Welcome "Greatest Loser Challenger"



  • ladytru84
    ladytru84 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey guys I'm jessika my story is I had weight loss surgery years ago(Lapband) lost 100lbs and was 181 at my lowest but still didn't reach my goal I got preggers and am now 235 :-( its really hard getting back on track eating right and excersing I've been trying but not much luck so my goal is to really get some fire under my *kitten* and lose this weight and work out more I want to lose 2-3lbs a week ..
  • cynpin34
    cynpin34 Posts: 41 Member
    Hey...I'm IN...love the show-well now that Jillian is back-and would love the motivation!!

    I am 30, live in Canada and have a structured eating regime half the time...I work at a mining camp for 2 weeks in and have all food prepped and cooked for me...SO I just pick the healthy stuff! Then I get 2 weeks off and its a different story...I lost 45 pounds a little while back on a different program using 'points' and it was great then I met my love and gained back 30...My goal is to lose 40 pounds overall (I wasn't finished that first time). I'd like to lose 25 of those pounds by summer, so I can fit my awesome summer wardrobe from 2 summers ago.

    I just started exploring Paleo/Primal eating and am liking it so far. I leave camp this coming Wednesday and am heading across the courntry to my in-laws...SO a huge test, as I don't stock their fridge...:) Thanks for starting this!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm in!

    I, too, have trouble being consistent for long periods of time and I'm always looking for a new challenge to help keep me motivated!

    I'm looking to lose 2lbs this week.

    It would be best to do the "winner" by weight loss percentage

    To calculate Weight loss percentage:

    1. Original Weight minus Current Weight

    2. Now divide your answer by your Original Weight then multiply by 100

    Example: 145lbs - 130lbs = 15lbs then (15/145) x 100 = 10%
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello everyone who just posted in the group, welcome to the challenge! I would call your names one by one, but its so many of you guys lol I read your stories and I hope that this challenge will give each of you motivation not to give up. I feel honored to have created this group and looking forwards to this weeks weigh-ins and results :)

    @sherrirb...thanks for the information on percentage weight loss, I planned on doing that :)

    FYI if you need a friend for support, feel free to add me!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    I'm in! I'll weigh myself tomorrow so that you'll know my starting weight. I've been on MFP a long time. I lost as much as 68 lbs and then I've gained 50 lbs back last year. I've declared this my last fat year. I'm tired of gaining and losing the same 50 lbs. My goal is to lose 100 lbs and keep it off! I've been obese for 10 years now and I'm ready for it to end.

    I don't know how long the challenge is OR what we're be doing....but I will give it 100% or more! I'm just ready to make a change this year!
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    hi everyone :D
    So i've always been o the large side of life and last year I really got into MFP, i only managed to lose 6kg (13lbs) but to me that was amazing, I was so proud of my self, this year I'm looking to lose at least 100 pounds so this challenge will be great for me, I've never been one to finish something because my biggest enemy is myself, I argue and procrastinate with my self too much. but now at the age of 21 and weighing in at 202lbs i want to say good bye to my fat years and hello to my new life style!!! LETS DO THIS!!!
  • I am trying to lose a pound a week. I have lost 18 pounds so far. I am ready to try to challenge myself to do better. I am 5 ' 0" so my calorie limit is 1200. It is very easy to go over that low number. I am trying to make sure that I always have a net calorie of less than the 1200 and hopefully less than 1000. I have been using a stationary bike for exercise. Let the games begin.
  • Hi all,

