Saturday Ramblings

Hey everyone! First, if I'm not your friend here, please send me a friend request. I sent out a bunch this morning, but if I missed anyone that would like to be friends with me, just let me know. Being a WW Lifetime member, I know how important community support is when trying to lose weight and get healthier.

I only lost .4 lb. this week, but I'll take it. My muscles are incredibly sore from my weights class that I did on Thursday, so I think I'm retaining water to help my muscles heal. That's what I get for taking a 3 week break from weights over the holidays!

I'm still loving this plan! I think it's just what my body needs to shake it up.

I was reading in the CTL book about how much water we are supposed to be drinking and was surprised that Chris wants us to drink 128 oz (ten 12 oz cups) per day. I haven't been drinking enough! I thought it was 8 cups (using 8 oz in a cup) so I'll be working on upping my water this week. Ug, I'm not sure my bladder can take it, LOL!!! :drinker:

I hope you are all having a good day and here's to a super successful week! :smile: Monica


  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I'm down 0.2 from my previous low that was the Saturday befor Christmas... So now I'm officially 47 pounds down! Yea!

    I hear you on the muscle soreness. I increased the weights with my jazzercise class yesterday... so now I'm "rockin" 8 pounders. Yep, I could hold a newborn babe in each hand and jazzercise. Awesome! (Last year I struggled with 3 pounds, so I'm taking it as a win!)

    I am no where near what Chris recommends for water. My goal is to get a minimum of 80 oz of water per day (often flavored with a spash of orange stevia drops, or a small portion of a "pure" crystal light packet). I have a tumbler that holds 20 oz, so drinking 4 does that trick. Some days I do better than others... it all depends on if I can keep the cup with me all day or not.
  • My husband got me the neatest water bottle for Christmas. I've been taking it whenever I leave the house and if it's in the car, I will drink it without even thinking about it. I struggle with finding bathrooms wherever I go though! :blushing:
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    I am working on my water intake also. I have read that we should drink half our body weight. :drinker: If I don't have coffee at work, I will do well with my water. So, I will try to get my one cup in before I leave home this week. I have the 33.8 SMART Water bottles, which I try to drink 3. It's also easier to get water in on cardio workout days.
    Happy Losing,
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    Water is very hard for me as I was drinking a ton of diet soda. I have now pretty much quit drinking soda. I drink water all day long. If I have a soda it really throws me off track. The caffeine part was hard at first but I am adjusting and drinking green tea if I need a boost or lift. I don't drink coffee so that was my only real source of caffeine. I have been up to 11 cups just this past week. Major accomplishment. I don't know if they are 12 oz or 8 oz. But by drinking that much it really does curb my appetite. So I will continue to try and drink more water daily.

    Great topic.

  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone! Even I the " great camel" as my friends tease me am not getting all the water in. My normal is about 100oz a day. I am just a thirsty person in general. I guess I need to push to get the rest in. I must have missed something about caffeine. I have still been drinking my morning coffee.

    I sympathize with those of you with muscle soreness! I could barely stand to lift my arms at work Fri and Sat. I can't do the cardio due to a foot injury and also cant do free weights. No extra weight in my hands while standing per Dr's orders, as little standing and walking on my foot as is possible. I bought the Jillian Michaels Body Shop machine to work out with since it fits the bill. Oh heavens do my muscles hurt :) Maybe scream is a better word.

    Please also add me if we are not friends on MFP :) Have a fantastic day!