20 weeks until my anniversary in St Thomas

This is an awesome challenge for me because I am already doing it. I am working hard just to get into a nice swim suit, probably not a bikini yet, but I want to be able to walk on the beach and NOT be self-conscious.

Current weight: 207.8
Bust: 45.5
Waist: 41.5
Hips: 46.0
Bicep: 15.75
Forearm: 12.25
Thigh: 27.5
Calf: 18.0

My goal is 175 pounds by the time we leave, which is late May, so a little sooner than the challenge ends. I should be at 175 after our trip, too, I hope!


  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    Well good luck! I really hope you make it :)
  • mariposamc
    Go for it!
  • rnbchica6
    I have 22 weeks until my best friends wedding in St. Thomas as well! She is a super fit gymnast, and I CANNOT look huge next to her! I hope that I can lose 30 lbs in the next 22 weeks! Or at least 20! I am in the wedding too, and all of her bridesmaids are gymnasts! God help me! Hahahaha! Good luck girlies!
  • amili045
    Awesome!! I'm in a similar boat as well but I have a bit less time. I have only 16 weeks to be ready for myyy best friend's wedding as well so I totally understand you girls :)