos,

    I have a tough time figuring out when/what to eat before practice. If I eat too much too late, then I'm not very effective on the track and usually burping up whatever I ate. Then, if I eat too little, I'm STARVING after practice and eating too much too late. MFP has me also on 1200 calories, and yes, I AM trying to lose weight and be leaner, but I have not found a happy medium. What would you suggest? My practices run on Sundays from 7:45 to 9:30, and Mon./Thurs. from 8pm to 10pm. How much time should I give myself on Mon/Thurs if I have to be at the rink at 7:30, geared up and ready by 7:45pm, on the track at 8? Please help.

  • Wholigan95
    Wholigan95 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Moose n' Everybody Else,

    (Disclaimer: I'm not a nutritionist or dietician, but I am a trained science reporter and I have an expert bull**** detector. I am an omnivore, but I eat mostly vegetarian most of the time.)

    I tend to make sure that I have an hour between when I finish eating and when practice starts. It takes me about 20 - 30 minutes to get to practice and I also like making my meals from scratch. Taking those factors into account, if I have practice at 7:30 pm, I will start making dinner around 5:30, eat between 6 - 6:30, and leave for practice around 6:45. If you start practice at 7:45, aim to finish eating by 6:45, and for 8 pm practices, finish eating by 7 pm, etc.

    The meal I eat before practice tends to be based primarily on carbs and protein. Yesterday for instance, I had whole grain Greek spinach rice with chicken breast. I have kind of a sensitive stomach, (likely to get burpy with exertion and queasy with nerves), so I save anything that might give me "feedback" for earlier in the day - food items which I find to be gas-inducing, heavy or acidic. For me, this means relegating foods with a lot of beans, cheese, tomato sauces or spicy things to lunch.

    MFP also put me on 1200 a day, which seems unrealistic and too strict for me. I manually changed my MFP goal to 1400 calories. 1200 is generally considered the lowest you can go and still lose weight in a healthy manner (Citation: "The lowest intake per day recommended for women is 1,200 calories, unless they are in a medically-supervised, very low-calorie regimen." University of Washington,

    I don't know about you guys, but considering how hard we're busting our *kitten*, it's my opinion that we need more calories! My own personal goal is to hit between 1200 - 1400.

    When I'm hungry after practice, I tend to stash a banana or an apple in my bag to eat on the way home. I occasionally buy vegan nutrition bars from by Clif, Chunks of Energy, Raw Revolution, Larabar and Rise, but I much prefer to not get ripped off and instead make my own. Recipe here: I sub in cocoa instead of carob, and feel free to use whatever nut butter you like. They are super addictive.

    For balanced vegan meals, I absolutely adore the recipes from Post Punk Kitchen. Her directions are super easy to follow and she also has a lot of recipes for making/incorporating great protein substitutes. (Also, this site has the recipe for my favorite pancakes ever, FYI.)

    And that's my (several handfuls of) two cents. ;)
  • After practice hunger isnt really bad, you NEED to refuel your muscles.
    I take a homemade protien shake thats low cal to practice and drink it right after, it fills me up and stops me from snacking (or eating an ENTIRE bag of chips that are so easy to get on the way home)

    My problem:
    I'm not following hte meal plan exactly, my gf is a veggie and I am not, she works nights and I work..well never...but I dont want to eat that late. So easy meals tends to be the game, something that I can cook for me, and then again for her or reheat kinda.
    We do NOT own a microwave, I kinda like it but it makes it hard.
    We are also poor, and have moved to a big city where food is so expensive. Its just too easy to live off anything but vegtables, especially in this cold *kitten* winter.

    Soo I need ideas for incorperating more veggies into our meals. I try to hide alot in spagetti sauce, I add peppers and onions to our veggie tacos, but our meals are still MOSTLY STARCHES AND PROTIENS.
    Protien used to be a problem but I think I've tackled that, HOW CAN I GET MORE VEGGIES. Theres only so many steamed carrots I can eat.
    We do add green beans as a side sometimes.
    Any good cheap, easy to make veggie sides or ways to hide veggies in food anyone can suggest?
    I'm like a little kid, id way rather have meat and potatoes!