kids back to school so I can really start

thankfully back to work tomorrow as kids back to school, so I can really make a good start on shifting some pounds. I really struggle when not busy with work and school runs etc, any one else.


  • debbiek75
    Hi yeah me I'm back to work and kids are back to school tomorrow can't wait to get back into a routine and get the weight coming off xx
  • loubylou1969
    loubylou1969 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes I take my own lunch to work and it helps keep me on track!
  • pouka89
    pouka89 Posts: 24
    Not back at at school till Tuesday here! Can't wait to try and squeeze just an hour's exercise whilst I'm alone, I wish I could join a gym but we are moving house soon so should really find one near our new house.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I have been working out once my girls go to bed, once school and nursery start tomorrow, I look forward to mid morning workouts :D
  • pouka89
    pouka89 Posts: 24
    I was told first thing in the morning is the best time to exercise, I really wish I had the motivation to get up earlier and do at least 20 minutes! But my bed just holds me down and doesn't let me move!
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I wish I had time in the morning, I get up at 5.30 to start the day, I cannot imagine getting up an hour earlier to get a work out in LOL
  • pouka89
    pouka89 Posts: 24
    5.30 is not morning, that's night time still :P I get up around 7 - 7.30, its always a mad rush getting everyone to school/nursery and work but I just cant get up any earlier lol
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member