Welcome "Greatest Loser Challenger"

Hey guys!

I am excited about starting this challenge, specifically because I know a lot of people, like yourself, can use some encouragement to move forward with your weight loss. And as you already know, the person with the most weight loss within a week, will recieve recognition for his or her accomplishment and maybe something extra!! :))

*Do not go to the extreme with your diets - please eat a minimum of 1200 calories per day; eat, don't starve.

Introduce yourselves here so that everyone will know who they are competing against.....LET THE GAMES BEGIN!


  • kharvey08
    kharvey08 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm ready. My goal is 2#. leggo!!!!
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm ready. My goal is 2#. leggo!!!!

    Awesome! I'm ready to go as well...can't wait to get started lol
  • Hey team! Super excited! This challenge appeared right on time. I watching about doing the Biggest Loser 5k Run/ Walk event in March but was talking my self out of it. Screw that! I'm in! I ready to go! Lets do this!

    Any way I go my Valley and I'm in Sacramento, CA. I looking to complete what I started over a year ago an that is to get down to my ideal weight 150 lbs. I'm excited to get to know you guys!
  • Dourpussdora
    Dourpussdora Posts: 48 Member
    hey guys,

    i joined yesterday, my goal is to go to the gym 3/4 times a week as i have 150lbs to lose!, my goal this week is to lose 3lbs :happy:
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    hey guys,

    i joined yesterday, my goal is to go to the gym 3/4 times a week as i have 150lbs to lose!, my goal this week is to lose 3lbs :happy:

    Welcome to the family love :) You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, I'm positive you will reach your 3lb weight loss goal, good luck!
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    Hey team! Super excited! This challenge appeared right on time. I watching about doing the Biggest Loser 5k Run/ Walk event in March but was talking my self out of it. Screw that! I'm in! I ready to go! Lets do this!

    Any way I go my Valley and I'm in Sacramento, CA. I looking to complete what I started over a year ago an that is to get down to my ideal weight 150 lbs. I'm excited to get to know you guys!

    Don't give up, you can do it! Failure is not an option. I'm happy you joining in the challenge, it will be good motivation for us all to keep pushing forward...nice to meet you love :)
  • TheScarlettOHara
    TheScarlettOHara Posts: 49 Member
    Hi ya'll.

    for the first week I won't have acess to the gym but I am sure that there are many things that I can do at home.
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi ya'll.

    for the first week I won't have acess to the gym but I am sure that there are many things that I can do at home.

    Hey scarlett! I don't have access to the gym either I do all my workouts at home. If you have a video, just pop it right on in or be creative and create your own routine in which I do once in a while :) Welcome to the challenge!
  • Okay I am in! I want to lose 3 pounds this week; and am looking for an over all 55 pound loss by June/July. Lets go group!
  • Hi, my name is Stacey, I have been doing a Biggest Loser with Ramstein AB, Germany for the past 2 weeks and just started week 3 today. I workout 6 days a week for 2 hours a day. Last week I lost 6Lbs. I am excited for this coming week to see how well I do. I know this is hard but I know we all can do it. I am a single Mom of 5 yo and 4 yo and full time student and Active Duty Military member and finding the time to workout seems like a struggle most days, but I am pushing through and getting it done. Good Luck everyone!
  • PMPB7
    PMPB7 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi there. I really need some NEW motivation. I have really great MFP friends, but I need something different. I get bored easy and have trouble with consistency for long periods of time. Lots of shorter challenges really help me. I recently lost about 10 pounds at my job when they held a biggest loser challenge there. I won 3rd place. Now that it is over, I am back to my old ways. It would be fun to have friends to compete against like this. I am going to give it a go. I will weigh in the morning. I am sure I am about 210. I have learned over time that I need to lose fairly slowly. We will see. I want good health most of all above anything. So glad I did not miss the start date.

    God Bless. Post tomorrow. :)

  • Hi all!
    I'm Felicia from Cocoa, FL. But currently located in Fussa-shi, Tokyo, Japan. <<eeek fun right? Well, I'm active duty military and had my son 1 year ago, Christmas 2011. Before my son I was living a fit 138 pounds... but pregnancy did not treat me well and due to injuries and problems I sky rocketed to 228 pounds. I'm now down to 166 (as of today) and looking for some new motiation! :)
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome to the group Fhart626, Pmpb7, thementes & engbully! Thanks for joining the challenge. I know that we all have a lot on our plate, but if we can find the time, then do the time. You can achieve anything you set your mind to do; claim it. Can't wait to see those lbs drop :)
  • Hey everyone! I'm Julianne, 25 with about 40 lbs to lose. I just joined MFP today, so im already behind on your challenge. What does your diet look like? I'll take any advice! I'm training myself to eat more vegetables & watch portions. I've been at it for a week and its a challenge everyday. I plan to work out 5-6 days a week jogging, step aerobics & zumba.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • nadziega
    nadziega Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Nadziega! I'm a junior in college and within the past 2 years I have gained about 150 lbs, and I'm planning to lose them by my senior year. Working out is not really a challenge for me, but eating correctly is. With work, school, and parties my eating habits are all over the place, but this week I managed to eat healthier. I'm looking forward our first weigh-in.
  • im new to this. What do i do.
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    @Monica....Hey hun welcome to the group. You just need to weigh yourself tomorrow before midnight (Sunday 1/20/2013) and post it under weigh in in the forum (your current starting weight). And then you just exercise and eat healthy for the rest of the week. Next Sunday everyone weighs in again :) Hope this helps.

    @nadziega...Welcome, glad you could join us...I have trouble with eating too, its all about protion size and avoid indulging things you crave. I chew gum for my sweet tooth :) thats good progress you were able to eat helathy all this week, I know what its like to attend parties and such lol good job. Good luck this week :)

    @Juliluv87....heywelcome to the group...you are not behind we just opened the group today and the weigh isn't until tomorrow (Sunday, 1/20/2013)...my diet consists of lean proteins (turkey, chicken, fish) and fruits and vegetables...I love bread but I try to cut back on it...just be sure to keep log of your food so you can keep track of what you're putting into your body....good workout choices, I love zumba :) good luck this week!
  • demartin74
    demartin74 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I'm excited to have some support and to talk about and celebrate getting healthy. My goal is to not look horrible in my DL renewal picture come April and to also shed 30lbs before I climb 69 floors of stairs at the end March for charity.... I am currently down 10lbs from starting 1/7, but have been doing well, but today has been a challenge for me... I'm in for a challenge... thanks for setting up the group.
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    hey there! :) i'd love to join. :) I'm starting at 179.9 and don't want to get over 180. it took me s o long to get down from there before. so that's my goal. i want to get under 170 cuz i don't remember ever being there...maybe since like age 13... so...that's where i'm at. Eventually i'd like to get down to 140. but this is the short term.
    I'd like to lose 3 pounds a week for the first two weeks, and then it'll slow i'm sure
    anywho! good luck to everyone!
  • Hello Everyone!

    I'm trying to get more motivation out this whole MFP thing... I've been tracking on here on and off for about a year but don't really have any friends to help keep me motivated and hold me accountable... and it is really hard doing it at home alone when married to a man that can eat everything in the pantry and lose weight. I'm hoping that joining a group will help me stay motivated to lose these 75ish pounds. Let's do this, I'm ready! :-)