Introduce yourself

benmarcum Posts: 132 Member
Well I guess it is that time in every groups life that we add the "Introduce yourself" sticky...

Guess I'll start!

I am a born and bred Louisville native, although I did live in Indianapolis for a few years.
I am a photographer and a web designer. I love doing family shots and individual portrait sessions. I am also currently looking for interesting places around Kentucky to go photograph. So if you know of any, send them my way!
to see some of my work:

I am working on the official website now

I have an amazing wife, 3 cats, 1 dog.

Hobbies: hiking, SCUBA, cooking, making/drinking beer, straight razor shaving, drinking bourbon

...and I am bad at writing about myself! feel free to ask questions though!


  • n0bail02
    n0bail02 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello :)
    My name is Noel and I am not originally from Louisville, I am not even from USA. I am from Tunisia, the smallest country in North Africa. It is a Maghreb country bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east.
    Since I love my country and I know that many of you probably never heard about Tunisia, let me summarize quickly its rich history despite its small size :) "The Atlas mountains and the Sahara desert both played a prominent role in ancient times, first with the famous Punic city of Carthage, then as the Roman province of Africa, which was known as the "bread basket" of Rome. Later, Tunisia was occupied by Vandals during the 5th century AD, Byzantines in the 6th century, and Arabs in the 8th century. Under the Ottoman Empire, Tunisia was known as "Regency of Tunis". It passed under French protectorate in 1881. After obtaining independence in 1956 the country took the official name of the "Kingdom of Tunisia" at the end of the reign of Lamine Bey and the Husainid Dynasty. With the proclamation of the Tunisian Republic on 25 July 1957, the nationalist leader Habib Bourguiba became its first president. The country was led by the authoritarian government of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali from 1987 to 2011 before he fled during the Tunisian revolution (Spring Revolution)".

    Let's get back to me :)) I have been in Louisville for 5 years and I LOVE it, I am doing a PhD in computer science at the University of Louisville, and I work there too as a research assistant. I am married to a great guy and have a 2 year super energetic toddler. I enjoy traveling, outdoor activities (hiking, camping, biking, running), cooking (yes I am a foodie) and I am of course a computer geek :D
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hi all !! I am Autumn and I'm from Louisville, KY. I lived in Louisville all of my life until a couple of years ago. Now I live right outside of Louisville but not so far I don't visit quite often. I am a single mother of 2 boys - a 20yr old & a 4yr old.

    Not much more to tell you all so I look forward to finding more Louisvillians on MFP !!! :drinker:
  • amilli1986
    amilli1986 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I'm Amanda. I was born in Illinois but moved to Louisville when I was 15. I go to Sullivan University full time and work full time too. I am studying justice and publuc safety. I don't have any children but I have a dog who is extremely spoiled rotten!!! I like to write but other than that what u see is what you get :)
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Hi!!! I'm Colleen. I was born & raised in Pittsburgh, but somehow married a KY boy and ended up relocating here in 2006. I have 3 kids - 2 boys, ages 7 & 12, and one girl, age 8.

    I'm a litigation paralegal, and work way too much!

    I love the outdoors, and now that I'm healthier again, I'm able to enjoy the beauty nature give us. I love to hike, camp, canoe, etc. I used to be an adrenaline junkie - I owned 4-wheelers and would drive them through insane mountains, I owned jet skis and loved to jump them, white water rafting is awesome and I've gone bungee jumping off bridges. Haven't done any of the crazy stuff since the kids came along, but I'm thinking about it again :D
  • bjconk01
    Hi. I'm Betty and I've lived in the Louisville area since 1999. I'd lived in California for most of my life, but moved here from NJ with my husband to be near my family. Kentucky is beautiful! But I miss the weather in California, and my allergies are out of control here :-( But it's still worth it because of the friendly people and beautiful landscape.

    I have an MBA and 3 years of a PhD in entrepreneurship from U of L, and I now work at an internet startup. I used to be quite fit, but have gotten very out of shape in the past 10 years. I'd like to regain some level of fitness.
  • megg2991
    megg2991 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Megan, born and raised in KY. I currently attend UofL and working towards my degrees in Finance and Equine Business. I have always been the "bigger friend" and I'm motivated to change that. I love music, and horses (we're in the state for that, for sure haha). I have 3 dogs, and a rabbit. I'm a very straightforward person, I think that's a KY thing, but good luck to everyone and friend me for support! :happy:
  • benmarcum
    benmarcum Posts: 132 Member
    It is so very nice to E-meet all of you!
  • alhunt8587
    Hey guys! My name is Amanda, and I'm 25 years old. I live in Southern Indiana. My husband and I lived in Louisville for a couple of years after we got married, but have moved back to this side of the river due to my job location. We do not have any children yet and don't have any plans to do so at this moment. We would like to wait until around the age of 30 before we start thinking about that! :) I'm an office manager at a Doctor's office and I'm usually a pretty upbeat person. I was very fit most of my life until about 8 years ago when I met my husband. The pounds slowly crept on over the past 8 years and this past summer I reached my highest weight of 183 pounds. The beginning of July 2012 I decided it was time to make a change and to take control of my life. Since July I have lost 42 pounds and have about 21 more to go before I reach my goal.
    Good luck to all of you on your journeys! It's nice to know there are so many people close by that are going through the same situation as me! :)
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    My name is Linda, I'm 46 and I moved here five years ago from California. I was raised in San Francisco and then spent the last 12 years in Southern California before moving to Southern Indiana with my husband and one of my four children. I work for Norton Heathcare in downtown Louisville along with my husband (different departments!) I love it here, but it is hard to be so far away from my family. I have four children, 2 boys and 2 girls, ages 25, 24, 21, 14. All of my children live in different states, one in California, one in Washington, my daughter is in Indiana with me and my oldest son is Louisville. I also have 3 dogs at home. Im only 5'2" and I've always been a little curvey, but after the kids I got more curvey and then when I quit smoking 5 years ago I added another 40 pounds to my already curvey body! I'm trying to change my lifestyle and get healthy and trim down. I like to knitt, camp, scrapbook, wine tatsting, and of course I like to eat! I'm always looking for support and new friends.
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, my name is Ed; I was born and raised here in the Louisville area.