    I'm 48, 5'5" and last Sunday I weighed 241.2lbs. I got divorced 5 yrs ago and depression resulted in me gaining about 60lbs. I have recently moved to Las Vegas and things have completely turned around for me, I have a new lease on life, this includes wanting to lose weight and feel healthy again. I am 100% into this journey, I am using MFP and a body media band, I am going to the gym 4-5 times a week.. Lets get this done. Oh my biggest inspiration is my Daughter (Thementes) will post my weight loss tomorrow, hoping for at least 3lbs. Good Luck everyone!
  • ts5441
    ts5441 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been overweight pretty much all of my life. I have stopped drinking soda and am trying to start eating healthier. I would like to get down to about 150. I recently bought a stationary bike so that I can exercise inside because my neighborhood isn't the safest. I think this challenge would help me with losing some weight because I would be more motivated.
  • Hey all ! I just joined today, I am super excited and pumped for the week. Although, I will need all the motivation I can get since I will be doing this on my own. My husband and kids won't be joining me...sad face. Curious to know where everybody is from, I'm from South Africa. Let's do this THING !!
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    Looking forward to the support and meeting others in the same boat I'm in. I've lost 21 pounds since Thanksgiving (started the day after) and I've got lots more to lose. MFP is helping me keep motivated. I have mild cerebral palsy and spinal degeneration which makes exercise difficult. But since I've lost some weight it's getting easier. :-)
  • atiq912
    atiq912 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Hey!

    I'm Atiq, and I'm so looking forward to this! I just started internships, and it's really frustrating now that I can't find nice clothes that I could fit in for work.

    *grumpy mode: on*

    I hope I could lose 2.5lbs by the end of the week!
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Becky I have been over weight since middle school, and this is going to be the year I take it off and start living my new healthy life I started in November at 225 and now I weigh in at 217. I am trying to have my family join me in this adventure my daughter is skinny but just started middle school and I know that's when the weight started with me. my son is overweight and Bingo reminds me a lot of him it is hard for him to keep up at recess . my husband is really obese but doesn't seem to care I wish he would get on board with us . anyways I am glad to be here thank you whoever started this group :smile:
  • Hello group, I have been using MFP for over a year but on my iPad and I didn't know this forum or especially groups existed so I M excited about participating.
  • sweetmonique10
    sweetmonique10 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello guys! Thanks for joing the challenge, happy to have you aboard. Definitely a good way to boost self-esteem and confidence knowing that you can achieve the impossible! I was not sure how many people would participate, but I am thrilled with the numbers lol

    There was a comment postd under forum in regards to "losing weight too fast is unhealthy"...I don't want anyone to think that this is an extreme challenge, of course I want everyone to lose weight in the healthiest way possible...the purpose of the challenge is to get everyone motivated to do more. We all have lazy moments and don't feel like doing anything....finding ourselves pushing things aside til later. Some of us share the same experiences and its reassuring to know that there are other people just like us, who are facing the same challenges. Lets have fun, support each other, and WIN!

    *Feel free to add me as a friend for support*
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm from PEI Canada and I'm super excited to be apart of this challenge. My goal is to lose 3 pounds this week, and 100 overall! We can do this!
  • san0322
    san0322 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Sandra and I live in the Baltimore area. I'm 5'2" and weigh 175 pounds. I'm looking to lose about 50-60 pounds and could use some motivation.

    Good luck to all. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Boladefuego326
    Boladefuego326 Posts: 143 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am a student in TN for Pre-Nursing, I am also going to get married in NOV! It is very important that I lose about 50 lbs in 5 months. (that's when I'll get my dress :3) I have much more of an athletic build (like Xena lol) so I know I can't go below 130. I'm 5'5'' and 206 lbs.

    I am also training atm for the Color Me Rad 5K in March. I used to run in HS...but I feel WAYYY off the wagon.

    My goals are to be able to run/job for 30 min straight, run a mile (without stopping), try to go back to eating cleaner (vegetarian), dropping 20 lbs by the 5K date, and then dropping 40/50 lbs total by June/July.

    It's possible, I just need the motivation and drive lol.

    I wish everyone luck!!!! We can do this! :3
  • red128
    red128 Posts: 27
    Count me in. I've been trying to lose the same 15 lbs for 10 years now and want this to be the year I do it!
  • aubsangels
    aubsangels Posts: 24 Member
    I'm excited to join. I have been doing Biggest Loser for one week and have lost two pounds. I think it will be great to have the support. Thank you for starting this.