Official Week 1 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon Jan 14th)



  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member
    1/6/2013 - 168
    1/13/2013 - 164.4

    Down 4 pounds.

  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    1/6: 222
    1/13: 218

    Down 4 here!
  • Sincere24
    Sincere24 Posts: 126 Member
    1/1 SW: 124
    1/ 11 CW: 123.8

    Down .2lbs, sorry i missed last weigh in
  • Ghette
    Ghette Posts: 350 Member
    Starting weight 230
    Bought a new scale 234.5 :noway: yikes
    Today's weight 233
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Quite pleased:

    7 January: 154lbs
    14 January: 150.5lbs

    Lost a totaly of 3.5lbs and a few inches:happy:
  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    Starting: 157
    Current: 155.9

    Lost 1.1 lbs. I'll take it. I'm eating a lot more than I've ever did on a "diet" before, trying to do what MFP tells me, calorie wise. I pretty much abandoned my South Beach Diet plan and sticking to calories-in and calories-out. I still would like to add more exercise and start a regular weight lifting program. So far I mostly concentrated on cardio. Great job everyone!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    0 loss and 0 gain. Not sure whether to be happy or not. NROL has me eating 2000+ calories to maintain. I thought for sure this was too much and I would gain some muscle this week but alas no. It seems as if that's really the amount I need to maintain. Not too sure what my goal for the coming week will be. Ideally I'd like to put on 3-4 more lbs of muscle but I really don't want to eat more than I'm eating now. I guess I'm gonna continue the 2000+ calories for 2 more weeks and see if I make any progress.
  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 168 Member
    Weight loss this week - 4.5 pounds. Now to lose the other 6 from the holidays!!! Here we go!
  • ameliad87
    ameliad87 Posts: 66 Member
    Starting: 205
    Weigh In Week 1: 200.4

    Almost below 200 again!
  • Kaylao7i987
    Kaylao7i987 Posts: 33 Member
    down .2 lbs....kind of dissapointed in myself i had a super bad week with working out and food but today is a new day and this is the start to a new week and ive jumped back on my train but i guess the upside to this is that even with having a bad week i still managed to not im deff making better choices even on a bad day :-D

    we got this guys....we can do anything we put our minds to!!!!!!!!!
  • 3 pounds down! Finally getting off that plateau :)
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week! I went from 197.2 to 195.2! Woo Hoo! 180's here I come!

  • ah27205
    ah27205 Posts: 12 Member
    I started at 290, weighing in now at 286.8!! :)
  • started challenge @177#. Now 173.4 = 3.6# loss in one week! WOW! so all the effort was worth it after all.
  • ootieb
    ootieb Posts: 3
    Whoohooooo......down 4.9....Was 254.9 now 250
  • Friday's weight was 211! I'm hoping to be down 2lbs by next Friday!
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    Down 2.3lbs, that's probably the most I've ever lost in a week, I'm extremely happy! =D
  • raven23uk
    raven23uk Posts: 519 Member
    Ahhhhhh I put on 1.6lbs bummer
  • seligcrystal
    seligcrystal Posts: 34 Member
    Ok well this week was interesting, I did ok watching what I was eating and logged everything in. I drank a ton of water. I went from being lucky to drink one full cup of water everyday or two, to getting in 6-9 cups most days this past week. But I gained weight by the middle of this past week. I started at 224 but went up to 227, by today I was down a little bit to 226. Not sure why I gained what I did, maybe water retention from starting to workout again and started drinking so much more water, or who knows. I am hoping if it was just water retention next weeks weigh in will look amazing :-)
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    week 2 weight is 172.4.... loss of 2.2 lbs