Introduce yourself!

Hi All! This is just here to introduce yourself :)


  • Hi Everyone

    My name is Leah, I have a fabulous fiance. We got engaged 2 months ago and I am really excited!

    I am 5"9 and weigh 167 pounds (76 kilos). I just want to look nicer for wedding day!

    I wish happiness for us all
  • Hey!

    My name is Tara and I've been engaged just over a month.

    We're planning on a Fall 2014 wedding, and I would love to have all this weight gone to look and feel beautiful on the day. :)

    I'm currently 5'9 and 262 pounds. My current goal is 200 pounds. Final goal would be about 150/160.

  • I'm 22 years old and have been with my fiance for 6 years. We've been engaged for a 1 and a half. I weighed prob 170 when I first started dating him and topped off at 226.:/ I'm only 5.4 and a half. I've lost 30ish lbs so far and my weight flucates from 192-195. I should get down to 145ish but my goal for now is 160. I don't exercise and I love chocolate yet wonder why the scale isn't Need to make a change! I want to pick a dress because I love it not because it can hide my belly.
  • Hi!! My name is Megan and I am getting married in April!! I just got engaged at the beginning of this month so I don't have too much time. I want to do things the right way so I am starting here! Good luck to all the future brides!!!
  • tenny10e
    tenny10e Posts: 5 Member
    Hi guys my name is Tenny, I got engaged in July and told my fiancé when you give me a carot ill start eating carrots so here we go! lol I've managed to lose 12 pounds from the past two weeks since I started the HCG diet and it really works.
    Anyway we're getting married on May 3rd 2014. I got a good amount of time...Oh yeah I started at 226 and as if now I'm 215. :)
  • I forgot to introduce myself! Oops! Well I am about to turn 21 in November. I have been engaged since April, he proposed on the start/finish line during the Richmond NASCAR race. :) We are planning for a Spring/Summer 2014 Wedding not sure what the date will be exactly yet but it will be during that time period. I just want to tone up and lose some weight to look fabulous in the gown of my dreams.
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi! My name is Tina, and have been engaged since May 2012. We're planning on a Winter wedding in 2014! I refuse to start planning until I'm done with school, though I do have a rather large inspiration board going on Pinterest :P
  • Hi everyone,

    Congratulations to all of us on being engaged!!! I'm new to MyFitness pal, and am so happy I stumbled upon this group. I am determined to be smaller than I am now on my wedding day. My fiance and I are planning a fall wedding in 2014. We are hoping everything works out financially so we can finally tie the know. We've been engaged for a couple years, and would love to finally be married.

    Also, if anyone is looking for a friend please don't hesitate to add me. We are all in this together! :)
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi All! I'm 29 and have been with my fiance officially for about 6.5 years (we were friends before then) and we've been engaged since January 2012. We're getting married in late September or early October 2014. It's a long engagement because he's in school but honestly I'm glad to have 2 years to plan and to lose weight!

    Here are my stats:
    Ht: 5'4.5"
    SW/HW: 195
    CW: 176
    GW: 125...maybe 135 by the wedding, I'll see how I feel when I get there :)

    I agree with what someone else said- I want to choose my dress because I LOVE it, not because it hides me belly!

    Good luck to everyone and feel free to add me!
  • AllyDelair
    AllyDelair Posts: 91 Member
    Hello Girls! :)

    I'm Ally. My fiance of going on 4 years proposed to me in Februrary. Our wedding is set for July 12, 2014. Im 5'6 1/2", 20 years old, and started at 230.6. I am currently at 203.4 and losing. I plan to be around 160 for my goal and then go from there. I already got my wedding dress a couple months ago and It was big on me when i bought it.. so with me losing all this weight its not going to be so fun altering it... but i couldnt help myself, my dress is PERFECT. Good luck to all of you and its going to be so much fun working towards our goals with all of you!
  • Hey everyone! I'm Jayme and I'm 20. I've been with my fiance since I was in the 8th grade and we're planning on getting married in June 2014, soon after I graduate from Drake University. :)
  • KatM2014
    KatM2014 Posts: 263 Member
    Hey! My name is Kat, I'm 23 and a full time masters student living in Glasgow with my prison officer fiancé Andrew. We have been engaged just over a year and we are planning our wedding on June 7th 2014! I've pretty much finished my weight loss so between now and the wedding I want to get down from 132 to about 125ish and work on fitness goals more than anything!