    I just joined this site at the end of December and started using it a few weeks ago.

    I began my journey last year by attending Weight Watchers meetings at my workplace. Over the course of last year I was able to drop about 50 lbs. I was able to follow the points plan and did a lot of cardio. I live pretty close to the river and enjoy running at the parks along the river, really helps the time pass.

    This year I want to focus more on what I am eating and getting a more balanced diet. I am also going to add in some resistance training; so I am checking out different gyms;(Fitness 19, LAC.....) so any suggestions are appreciated. I work off of Hurstbourne and live in the St Matthews area so I really want something that is close to these areas.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather. I live In Southern Indiana. I was born / raised In Columbus, OH lived in Denver for a minute and also Birmingham.
    I lost 70 lbs, got fitwith a trainer then became a trainer myself. I'm also a full time online Student Studying Applied Psychology.

    Nice meeting you all!
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    Hi , I'm Evonne. I've lived in Kentucky all my life. I love this beautiful state and its heritage. I work as a medical technologist. I have two children , Ashley 26 and Andrew 20. I also have a beautiful granddaughter named Aubree whom I talk about often.
  • kimika23
    kimika23 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all! I'm Edie. My husband and I moved to Louisville last spring due to him working for the 20/20 Eyecare Optometry practice. He used to work for Fishers Eye Care in Indianapolis, and I worked for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis. Now I work for Tri-Arrows Aluminum (what an interesting industry change this has been!). We were renting right by the Summit, but we recently bought a house in Lanesville, IN, so now we're north of the river. The commute is really not bad! We both still work south of the river.

    Anyway, before Indianapolis, I lived and grew up in Chicago. And before that, I was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. I'm 50% Mexican, but defnitely take more after my mother's side (French/German).

    My husband and I don't have kids yet, but would like to soon. I've lost 20 pounds (17 since being on MFP) in the past year and I'd like to lose another 5-10, but even if I don't, I'm still happy with my progress. I am injured (separated shoulder, thoracic outlet syndrome, bulging discs in my neck, bone spurs and pinched nerves in neck) so I can't exercise and might need surgery, but I'm hoping not. I'm REALLY trying to eat better so I don't regain the weight I lost last year while working out.

    I use MFP pretty regularly, so anyone that would like to please feel free to add me for support! I like to encourage my friends, even though I can't work out with them right now.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • benmarcum
    benmarcum Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Kimika!
    I use to live up in Indy as well. Lived up thee for about 8 years. I graduated from Broad Ripple High School and didn't live to far away from it

    Welcome to Louisville!
  • kimika23
    kimika23 Posts: 59 Member
    I graduated from Broad Ripple High School and didn't live to far away from it

    I lived in a cute little postage stamp of a house in Broad Ripple for 5 years, right off Indianola and 56th st. I really like that area!

    Thanks for the welcome! :smile:
  • jaymesjourney
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Jayme. I'm originally from Texas but moved here in 2011 since my husband is in the military. We live at Fort Knox but I work sun-thurs in Louisville :)

    My goal is to lose another 50 pounds. I've lost 28 so far!!
  • benmarcum
    benmarcum Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome to Kentucky and the group Jdeason!!! Congrats on 28 down!!
  • mimo369
    mimo369 Posts: 16 Member
    my name is mike. im 40 years old. born and raised in south end of louisville.

    i could use some friends on here. making a push towards 100 lbs lost. send friend request. i log in everyday. my journal is open.
  • OneWildAndPreciousLife
    Hi! My partner I3Mariabelle and I live in Old Louisville. Anyone up for a walking group in Central Park?
  • Mrsdillard628
    Mrsdillard628 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Im Leah, I have lived in Louisville all my life, Im 33 and I have 2 kids, a 9 month old and 10 year old. Im getting married in dec of 2014 and have lots of weight to lose. Anyone ever interested in walking the big 4 bridge? Feel free to add me, I need all the motivation I can get!