What kind of juicer do you have?

serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
So, I want to buy a juicer, but don't know whay to look for in a juicer. What kind do you have? What did it cost? Was it worth it? Is it easy to clean? Does it work efficiently? Is it loud? Do you make things other than juice with yours (nut butters, soups, etc.)?
Those are all my random questions. I really know nothing about juicers. I've always been a blender girl, but mine doesn't really liquify so I thought I'd look into juicers.


  • SouthGippyGirl
    SouthGippyGirl Posts: 76 Member
    You can use a blender and then strain your juice into a bowl after blending.

    I'm in Aus. I picked up a juicer for free from the op shop I volunteer at. I also was given a free one from my FIL who got it from his op shop he volunteers at.
    They are both high speed centrifugal juicers. One spits the pulp into a bucket, one keeps the pulp around the grater inside. Both are pretty simple to clean. Both are great beginner juicers but I really want a slow juicer/cold press juicer/masticating juicer. But these are more expensive as they do a much better job at getting all the juice and nutrients out and the juice lasts longer because of this too.
    The cheapest I can find in AUS for a slow juicer is about $100-120 AU plus postage (online)

    Check out youtube for some awesome comparison videos.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    My blender is really inefficient at getting juice out of things, even if I strain it. I didn't think to look on YouTube. Thanks!
  • KetsyBaby
    KetsyBaby Posts: 40 Member
    I have Breville juicer, I got it when my Dad gave up on his juice diet. I costs about $200.00 Canadian, and there is no way I could have bought it if I had to. But it is great, relatively easy to clean, and the pulp is dry, so very little if any juice is wasted. I can juice almost anything, but I don't put in Bananas, Avocados, or other pulpy fruits, and I do peel my citrus, and try to remove the seeds if I can. Otherwise I just cram and drop stuff into the shoot and press it down and get heaps of lovely delicious juice. :D

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  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    I have the Breville 800 JEXL. Expensive, but I got a good deal on it on Ebay. Its very strong, stainless steel, and works great, dry pulp, pretty easy to clean. I throw organic apples in all the time, core seeds and all. Its centrifugal so it seems to work great on firmer things like carrots. It juices loose greens like spinach well enough, but I bet a masticater would work better for lettuce. It does not do nuts or pulpy things like avocado. I went with a centrifugal after much research because all the masticaters were much more expensive and it seemed like the filter basket in many models was breaking a lot from the pressure. I'm very very happy with the breville 4 months going everyday.

    My only real con on my breville would be that very fibrous kale stems sometimes clog up the blade, but if you pass some celery through next it clears it out for you.

    I started with a Jack Lalanne juicer I found at the thrift store. my advice is to stay away from this model! Its makes your kitchen a disaster. everytime I juiced, no matter how careful I was, I ended up with pulp and juice all over the walls. and it didn't seem to juice very well anyhow. and it was scary loud.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I will definitely look up the Brevilles. Thanks guys!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Omega 8004/8006 juicer. IT IS AWESOME! I got it at bed bath and beyond and used a 20% off coupon.

    What I love about this juicer:

    Low RPMs it is an auger style juicer so it only goes at around 84 rpms so it's super quiet. Unlike the jet engine sound of the centrifugal juicers

    It is AWESOME at juicing greens. I am a green-heavy juicer and this is THE most efficient juicer at this price range at juicing greens. Other juicers you have to juice greens along with other veggies and you still find shreds of unjuiced greens in the pulp bin. Not so with the omega. I sometimes like to make a smoothie in the blender, but I don't like to put greens in there because I can taste the fiber from them, so I juice the kale in the juicer by itself and then just add the kale juice to my blended smoothie.

    Easy to clean. I can clean my juicer in around 2 minutes. It's the easiest juicer to clean out there.

    15 year warranty. I don't know of a better warranty in the industry.

    multi functional. Makes nut butters, can be used as a pasta extruder (and all nozzles are included) can make frozen fruit sorbets to DIE for. OMG, freeze a very ripe banana and then put it through the machine.. so yummy. I also froze watermelon spears and made watermelon sorbet. I also use it to grind my flax seeds. It does good pureed food, you can use it for baby food.

