Dr Who?



  • musiqueange
    musiqueange Posts: 64 Member
    Hooray! Welcome!

    I started with 11 because the people I was living with were waiting for the second half of season 6 to start in August of that year. SO in the week before it restarted, I caught up with 5 and the first half of 6 to be up to speed with 11. BBC America was showing season 4 that week, too, so I saw Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead and was totally hooked on River Song, especially with A Good Man Goes to War and then Impossible Astronaut. It was a good time. Since 11 was my first, he's also my favorite. :3 I went back after that and watched the whole reboot. My next Who Goal is to watch as many classic episodes as I can find. I just started Torchwood, though. :P
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    and not let us forget that David Tennett (10th Doctor) was in the Fright Night remake!

    Doctors for everyone!

    And Harry Potter

    I always forget that one!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    The reboot that started with Christopher Eckleston and continues today is much better than the older shows. Those were 20 minute cliffhanger soaps that lack the emotional depth of the current series.

    Nothing is better than David Tenant being quietly vengeful.
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    The reboot that started with Christopher Eckleston and continues today is much better than the older shows. Those were 20 minute cliffhanger soaps that lack the emotional depth of the current series.

    Nothing is better than David Tenant being quietly vengeful.

    OK. I LOVE me some modern Doctor Who and Ten will always be my Doctor.

    But ... the HELL you say!!!! Classic Doctor Who rules, man!!!! Cheeeeeeese!!!!!! C'mon. Don't be hatin' on the golden oldies, I could sit and watch that stuff on Netflix all day.
  • Christabelle79
    Christabelle79 Posts: 80 Member
    I always tell new to whovians to start with "Blink" then watch"Rose" and go from there. I started my husband with "Blink" and he loved it and is now terrified of all statues.
  • I always tell new to whovians to start with "Blink" then watch"Rose" and go from there. I started my husband with "Blink" and he loved it and is now terrified of all statues.

    This! ^

    I first watched the Blink episode thanks to constant bugging of a friend then went back and started from the 9th doctor. But MY doctor will always be 10th for sure.
  • mairinosteen
    mairinosteen Posts: 30 Member
    I started with the first doctor. My parents are big fans and I watched the old ones when I was in elementary and middle school on VHS years before the new ones came out. I think the old ones are not needed to watch the new ones but there are definitely lots of references to the old ones in the new series (normally when a villain from the old series shows up again like with the Daleks and Cyber Men), also several questions people have that have only watched the new ones are answered by watching the old ones (like can the doctor meet himself (the answer is yes, there are several instances of this happening)).

    *warning: if you only care about Dr. who because the modern doctors are attractive be forewarned the old doctors and companions tend to look more like the regular population when compared to say Rose, Amy Pond, and the 9th and 10th doctors.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    'Blink' and 'Vincent and the Doctor'.
  • skinnygeekwithin
    skinnygeekwithin Posts: 299 Member
    Blink first, then go back and watch all the episodes starting with Eccleston!
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    That is REALLY good advice! Blink, then Vincent and the Doctor, then go start from Rose. If I ever need to get a friend into Who that's what I'm going to do.
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    I would say check out the newer episodes first. Then later on go back and check out all of the older episodes. I'm talking about the old school Doctors like Tom Baker. Sure the special effects are horrible compared to today, But it is kinda neat in a campy way to check out some of the old villans the Doctor used to face. Also a lot of the old school villans were totally different.

    The show is definately better now, but I started watching way back in the day when the Doctor's companions were Sara Jane Smith and K-9. So I guess I get a bit nostalgic for the old Doctor.
  • <3<3 Doctor who. I remember watching Tom Baker with my dad back in the day so I got a HUGE kick out of the Sarah Jane episode with K-9.,

    My daughter loves it too, we started on The Girl in the Fireplace and then went back and watched them all, she's a HUGE fan now, she even dressed as the 11th Doctor for Halloween. :)
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    My daughter loves it too, we started on The Girl in the Fireplace and then went back and watched them all, she's a HUGE fan now.

    Mine too - she's 8 - that's our thing - we watch it on Netflix every chance we get. To the groans of everyone else. :)
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    <3<3 Doctor who. I remember watching Tom Baker with my dad back in the day so I got a HUGE kick out of the Sarah Jane episode with K-9.,

    My daughter loves it too, we started on The Girl in the Fireplace and then went back and watched them all, she's a HUGE fan now, she even dressed as the 11th Doctor for Halloween. :)

    I totally remember watching the Doctor with my family back in the day.. Well everyone cept my dad who doesn't like Science Fiction.. But we did end up watching a lot of the James Bond movies.. Good tiems.
  • I didn't scroll through all the recent posts, but I'm still struggling to fully embrace Matt Smith vs. David Tennant. I want to like him, but you get the impression that he'd as likely throw you under the bus than save you from it. I'm part way through his first series.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I tried to watch a Tennant episode and I couldn't get through it. I don't think it had anything to do with Tennant but more to do with the very special effects that they used. I just feel that the current series must have more money in the budget or something :laugh:

    I told myself I'd go back though when I had the time and try and give it a sincere go.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    My favorite thing about Moffat and his episodes (starting when he took over with season 5, and Matt Smith as the Doctor) is that he is never overly sentimental like Davies could be. His episodes have much more emotional depth and much less over the top, empty drama. Seasons 5-7 can actually be taken seriously.
  • Christabelle79
    Christabelle79 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm super excited to see what happens with Clara, Oswin, the impossible girl. A friend called her Moffat's Kenny (you know, from South Park). I really hope it doesn't go that way. What do you all think is happening with the new companion?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I always tell new to whovians to start with "Blink" then watch"Rose" and go from there. I started my husband with "Blink" and he loved it and is now terrified of all statues.
    I started with Blink - my daughter had me watch that ep, then started me with the reboot - although she skipped around with what she called the "essential episodes" to get me to the David Tennant shows (her favorite Doctor, and mine too!). Just finished #10's era, and haven't had a chance to start in with #11 (or maybe I'm just not ready yet! :tongue:), but need to get caught up with current eps!
  • Ooh I started with the Ninth Doctor and he's still my favourite. He's so passionate and mysterious. Love that Manc accent too. I think Tenth is better looking but, I don't know, still prefer Ninth and always will.