New to the DVD's in the UK

Hi, I'm new to the group. I'm your 500th member :)

I just ordered the 5 mile Fat Burner DVD, they aren't well know here and they aren't stocked in the shops but I managed to find it on Amazon UK for a really inflated price (oh well). I am just wondering when I receive it is it best to work up a mile each day or should I just jump straight in and see how I go?

I'm 23, 340lbs and not very fit. I have bought a few other DVD's recently like the 30 day shred and they were just too much for me and I want to love this one so much that I don't want to put myself off after one go. I am also wondering what time of day other people do their DVD? I'm thinking of getting up about 5:30-6am every morning and doing it before I go to class, that way nobody will be about to see me.

Also, how to figure out how many calories your burning? Should I just put it down as low impact aerobics?

Thanks and it's great to be joining you.


  • Hi Bethan,

    I'm in UK too, I got quite a few dvd's on ebay so it may be worth trying there too.

    I started using the walk away the pounds dvds at the end of last year, i started with 1 mile and then worked my way up to 2 and then 3 miles which i'm doing now. I've started to find the 3 mile one a bit easier so I'm planning to start the 4 miles soon.

    My advice (albeit quite limited) is just to do as much as you can manage and take it one day at a time. If you find it too difficult to do lots of miles then just work your way up slowly.

    I do my dvd of an evening as I found when i was doing it before work my legs were a bit like jelly when I got to the office. I think I would just say pick whichever time is best for you and do it then, that way you are least likely to put yourself off.

    Good luck, I too am not very fit but I am definitely seeing improvement in myself.

  • bethan2289
    bethan2289 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Bethan,

    I'm in UK too, I got quite a few dvd's on ebay so it may be worth trying there too.

    I started using the walk away the pounds dvds at the end of last year, i started with 1 mile and then worked my way up to 2 and then 3 miles which i'm doing now. I've started to find the 3 mile one a bit easier so I'm planning to start the 4 miles soon.

    My advice (albeit quite limited) is just to do as much as you can manage and take it one day at a time. If you find it too difficult to do lots of miles then just work your way up slowly.

    I do my dvd of an evening as I found when i was doing it before work my legs were a bit like jelly when I got to the office. I think I would just say pick whichever time is best for you and do it then, that way you are least likely to put yourself off.

    Good luck, I too am not very fit but I am definitely seeing improvement in myself.


    Thanks for the advice, my DVD came in the post this morning so I shall be starting Saturday morning and then if I get jelly legs I'll move to the evening when nobody is about haha. I'm very excited, I just watched mile 1 and I really think I'm going to enjoy it.
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I'm in the UK too and just did my first Lesley Sansone walk last night. I broke my foot last year and this is an ideal low impact exercise for me.

    I just did a 1 mile walk on You Tube last night. I didn't realise I could get the dvd in the UK and thought You Tube was the best place to find her routines. I'll look on Ebay but meantime if either of you want to add me as a friend for support, go ahead.
  • toffee444
    toffee444 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Bethan, i'm also in the UK. I bought my fist Leslie DVD from QVC. it came with four DVDs and the resistance bands. There was 1 mile, 2 miles 3 miles and the 4 mile super walk. I started slowly and built my way up. I do the 4 mile super walk every night, except a Saturday, i have that night off. At first i didn't notice any difference in my weight but my clothes began to get too big for me. Stop this for a year and noticed everything getting tighter again. Have just started again last week and loving it, wondered why i gave it up. My advice would be to start slowly at a time that suits you and work up, there is no rush just enjoy. Good luck :happy:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Hi Bethan,

    Welcome to the Leslie fold... :wink:

    One good way to start is to take it slow and maybe not even do the arm movements at all at first. Do 10 minutes and see how you feel. Stil feeling good, then go for it Girl. If not, shut it down and do it again tomorrow. I'm betting you will love it and have a great time getting fit with Leslie.

    Sorry, I know I sound like a chearleader but I believe her workouts are the safest and most effective low impact workouts on the market.

    Let us know how it goes,