    If anyone is looking for friends please feel free to add me :)

    Happy planning!! X
  • lovedork
    lovedork Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! Just got engaged in September in Disneyland, planning a Fall wedding in 2014. I tried on dresses for fun and was shocked at hor horrible I looked in them. I just want to actually feel pretty on my wedding day. I'm 5'8" and started at 210, hoping to lose around 40, but 50 would be better! I'm a grad student in NY.

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  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    Hi all! I'm jumping in. I haven't set a date yet, but am leaning for Spring 2014 as I don't think I can get everything together by Spring 2013 (we just got engaged 2 weeks ago and I have NO idea what kind of wedding I want :)).

    I've been on the weight loss journey for several years but have been much more committed to exercise for the last 5 or 6 months. I The highest weight I remember being was somewhere around 220. I'm at 183 now (I'm 5'8) and would ultimately like to get to 160, though my first goal was 180 (almost there, but I've been stuck!).

    I'm excited to go dress shopping ,though I think I need to hold off for now....
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member

    I'm Alexa, I'm 24, 5ft4, 138lb (aiming to be 122lb). Lost the weight once before, but then... well, you know how it is, uni, relationship, too much take out....

    Me and my fiance have been engaged for just over a year now. We haven't officially set the date yet - we're meant to be waiting to plan until I'm done with uni (in 200days!) - but I dreamt the other night that we got married on 6th July 2014 - and so we've decided to set that as a probable date. I do already have the dress though ;) (The not planning thing has not been going well lol!)

  • Hello =) My name is Em, I got engaged to my fantastic man last year, we live in the UK but have booked our wedding in orlando florida after going on holiday there and falling in love with the place.

    Im 5"4 and nearly 12 stone (uk size 16) and would like to lost ast least 2 stone before our wedding.

    I have done so many diets in the past, done weightwatchers about 7 times!!! But always put it back on. I would really appreciate the support of this group. Looking forward to getting to know you all =)
  • Hi all! I'm Trish, I'm 27 and a full time PhD student at the University of British Columbia. My Fiance and I got engaged on New Year's eve this year and we're thinking a summer 2014 wedding because we have 4 weddings to go to already this summer and I would like to finish (or nearly finish) my PhD before we get married. I am originally from Seattle, so on top of a PhD, running the Teaching Assistants' Union, losing a pile of weight and planning a wedding, I also get to figure out how to legally pull off this international marriage paperwork business... yeeeehaaaa!!!!

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting weight: 224.4 lbs (how did THAT happen?!)
    Current weight: 217.8 lbs
    Goal Weight stage 1: 200
    Goal Weight stage 2: 180
    Goal Weight stage 3: 160 lbs
    Final Goal Weight: 148 lbs (BMI in the healthy range for the first time in YEARS)

    Looking forward to losing a ton of weight with you wonderful ladies!
  • BruffStuff
    BruffStuff Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, in my final year of uni & I have been engaged for nearly a year now. Wedding is set for summer 2014.
    84kgs now.... do not want to be that when it comes to walking down the aisle, aiming to be around 60kgs so fingers crossed.
    Will need all of you to help me stay motivated. I love food! Thinspiration please!
  • elizabeth_2014
    elizabeth_2014 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm 20 years old & my amazing fiance & I have been engaged for a little over a year. We're planning on getting married in June of 2014.
    I'm 5'4" & started out at 205 lbs. I hope to be at 130-140 when I walk down the aisle. I also want to be around 170-160 when I go dress shopping this summer/fall so I can get a dress that I love, rather than one that just simply can hide my tummy.
    Good luck to everyone. I know we can all reach our goals!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Kaitlyn & have been engaged since June! We're coming up on our 3 year anniversary, and are getting married next February! Over the past 7ish years I went from a size 4 to a size 16. I was an active, avid dancer - but sustained some injuries & gained weight. By the time I could exercise again, I had packed on about 70 pounds! I'm 28, and at 210 pounds, I would like to lose 60 by the wedding! I am naturally very curvy, so super slim does not look good on me. I'm so happy to join a group who understands what I'm going through!

    Nice to meet you all,
    Kaitlyn :)