Wheres everyone at ??? I'm BACK !!!!

whook1981 Posts: 7 Member
So after a bad fall off the wagon, I'm back and ready to kick this into high gear !!! Just wanted to check in with the "BIG GUYs" and see how everyones doing and keep our topic active again.

Sadly to say I've gotten a little bigger so added some pounds to lose since last visit but starting back to walking and eating right. I have a work detail that will put me back on a 4 month stint of all day work (YAY no shift work) allowing me to have get a great jump start on this, this time.

Well just wanted to say HELLO and IM BACK and looking forward to catching up with some of yall !!!



  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member
    Welcome back. I'm new here too. I've been on MFP for over 50 days and haven't seen much activity on this board.
  • Bodaciousangel
    Bodaciousangel Posts: 11 Member

    Do you mind if i Join you guys, Im over 400lbs. Really do need inspiration. I have about 20 stone to lose so going to be a long journey for me.

    TTFN. x Chez.
  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member

    Do you mind if i Join you guys, Im over 400lbs. Really do need inspiration. I have about 20 stone to lose so going to be a long journey for me.

    TTFN. x Chez.

    You are in the right place, there are a lot of great tools to help you along and a lot of great people too. Good luck on your journey.
  • dsweise
    dsweise Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome back! I'm in the same boat - fell off the wagon for a few months and ballooned up to 464! Fortunately I started reining things in on 12/1 and over the last 6 week have lost 33 lbs. It scared me that my mom is now living with diabetes, as are my 2 aunts and I decided I really needed to do something about it. I actually have a blog and posted about it there: http://danielweise.blogspot.com/