Challenge anyone?????

OK Ladies it is Saturday evening < here in Utah > and I am so ready to start kicking butt. I have always found it is easier and I get better results when I am motivated and accountable. I don't like to put things off for tomorrow when it can be done today, but I also tend to wear myself too thin so........... I want to start out every week with a new little challenge so to speak. Anyone interested in joining me with this???????

It won't be anything too extreme or undo-able, I think lots of time we are too hard on ourselves and get discouraged when we don't fit into the perfect package we have made up for ourselves in our heads. I am here to help battle against that negative thinking :bigsmile:

SO I purpose every sunday I will begin my week with a new challenge, ANYONE is welcome and encouraged to join me in this..... if you don't have access to certain things tweak the challenge to fit into what you do have access to.

Here in this topic we can chat about how we are doing with the challenge be it good or bad, we can give advice and support and on saturday evening we can report how we finish our week with the challenge. I will post on saturday evening what the next week challenge will be < requests or ideas are ALWAYS welcomed > I want this to be something we all have fun doing!


Since we are all starting or restarting this journey to a healthier us I think it is appropriate to start small after all I am a firm believer it is the small steps that add up to the big losses so here it is............

This week I want to be under my calorie goal 5 out of the 7 days and get in 30 mins of excercise 3 out of those 7 days

See I told you totally do-able :happy:

Who wants to join me???????


  • mz_asher
    mz_asher Posts: 87 Member
    sounds like a good challenge! you will do great! :) i dont wnat to commit myself to it becuase im leaving on vacation in 15 days for a 10 day trip back home. but ill join in from time to time :)
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    I'm up for the challenge. What day does the challenge start?
  • I'm in! ^_^
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I'm in
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I'm in.

    How about we take turns naming the challenge? I'm thinking each week someone different can post a challenge. It would be fun to see what we all come up with! :)
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    The challenge will start sunday and end saturday so 1 week.

    Julie I think that is a great idea :smile:
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    Sounds great. I'm in!
  • Tansy98
    Tansy98 Posts: 45 Member
    Challenge accepted lol :) what a great idea :happy:
  • _Heth_
    _Heth_ Posts: 4
    Count me in (though Sunday's almost over in Aust) :wink:
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I'm in!
  • brianna819
    brianna819 Posts: 30 Member
    i am in!
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    Seems reasonable. I'm in.:D
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    I'm in!
  • dhydes2
    dhydes2 Posts: 17
    I'm in.
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    How is everyone doing today???

    I am glad to see ladies joining the fun :smile:

    Today has been good so far for me. I only have dinner left for the day and have plenty of calories so as long as I don't binge with crap tonight < which I WON'T > I'll be well under today and I went for a nice walk with my exchange son Mars so I got my 30 min of exercise in today too. Yay!! lol

    Anyone have any NSV's or Non-Scale Victories they want to share??? I think these are very important they help keep us motivated along our journey!!

    My NSV is I avoided buying my all time favorite cookies at the grocery store today :happy: There was a huge display of them right smack in the middle of where I had to pass several times and they were on a super good deal, but I avoided temptation and left them all at the store :happy:
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    I to join!

    I didn't exercise today but I was under my cal goal!

    As for nsv, it was yesterday but I went to a wedding shower and I didn't eat any of the candy that was sitting out (even though we were standing around talking in front of it and everyone else was) or eat any cupcakes. I have acutally decided to go cold turkey on candy and desserts this year and that was the first real test.

    On a side note, bechard05 we are neighbors! I am in Ogden. :-)
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    I to join!

    I didn't exercise today but I was under my cal goal!

    As for nsv, it was yesterday but I went to a wedding shower and I didn't eat any of the candy that was sitting out (even though we were standing around talking in front of it and everyone else was) or eat any cupcakes. I have acutally decided to go cold turkey on candy and desserts this year and that was the first real test.

    On a side note, bechard05 we are neighbors! I am in Ogden. :-)

    That is an awesome NSV, WAY TO GO :drinker:

    I cannot cut out all sweets and desserts as soon as I say I can't have it, it's all I think about and I end up binging on it. So for me it is moderation. Except for carbonated beverages I cut those out completely and don't even miss them.

    Good job being under on callories :smile:

    Why yes we are neighbors! I am in Ogden often. We should go for a walk or something together sometime :happy:
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    OK Ladies check in time......

    How is everyone doing?

    It was a typical monday around here for me. I struggled to get myself up and moving this morning, but by afternoon I was up and kickin butt. I turned up the volume on my music and jammed out while I danced around the house cleaning it was fun. My 3 yr old said mommy you can't dance and clean it's annoying lol I had to laugh at her. I did great today stayed under my calories, got all my water plus some in, and moved my tush. So 2 days into the week and I am 2 for 2 :smile: can't complain about that.

    Anyone have any NSV's to share??

    Let me know how you all are doing and if I can help with any encouragement or motivation or anything :happy:
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    Definitely up for a walk or something...maybe once it is over 15 degrees outside! :)

    Good so far today. Under goal and working on the exercise right now (walking on treadmill while catching up on the message board)

    Thanks for keeping up on the thread and keeping everyone motivated!
  • Bechard05
    Bechard05 Posts: 231
    Definitely up for a walk or something...maybe once it is over 15 degrees outside! :)

    Good so far today. Under goal and working on the exercise right now (walking on treadmill while catching up on the message board)

    Thanks for keeping up on the thread and keeping everyone motivated!

    Way to go on the treadmill!!! Awesome job :)

    I have a great track right behind my house whenever you're ready !