New Year goals?

I'm beginning the new year a few weeks into it, because I'm nothing if not a procrastinator. But now 2013 is unequivocally here, my stash jar is once again full, and my tummy still feels that way from the holidays.

So it's time to reexamine and reset exercise-y goals!

What goals are you entwives setting for yourself this year? How did last year's goals (if any) pan out? And (offtopic a bit) what's the coolest thing you got for the holidays?

I'm aiming to be able to run 5k with no problem by May.
I've also decided to stop looking at a scale, and start looking at weights for goal numbers. There is a wedding in my future, so yeah I want to look great in my dress, but it seems somehow more satisfying to go "YEEAAAH! I just bench-pressed 20 lbs in each hand!!!! That's like bench-pressing two small children!" than "I lost the equivalent of a dumbbell!"

Last year's goals: Totally wussed out on both 5k's. Lamesauce.




    i honestly can't tell you what my new year's goals were for last year, so i definitely don't know whether or not i achieved them. i'm leaning towards probably not. BUT THIS YEAR...

    i'm going to see 140lbs on the scale. i'm going to learn to cook 25 new meals. even if i only make them once. i want to learn to make at least one really amazing gourmet dessert. potentially with trees in it. i want to be so proud of my weight loss that i post progress pics all over the goddamn internet.

    i want to have ladies night once a month. i want to do yoga at least once a month. i'm going to pay off my school loans and get married. we're going to buy my fiance a car. i'm going to pay off some additional debt and get a real bank account for the first time in years. i'm going to take better care of my fiance and myself - home cooked meals, getting our hair cut when we need it - not months later, keep my eyebrows waxed and plucked, painting my nails, moisturizing, putting on makeup. i want to get to a point where i can stop taking anti anxiety and anti depression pills. i want to make myself proud to be a woman, and proud to be who i am.

    maybe this is more heartfelt than i originally intended but idgaf. i'm gonna do all this **** and it's gonna kick *kitten*. i would also like to be able to run from zombies. this is very important.

    we can do this :D

    ps. wrote this at a [7]