
I've started this group because I am getting married on 14 September 2013...just over 9 months away. And I've spent a fortune on a photographer so I'm going to look good come he** or highwater.

Starting weight: 206
Current weight: 205 (at least it's in the right direction!)
Goal weight: 140

Wedding dress purchased...now need to fit into it!!!!


  • lomins
    lomins Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm so happy to see this group. Just starting back on th e weight loss journey. I am very up and down / yoyo dieter.

    Getting married New Year's Eve so I have just under a year. I want to be healthy and strong for my wedding and take control of my weight once and for all!

    Let's keep each other motivated and on the right path:smile:
  • KimMcG24
    Lomins, I've moved myself and the group into the bigger group MFP Biggest Loser Brides - over 100 members and lots of chatter. We might find more support and ideas there! Hope you can join that one as well