New member...

Not really to MFP but this group. Im Jillian and 26 weeks pregnant with my third. I'm due April 29th!


  • CoyaCoya1913
    Not really to MFP but this group. Im Jillian and 26 weeks pregnant with my third. I'm due April 29th!

    Welcome to the group, congratulations on your pregnancy!!!! Wishing you the best :)

    Oh - I am 5 wks, 3 days pregnant with my second (I have a longggg way to go! But I plan to enjoy it!)
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Hooray, you found us! Welcome. I would recommend stolling through some of the older topics as there is a lot of useful information here. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
  • jillianlcurtiss
    jillianlcurtiss Posts: 21 Member
    thanks ladies. Feel free to add me if you need another preggo friend!