Hi Everyone

Today is 1st day of my 30 day juice fast- Please pray for me- So far so good having some hunger pains - Drinking lots of water-
Ill check in with you all on day 5


  • MackIZMs
    MackIZMs Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck! Today is my first day of my 30 day juice fast too. I felt the hunger coming on, but I would drink the juice to curb my hunger. Consider using more filling ingredients such as avocado and almond butter (even peanut butter). My 16 ounces keep me full for about 3-4 hours.

    Stay encouraged!
  • Tofteberg
    Tofteberg Posts: 61 Member
    Hello. I'm on day 10 of my first 30 day juice fast. I've had a couple o cheats. I ate 1/2 a salad and a small piece of lasagna. I've also had a few glasses of wine. It's a juice right! So far I have lost 9 lbs. I can see the difference in my body and some clothes fit better. I did a 5 day fast before Christmas and craved food all then time. I decided to give myself permission to have something I I want to. For me that has helped me to keep going and it keeps getting easier to say no to things.

    I'm adding in exercise next week. I felt a little weak the first few days but my energy is improving. Good luck everyone
  • bfridey
    bfridey Posts: 25
    Good luck with it.
    I'm about to start a juice fast soon so can't wait!
  • mdoljansky
    mdoljansky Posts: 35 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Glad i found this group.I absolutely love juicing.Ill be starting tomorrow 100% for 2 weeks as of right now. I need to get rid of my carb food cravings LOL a killler…
    If any of you want a support / motivation buddy, ill be glad to be there =)
    feel free to add me or message me! your fast will be 110% easier with a support system =)

    xo rina
  • SouthGippyGirl
    SouthGippyGirl Posts: 76 Member
    I've been juicing since the 1st of Jan, full time.

    I was healthily eating and juicing since the second week or so of Dec 2012.

    I've had 1 solid meal (Salad, main, dessert) on the 12th and am now back to juicing.

    I've lost 10+ kgs. (in 1 month)

    I've got a fb page (listed on my profile) if anyone wants to follow my journey. I'm from Aus, I'm 33, in a long term relationship and we have two kids. I'm still trying to get my other half into juicing and healthy eating. He is still trying to get his headspace right.

    I look forward to meeting you all!