I'm new too

Colorful12 Posts: 18 Member
I need support!
I've been living with T1d for 40 of my 47 years. I weigh 250 now, and Im freaking out because tomorrow is my quarterly endo visit and I really don't want to get on the scale. I know my A1c will be up, again. Im ready to start over and re-committed about 3 days ago to 1. tracking sugars manually 2. exercising 30-45 min 4 days/week 3. Being careful about eating carbs, concentrating on low glycemic index foods.

I wear a pump and CGM. I'm a mom to a 16 year old boy and 18 year old girl. I am an artist and graphic designer. Ive been married to a great guy for 20 years. Cant wait to meet you all!


  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Welcome! Please share any lower-carbing tips you come across - I'm in the same boat. My A1c hasn't been so great the past year or so and I really need to work to get better control and I'm confident that cutting out carbs will help a LOT! The problem? I LOVE them :blushing:
  • kathyguminski
    I'm starting fresh too. T1D for over 20 yrs. and need to lose about 50 lbs. I just now have health insurance so I intend to take full advantage of better Dr.s and educaters. I am learning so much so fast it is hard to take it all in. I am super interested in learning more about the pump too.
  • wannabthin65
    wannabthin65 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Kathy,

    Welcome aboard!!

    My name is Diane & Ive been T1 for 40 yrs (since age 27). Ive been using MFP for 530 days (as of today). Its been a great tool for accountability & MFP friends are great for support & encouragement, especially thr T1's b/c they understand & all have the same struggles.. I just got a pump on July 28 & am loving it!!

    I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey. Send me a friend request, if you lke Hopefully I'll be able to give you thesupport & encouragement ur looking for!!

    God Bless,
  • kathyguminski
    Thank you so much Diane!

    So far, I am loving MFP. It is a really huge help. It takes so much of the guess work out of the foods that I am eating. I'm also looking forward to learning more about the pump. I feel like I have been "guestimating" my whole life. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone better.

    Thanks again Diane!
  • etfan
    etfan Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome, Ruth! I've been T1D for 25 years. I decided to start doing better this past June -- my A1c was around 10 and I had recent worsening in my background retinopathy. I've found MFP to be very helpful -- have lost about 65 lbs and my most recent A1c was a 6.0 -- the best it's ever been.