Team Jillian - Week 1 Challenge



  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Hey everyone! Good luck! We will ROCK this challenge.

    My goal is to focus on minimizing liquid calories. I drink more than 10 cups of water daily and also exercise is not a problem for me (I'm an avid runner). I also eat plenty of greens and lean protein. So, what's my problem, right?! SWEETS and liquid calories through fancy drinks from the local coffee shop. I found I was consuming an additional 750 calories daily through liquid calories---that's more than half my allotted caloric intake. Ouch!

    This goes to show that nutrition plays a huge role in weight loss when you compare to how many calories I burn daily through exercise. If you're taking in more than you burn, you're going to gain weight.!...I need to remember that!

    750 calories!!! WOWZA! Those really add up! It's good that you caught that. Those liquid calories are so sneaky, that's shy I'm (temporarily) giving up alcohol.
  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    OK guys...we seem to need a little motivation...if we look at team Dolvett and team Bob they have a lot more interaction going on...any suggestions on how we can get this team excited and up for the challenge? Should we post any exercise goals or calories maybe we want to burn as a team?

    You are right! We have 9 posts where everyone else has over 25!

    Agreed! Does anyone have any trouble areas they need help with? For me, I'm always scared of the weekends. Those are typically my highest risk moments for "falling off the wagon".

    Yes, my biggest challenge is not having alcohol. I know i can have one or two but it uses up my calories so quick it's such a waste.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Hello Team Jillian!!! Sorry I have not had a chance to check in sooner. Today was my son's birthday party!!! But now I am ready to focus on this journey!!!! Are we ready to WIN this week's weigh in!!!!! Who's going to be the Biggest Loser this week????

    LeighAnna you are doing a fabulous job with this challenge!!! My goal for this challenge is to lose 12 lbs. That means 1 lb per week. I noticed that in other challenges I have set my goal weight way too low and then I was discouraged when I could not reach it. I figured that this time around I would go easy on myself and celebrate even the littel victories that will bring me to my ultimate goal :) I really want to try to eliminate as much processed foods as possible and eat healthy and have my whole family eat healthy. I believe in making a lifestyle change versus follwing a "diet". I also need to learn to plan my meals. I will also be exercising 5-6 days per week. My rest day is usually Sundays (family day).

    With reagards to the water....I usually do a really good job with that when I hit the gym. On my off day(s), I usually do not get in as much water. So I really need to focus on that.

    Good luck to everyone on this challenge.

    Pam :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Water Intake

    1/9: 55 oz.

    1/10: 50 oz.

    I should be drinking 80 oz.

    NEED to up my water!!!
  • april_nicole1981
    1/9 - 16 ounces of water

    1/10 - 10 ounces of water

    I should be drinking 78 ounces of water per day! I've got my work cut out for me on this one. I gotta do better!!!
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    I drank 98ozs today.
    Î feel like I could float away.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    1/10 88 oz water... Still 48 oz short!
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry for taking so long to has been a little crazy lately. I'm really excited about this challenge. I really got off track over the holidays, but i'm ready to get down to business. To help me, I signed up for an entire of year at the local bootcamp that i trained with last year. I'm trying to cut out the diet drinks again....I had totally given them up last year but over the holidays started drinking them again. I should be drinking 85 oz of water a day. My bootcamp coach tells us to plan our meals at least two days in advance, so i'm spending today, my day off to plan next week. I looking for some crockpot meals b/c i have bootcamp in the evenings and won't get home till after 7pm on those days and i don't want to be tempted by eatting out. Eating out is my downfall lately. Good luck everyone!!! --Lisa

  • whiskeyhut
    whiskeyhut Posts: 59 Member
    I'm not sure where people are getting their water calculations from, but as long as they drink the water and feel ok that's all that matters. Just be aware that there is such a thing as water toxicity. You can drink too much water so be careful.

    That being said...I don't drink enough so good job to those that do!

    If anybody can give me ideas on how to drink even two glasses of plain water a day that would be great. It doesn't matter how you get your water, it can be juice, herbal tea, diet caffiene free pop, that all counts towards water....this I know...but I also know that it's best to at least get half of your daily intake from just plain water which I just don't seem to be able to drink.
  • RHeger
    RHeger Posts: 19 Member
    I've been overweight my entrie life...and I turn 30 this year. I'm married with a two year old and I want to accomplish something that I've never been able to do. Weigh less than 185. I have not seen then in over 12 years. I hope to reach this goal by the end of the 12 week challenge. I'm losing at about 1.5lbs/week now. which should get me to 180ish by the en dof this challenge. I'm tracking m y calories, getting in cardio at least 3 days a week and have committed to drinking only water. With your help, I can do this!
  • RHeger
    RHeger Posts: 19 Member
    I bought a 64 oz canister to carry around with me. It sits on my desk, in my car, in my living room. Everytime I think I'm thirsty I take a drink. It has helped me from not drinking any water to drinking over 100oz a day.
  • BridgetForFitness
    Happy losing Team Jillian!!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    If anybody can give me ideas on how to drink even two glasses of plain water a day that would be great. It doesn't matter how you get your water, it can be juice, herbal tea, diet caffiene free pop, that all counts towards water....this I know...but I also know that it's best to at least get half of your daily intake from just plain water which I just don't seem to be able to drink.