    It is not the most efficient machine at carrots. Because of the way they work a centrifugal juicer is better at juicing carrots. but I figure carrots are so cheap, I can deal with that.

    You can't just throw whole apples and whole cucumbers in there and go. Apples must be cut into 6ths and cucumbers into spears. It's a smaller feed chute, so if you don't want to cut up your produce, this isn't the machine for you. Prep of my veggies only takes a few minutes, but I cook a lot and am used to it and don't mind cutting.

    slightly larger footprint for counterspace

    juice is a bit pulpy. I don't like pulpy juice.. fortunately it comes with a strainer and I just pour it through the strainer before I drink.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Omega j8004
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I'm waiting for this one to land on my doorstep:


    It's the Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Juice Extractor 67650

    Under $60 bucks and had great reviews!

    I am going to blog about my whole juicing journey @ thecarbmonster.com and I'll definitely do a review.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    I use a Breville 510 & love it.

    low prep time/easy to clean & I can juice enough for an entire day in about 15 min.
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Omega 8004/8006 juicer. IT IS AWESOME! I got it at bed bath and beyond and used a 20% off coupon.

    What I love about this juicer:

    Low RPMs it is an auger style juicer so it only goes at around 84 rpms so it's super quiet. Unlike the jet engine sound of the centrifugal juicers

    It is AWESOME at juicing greens. I am a green-heavy juicer and this is THE most efficient juicer at this price range at juicing greens. Other juicers you have to juice greens along with other veggies and you still find shreds of unjuiced greens in the pulp bin. Not so with the omega. I sometimes like to make a smoothie in the blender, but I don't like to put greens in there because I can taste the fiber from them, so I juice the kale in the juicer by itself and then just add the kale juice to my blended smoothie.

    Easy to clean. I can clean my juicer in around 2 minutes. It's the easiest juicer to clean out there.

    15 year warranty. I don't know of a better warranty in the industry.

    multi functional. Makes nut butters, can be used as a pasta extruder (and all nozzles are included) can make frozen fruit sorbets to DIE for. OMG, freeze a very ripe banana and then put it through the machine.. so yummy. I also froze watermelon spears and made watermelon sorbet. I also use it to grind my flax seeds. It does good pureed food, you can use it for baby food.

    It is not the most efficient machine at carrots. Because of the way they work a centrifugal juicer is better at juicing carrots. but I figure carrots are so cheap, I can deal with that.

    You can't just throw whole apples and whole cucumbers in there and go. Apples must be cut into 6ths and cucumbers into spears. It's a smaller feed chute, so if you don't want to cut up your produce, this isn't the machine for you. Prep of my veggies only takes a few minutes, but I cook a lot and am used to it and don't mind cutting.

    slightly larger footprint for counterspace

    juice is a bit pulpy. I don't like pulpy juice.. fortunately it comes with a strainer and I just pour it through the strainer before I drink.

    Great review of the Omega 8004/8006! I also have the 8004 and love it. However, my cleaning time is definitely over 2 minutes! Once you find the optimal size for each type of fruit/vegetable you want to juice that most efficiently gets through the juicer, your juicing time significantly reduces. I've yet to make sorbets or pasta, but the juices and nut butters from the 8004 are fantastic. This juicer really does a fantastic job with leafy greens.

    My only complaint is that you can only make about 27oz of juice using the stock bowls/reservoirs. If you want to make a large amount of juice, you need to stop every now and then and pour your juice into a larger container so that you can put the stock bowl back under the juicer. That, and it would be great if the feeder tube was a bit larger so you could put larger chucks/more chucks of food down it at a time. However, all in all, I love this juicer.

    Oh, and I believe it retails for about $250 US. We were able to find ours through Bed Bath & Beyond with a coupon that brought it down to $199.
  • ladyshands
    I have had the hamilton beach big mouth for a few weeks now.. so far it does the job for over half the price of those expensive ones, like breville