What's your favorite dessert?

My favorite dessert lately has been Greek yogurt with fresh strawberries and blueberries. What's yours?


  • towardthesunshine
    Lemon-chocolate anything... and Ben & Jerry's... my two favorite men ;)
  • meginki
    meginki Posts: 70
    I am the dessert queen. I could sit and eat desserts all day: have to restrain myself, though! I love, love, love cake, ice cream, jelly, mousse... there's a buffet restaurant in my hometown with so many different desserts and every time I just want to eat them all... kinda good I live a couple of hours away now, haha!

    BUT fruit is just as delicious and better for everyday choices, of course :P
  • slimsummerr
    Similarly Greek yogurt, dates and honey. SO so good! Other favourites have to be creme brulee, sticky toffee pudding and anything with chocolate!
  • leramei
    I love mamoul. all kinds, but especially date and walnut. definitely guilty pleasure
  • xxash19
    xxash19 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm a sucker for brownies with walnuts