    I keep a water bottle at my desk, too, and drink from it all day. I fill it once in the morning and once after lunch, so I drink two of those throughout the day. I like to use the little "water enhancers" when I'm at home. I just put a few drops in the glass and fill it full of cold water. It's delicious and you can control how sweet it is. I use Dasani but there are other brands, too. And I drink at least one big bottle of water when I workout.
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm not sure how long your commute to work is, but I drive 50 mins to work. I start drinking when I am half way there and I pray these is no traffic :laugh:
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm not sure how long your commute to work is, but I drive 50 mins to work. I start drinking when I am half way there and I pray these is no traffic :laugh:
    I'm only a 10 minute bike ride or 30 minute walk - safe distances! :-)
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    1/11/13 98ozs water
    My eating was kind of bad today, had a little too much junk today. I will do better tomorrow.
    The weekends are hard sometimes.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    1/12: 68 oz

    I did better with my water intake yesterday....BUT I am still not were I need to be. NOW...the weekends is usally my downfall in general! I usually do not exercise, eat horribly and do not drink any water. I am going to be SURE to so my best this weeknd!!! I am starting it off with a Spinning Class this morning and I will be sure to get my water in today!!!! I am also planning my meals for today ahead of time! Tomorrow we are going to our friend's house for lunch and then to a kid's birthday party after that!!!! SO it is a double wammy!!! LOL!!! I will try to get some sort of exercise in tomorrow morning and try to control my protions at lunch!!! I am usually pretty good with staying away from the food at the kid's parties since I am so busy running after my son.

    Wishing my team an AWESOME weekend!!!!!

    Pam :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    1/11/13 98ozs water
    My eating was kind of bad today, had a little too much junk today. I will do better tomorrow.
    The weekends are hard sometimes.

    I completely agree with you!!! Weekends are my enemy!!! BUT I will try hard to overcome that!!! Let's try to log everything we eat (even if it is bad). I feel like that makes us more accountable and then you think about it twice before you eat it. We can do it!!! Have a great weekend!

    Pam :)
  • LeighAnnaMS
    HELLO TEAM JILLIANERS!!!! Welcome to your FIRST weekend of the challenge!! I apologize for not participating as much this week on the thread, my phone/ipad doesn't give me access to the community!! and I have my laptop at work but I have been swamped!

    This week I really focused on my water intake, I read through all the posts from the week, you guys are awesome. Some tips to the team:
    1. be REALLY careful of juice, I know it should be healthy but it is jam packed with sugar, if your goal is to lose weight that sugar can be your enemy! I only have 1 fruit a day = 1 cup of berries, a small apple, orange or banana.
    2. 90% of your success is in your nutrition, that is why this week I wanted to focus on making a plan to be successful! planning your meals ahead will help with those tempations when coworkers want to go out (I can totally relate to this, every time I am in the office someone wants to do lunch! and I never want to say no and miss out!) If you plan ahead you are more likely to order a salad versus that burger or sandwich! I was able to do that this week, and I went back to the office and had my good healthy protein at my desk!
    3. to work your way up to drinking more water start with making a jug in your fridge and cut up a lemon, put about half of the slices in the jug and half a cucumber - this will make your water cold and refreshing!! it really helped me to transition into drinking plain water!
    4. Crystal Light - be careful of the chemicals in these but to help transition from not drinking alcohol I have been making a jug of the Mojitio, Apple Martini or Margarita! They taste awesome and have very few calories! When everyone else is drinking their empty calories and then battling a hangover, I feel like I had a nice treat and feel so great without the alcohol!!

    I really hope these tips help you guys! I will come up with a challenge for next week that includes logging in the the thread everyday! if anyone has any suggestions please message me and I will incorporate it into the challenges :happy: Remember this is about YOU! you have full input into the success of the group and I would LOVE to hear from all of you!!!!

    I wish everyone all the success this weekend!!!! We are all here to support and motivate!!! If you feel like your stuck PM me and I get notified on my phone and can answer right away to help out or provide a suggestion!!!!!

    GOOD LUCK TEAM JILLIAN I AM ROOTING FOR YOU ALL!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LeighAnnaMS
    1/11/13 98ozs water
    My eating was kind of bad today, had a little too much junk today. I will do better tomorrow.
    The weekends are hard sometimes.

    I completely agree with you!!! Weekends are my enemy!!! BUT I will try hard to overcome that!!! Let's try to log everything we eat (even if it is bad). I feel like that makes us more accountable and then you think about it twice before you eat it. We can do it!!! Have a great weekend!

    Pam :)

    Weekends are always really tough for me too!!! I am always out and about doing lots and never at home!!! That is why planning ahead of time can be so great! Cut up veggies, toss it in your bag, bring a couple bottles of water with you, plan your meal for when you arrive at home before leaving so your not tempted to eat on the run or something bad when you get home! Hope this helps!!! :) Good Luck I like your idea Pam to log everything even if its bad, you'll think twice before putting it in your mouth if you know you have to log it!!