People are noticing

So today I completed day number 8 and also had another victory. twice today I had someone say, "are you losing weight, you look like your slimming down". I just smile and say really?! thanks. Now inside I'm jumping for joy screaming yes yes yes! If only they knew the daily torture I go through. lol Ladies it works let's keep up the good work.


  • micneg01
    micneg01 Posts: 147 Member
    Congratulations! Great job! It's nice when someone notices the hard work!
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    im only on day 5 but yesterday my mom was like "your butt looks really great" lmao.
  • I'm on day 8 too and my sister said today that it's freaking her out that I'm shrinking so quickly!!! Yay Jillian!! :happy:
  • MissClassPrissSass
    MissClassPrissSass Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats girls! I guess we can stop yelling at Jillian everytime she says" just a few more. these are the ones that make the difference."
  • Jaynehr
    Jaynehr Posts: 167 Member
    Congrats! That's totally awesome and it's the best feeling in the world when people say that stuff to you. Enjoy! Can't wait till I start to notice a difference about myself. I'm definitely not ready for level 2 yet.
  • ct52577
    ct52577 Posts: 15 Member
    My husband notices a difference and he loves it. Now tho I need yo take a break cuz I'm having surgery tomorrow on my right elbow and wrist but boy I can't wait to get back to it and do all 30 days. Good luck to all of you. I'll be checking inn eVen tho I can't do it new it's an inspiration.
  • L_Stradford
    L_Stradford Posts: 156 Member
    Keep up the good work!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Congrats!!! :D
  • Twice this week someone at work commented! Super excited!