Hi (:

xxash19 Posts: 65 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Ashley, I'm 20 years old, and from Pennsylvania. I've had issues with my weight since I was about fourteen, that's when my body started changing and I couldn't eat anything I wanted anymore. In my teen years I basically consumed a lot of soda, junk food, pizza, I basically ate whatever I wanted. I never noticed how much weight I gained, and everyone apparently thought I looked 'great'. That is until I saw a picture of myself from the holidays which left me completely mortified!

I'm 5'4" and my highest weight was 172-173 when I was 16 (I was 5'3" at the time). That's when I started taking steps to living a healthier lifestyle, which hasn't been easy since. I wasn't dedicated enough, I would go on this clean eating kick and working out, but once I saw the pounds dropping, I'd just stop and go back to my old habits. Around this time last year, my lowest weight was 134. Ideally, I'd like to weigh less than that, but seeing that number on the scale again would be nice.

I'm turning 21 this summer and I can't stop picturing myself on the beach in a bikini or wearing a nice summer dress that doesn't cling to every ounce of fat on my body. I say this every year, that I'll be fit by summer, but this time I'm determined now more than ever!

My weaknesses: Italian food! Lasagna, tortellini. Carbs, anything savory and greasy.

Highest Weight: 173ish
Starting Weight: 149
Current Weight: 146
Goal Weight: 134
UGW: 120


  • blancaran
    blancaran Posts: 30 Member
    You can do it, seems like you've lost a lot and are well on your way to reaching that bikini bod
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    You've got it girl! I always say the same thing about the beach! I am from DE so the beach is a HUGE part of my summers and I hate how uncomfortable it is, but this is our year!
  • xxash19
    xxash19 Posts: 65 Member
    @blancaran: thanks for the words of encouragement, I sure hope so!

    @blacklabelbab: This is definitely our year!
  • Acp1010
    Acp1010 Posts: 62
    Thanks for joining us!
    Sounds like you're in the right mind set and well on your way to the body of your dreams!
    Just keep moving forward!

    Tell us more about your Routines!

