Erin's Intro

Hey! I'm Erin and I'm 20 years old. I'm a Biology major at Clackamas College in Oregon. I have never in my life been skinny, thin, slender, etc... I used to be very self-conscious about my weight, but I've gotten over that for the most part. I was never really made fun of or bullied about it, although I think that may be because everyone knew better! I grew up in a small town and have known the kids I went to kindergarten with my whole life, and in 2nd grade a boy called me I punched him in the face! No one ever picked on me, lol.

I've been on MFP for 2 years or so, on and off, and lost 50 pounds in 2010. I put most of it back on, save for 10 pounds. I started again on here in July 2012 and have lost 30 of what I put back on. I want to lost about another 65 pounds and access where I'm at and how I feel about myself. I have a gym membership and go about 4 times a week.

My Weaknesses: Chips. Not like potato chips, but regular corn chips. If there's an open bag I can eat half the bag plain. I just love the carby, salty goodness. Also, chocolate! I have trouble not eating the whole bar or bag!

My Secret: I live in a very beautiful rural area, out in the country. I'm right next to the Clackamas River, right at the base of beautiful Mt. Hood and an hour from the beach. This is really the perfect place to live! I don't take advantage of it like I should. That's one of my goals - to enjoy the beautiful outdoors here! There are just so many things to do here that I've never done.

SW - 258
CW - 230
GW - 165
UGW - ?

I have never been under 200 pounds my whole adult's hard to set an Ultimate Goal Weight when I have no clue what I'll look like.
So glad to be a part of this group! <3<3<3



  • PipBnz
    PipBnz Posts: 49 Member
    Hey Erin! I love chocolate mum gives me hers to stash so she doesn't eat it all at once and i don't touch it, but when i have my own it doesn't last long!
    I love doing exercise outdoors, just going for a walk sometimes you lose track of time and don't realise just how far you've gone! And it's way more fun than an hour at the gym!
    great to be sharing this journey with you :)
  • jessiefreshh
    jessiefreshh Posts: 33 Member
    I love chocolate too, its so bad! I almost always have some kind of chocolate everyday but I make sure to log it and make sure it doesn't put me over, or its not worth it! So far so good! lol. Good luck with all your goals, you can do it! I have 60lbs to go until my first goal!
  • Acp1010
    Acp1010 Posts: 62
    Erin, I know how tough it is as a college student to eat right, but we can do this if we continue together! I live in a really rural area as well, just go walking and try to jog if you can. I know how living in a small town feels too, it can have its ups and downs.

    Stick to this and we will get you to your goal weight and possible ultimate goal weight! whatever it may be :)

    Feel free to message me if you have questions, or need to talk about anything :) A N Y T I M E.

    Great to have you on board!

    <3 Anna

  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    If you can be outdoors, enjoy it.

    Plus I know how you will look with your ultimate goal, beautiful and happy.

  • toodloo
    toodloo Posts: 58 Member
    I feel you on the chips, Erin! Once I start eating them I can. not. stop.